Have you ever experienced something that seemed "too good to be true?" Sometimes things feel too good to be true but are, in fact, reality.
Other times, things feel too good to be true and that's exactly what they end up being.
Here, flabbergasted people share their best and worst "too good to be true" moments.
I still hate her to this very day

After multiple corneal transplant surgeries, I was able to see clearly out of my problem eye for about 30 seconds before I put the bandage back on to let it heal. An hour or so later I said something funny but smart aleck-y to my girlfriend and she hit me in the face with a pillow, rupturing the cornea and deflating the eye. I lost the eye, left the girl, and still hate her to this very day.
Shouldn’t be driving

Having a crap day because I was sick and had to drive myself to the doctor since it’s right in the middle of finals. Crashed into a car that was stopped at a red light right in front of me because I was just exhausted and zoning out.
When I pulled over, the woman took one look at me and went, “Honey, you look really terrible, are you ok?”
I told her that I was sick and probably shouldn’t be driving, and kept apologizing to her. I was looking for my insurance information, but she stopped me and went, “Don’t worry about it. My car’s old, I don’t really care about this dent. You’re still young and your insurance will go up a lot if you report this. So just get home safe, get some rest and don’t worry about this.”
I was expecting to be hit by a huge lawsuit anytime since that seemed way too good to be true, but nope. She really was a nice person.
It actually worked?

When my mom said she “won a free iPad mini” for signing up for something online. I told her, “Yeah okay mom, enjoy your free virus.”
A few weeks later, lo and behold. Guess where I’m writing this from.
Life has it’s ups and downs

I missed 200€ from my rent, was angry, bought a scratch-off with my last five and won 200€.
It happened.

A couple of years ago I was browsing Facebook and a stupid competition came up. I must have been really bored because I decided to enter it. It was for Haagen Daaz ice-cream and the prize was a bespoke £500 designer ice cream cake that was handcrafted and couldn’t be bought. I don’t really care that much about ice cream so I’ve no idea what prompted me to do this.
I wrote them a letter, emphasizing how much I needed the cake. I don’t even remember too much of what I said, but it was basically true, just written in such a ridiculous way I thought it might give someone a laugh.
A few weeks later I get a call from a Haagen Daaz representative, “You won the cake!”
“OK…” I say. We had a short conversation and they said it would be delivered two days before Christmas. I still sort of think it’s a joke, so I leave it.
Fast forward, I decided to go to Finland for Christmas instead of staying in the UK. Apparently, two days before Christmas my Mum gets a knock on the door. There is a butler holding a silver platter with this god damn ice cream cake on it and a limousine is outside. They came in and gave some weird presentation then left. My family thanked me for the unusual experience and I guess they enjoyed the cake.
I didn’t cry

I had just graduated with my Bachelor of Science in nursing, and was working at Walmart (where I’d been employed for three years) when I got a phone call from the Mayo Clinic offering me my dream job.
It had been my first and only interview and I thought it was a long shot. The position was in the specialty I wanted with the population I wanted in the top-ranked hospital in the US, and it paid nearly quadruple what I was making at the time. I just remember standing there with the phone to my ear for a moment before squeaking out, “…really??”
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry.
Excitement Overload

Yesterday at 2am I was leaving after an event I had been organizing with a girl I’ve had a mad crush on for the last year. I never made a move because I thought she didn’t feel anything for me and I’ve been busier (not to mention more exhausted) than ever lately.
She followed me out the door and told me that she can’t take it anymore and out of the blue she kissed me. We’re finally seeing each other as “more than just friends” tomorrow.
I might actually explode from all the excitement and happiness.
Just try me!

For a few weeks people were asking what was wrong with me because my mood had completely changed. Nobody could make me mad. I put it towards LESS stress than usual. But they noticed a difference in my motor skills. I’d reach for something that was clearly slightly further than I had seen it, react a split second slower (which is unusual because I’m typically the guy who catches the mistake or awkwardness before anybody else) and I generally looked lost. I had no idea.
On Friday I was in my buddies office during work when suddenly I got a random nosebleed.
Figured it was from the dryness in the air. Went to the restroom to clean up this gusher. When I bent over to grab some toilet paper I hurled the contents in my stomach for the past 3 years into the floor of the restroom. Cleaned myself up notified the janitor but after seeing my face apparently look like I had ruptured every blood vessel in my face they insisted on taking me to the insight medic.
Upon inspection he said it looked like dry sinuses but in the worst case scenario I could have had an aneurysm. But he was almost positive it was sinuses.
Guess what happened…..
I had a micro-cerebral aneurysm that was at a rupturing point and my body managed to expel the pressure and blood through my sinuses. My mood was changed because of the pressure the swelling caused on my brain. I could have died. That’s crazy. I’m still in shock right now.
In that one moment

In high school, I was living with a host family because I went to a special school at the other end of my country.
So I go home for the holidays, have fun, and then come back the day before school begins. I sit down at my desk to finish some homework, open a drawer looking for a binder and under it I find sheafs of money. 200 and 500 euro bills, and dozens of them! For a moment I couldn’t breathe. Then my brain went into overdrive, “This is too good to be true! Did I win the lottery? Have I always had this money and just forgot about it ?” and then my host-mom walked in and said: “Oh ! I’m so sorry! I hid my savings in your desk while you were away”.
I was rich for about 30 seconds.
Meet my best frien

I went to the Humane Society and got my first dog last month.
Her history was unknown, but she was friendly and I instantly fell in love. She’s a 1-year-old Mountain Cur mix, possibly with some pit in her.
On her first day, she peed in the living room, I told her “no” and she’s never done it again. She learned quickly to use a paper in the kitchen and after a week she knew to only use the bathroom outside.
She’s smart, good with people and other dogs, and is my new best friend.
Talkboys from Home Alone

When I was 11, I entered an essay contest about what makes America great. I was a C student and never wrote a damn thing in my life. I came in 2nd place and got a $100 gift certificate to a toy store.
We were on welfare so it was a huge deal. I bought one of those Talkboys from Home Alone 2 and a stunt kite.
Within four months it was making $250 a day

As a 20-year-old college student depending on his parents, I made a crappy meme site in like two hours just for fun and spent like half an hour each month updating it. Within four months it was making $250 a day which lasted about three years.
I was halfway up when I broke down crying.

When my surgeon saved my disfigured leg and I walked properly for the first time in 18 years. It didn’t dawn on me until I started climbing a flight of stairs, I was halfway up when I broke down crying.
Wow, this works!

I bought a printer a couple of months ago and it has worked flawlessly so far.
Love my job

When I got my first job out of university before I was even done university.
You want me to basically do my dream job?
And you’ll pay me how much?
And I get an assistant?
Where’s the catch?
Nope. No catch. I love my job.
Lasik’s no joke

When my mom said she would pay for me to get Lasik surgery. I’ve always had the really bad vision (-5.75) and have been wearing glasses since 4th grade and contacts since high school. I didn’t believe it could happen, until it actually did. People promise things all the time, but almost never come through. Now I have perfect vision and don’t have to deal with contacts or glasses, it’s been fabulous. Just waking up and being able to see the clock is amazing.
Happiness is blindfolded

I was at a basketball game with a friend when they randomly selected me to try and make that blindfolded half-court shot for a lot of money. So I go to their office somewhere, sign a bunch of papers, and a few minutes later I’m standing at the half court line with my blindfold on taking the shot. Everyone in the crowd went wild so I knew I made the shot and I couldn’t believe it! As they bring out my huge check I realize it’s my jerk friend Streety and it was all an elaborate prank. I didn’t actually make the shot. While I was off signing papers, he told the crowd to pretend I made the shot.
What a small world

I run an Internet horror series with my good buddies and my younger brother was given a side-character’s profile to produce and maintain on YouTube. At one point, he decides to customize the background and avatar and whatnot and looks for a picture of a classy man with an afro. Now, in terms of the series’ and genre’s lore and background, fire, ash, and arson play a major part.
Now, my brother, he just finds a random image of a black and white picture of a man in a suit with an afro and makes it his background. Occasionally, we blacked out his eyes to mess with viewers, but we just thought it was funny, screwing with an unassuming picture to scare people. However, a viewer fell too deep down the rabbit hole.
It turns out that the image was a reporter by the name of Larry Langford and at the time, we had a plot point about an arson in Chicago which led them to search for this… HOWEVER, Larry Langford was also the name of the “mad mayor” of Birmingham, AL where he was ACTUALLY charged with a devastating fire by arson. All of this coincidence is on top of the fact that a character we had been developing had run away from home. In Alabama. After she set her family’s house on fire.
It was so out-of-the-way, mind-blowingly connected, that we just sat there in disbelief after it came full circle.
The show lost funding

I was cast for a TV show on MTV that was like the real world but for DJ’s. I got a call from the casting director and she had me make a submission video. She called me back saying that everyone at the studio loved it and that I would hear from her soon for more details.
Fast forward to now, the show lost funding, never got made, and I never heard back from them.

I went to school in Chicago my freshman year of college. Absolutely hated it, so I returned to California to attend community college the year after to transfer into a UC. I grind my butt off at the CC, transfer into my top choice UC with a few hiccups, but nothing too terrible.
I move to the city my UC is in a month before school starts. I’m less than 5 blocks from the water, living in a beautiful house with some amazing housemates and great neighbors. I was making countless new friends, and everything was the exact opposite of Chicago, warm, friendly, and full of like-minded people. Everything was exactly as I had dreamed of during those cold winter nights in Chicago.
Then I got a phone call from the admissions office, letting me know that I would no longer be attending their school because of one single credit that did not transfer over from my school in Chicago. I have tough skin, I’ve been through some stuff, and I generally know how to deal with things without becoming a total wreck, but all 6’7 of me cried in bed for a good hour after being told that my dream setup was no more.
Fast forward a few months, everything is alright, living in the same house with the same people, but the excitement is gone. I’ve been enrolled in 4 schools in the past 3 years, I don’t even want to apply again, but I have to.
Sometimes too good to be true doesn’t work out in the end.
Father’s unseen emotions

When I opened the letter telling me I’d been awarded a full ride (tuition + living stipend) to university for four years. One of two times in my life I’ve ever seen my dad cry.
What do say about the future?

We bought a cat tree. She only claws the crap out of the cat tree.
Seriously. She was a stray and the furniture is fine.

I was having an argument with an ex about whether his texts with a married friend of his were inappropriate. He kept arguing that I was paranoid and jealous, and I was arguing that he knew exactly what he was doing.
He was waving his cellphone around in the heat of the argument, and right at that moment it beeped and a text from her showed up on the screen:
“I’m coming to YourCity in 2 weeks, think you can get us some alone time without [my name] around? ;)”
Instant argument win.
Sailor dream

After speaking to an acquaintance about my interest in sailing, and one day, maybe, owning my own sailboat, he “gave” me a 22 ft Tanzer, by way of a note left at my place of employment.
By the time I called him back, (as soon as his note was given to me by the receptionist), at approx. 3:30 PM that same afternoon, he told me he’d given it to someone else, since I hadn’t responded quickly enough.
One, two, three and done!

My whole life I’ve had to see a cardiologist due to a defect in my heart. During my last appointment, he listened to my heart, frowned, and ordered an ultrasound. Apparently, he couldn’t hear the defect. So, lo and behold, the ultrasound is done, and he said that if the hole in my heart was any smaller, it wouldn’t be there.
It took me a minute to process what he said, and even longer to process that I wouldn’t have to step into his office again.
Too much for me

Smoking weed with three crazy hot girls at this house party on a bed when I was 17.
Then I took bowl #34048 and greened out for the first and only time in my life.
Oh come on

I got back from work on a Friday to discover a 42″ Panasonic Viera LCD TV sitting in my backyard. It was mounted on a stand, just sitting in the middle of the walkway in my yard. I brought it inside and plugged it in and it worked fine. There was no explanation for it — I talked to my landlord and she didn’t have a clue why it might be there. My girlfriend had no clue either. For a relatively broke guy with no TV, this was quite the turn of events.
For a couple hours I was contemplating what cable package to order and actively ignoring the possibility that this was anything other than a gift from the gods, until my neighbor got home and discovered his house had been broken into. I reluctantly revealed that the thieves had ditched his flatscreen in my yard and walked it over to his house. Dude never even invited me over to watch Sunday football
Head back on clear highways

Went to work in a massive snowstorm. Snow falling twice as fast than it could be cleared. A 1.5-hour trip took 4 hours. White knuckle driving, slipping and sliding down the freeway the whole time. Made it to the job site safe. Found out the job was canceled but I got no paid for showing up anyway. Waited at a nearby coffee shop for the snow to stop and the roads to clear. Head back on clear highways. Thought I was home free. Hit a patch of black ice going 40mph and total my car.
People change or they die.

I met my wife.
We knew quickly we’d get married but we waited years because we both thought it just felt too fast. Like we wanted to wait until the honeymoon effect wore off.
And it did. But what was left was an eyes-open sturdy love that has lasted almost 10 years of life.
We fight. We make up. We’re still rookies to marriage. People change or they die. I met someone I thought impossible and we’re still changing together.
For science

When I was in college, I worked in a research lab where we paid people to get drunk. We had a full bar, music, copious amounts of snacks, and at the end of the night, we would watch Netflix until everyone sobered up so we could send them home. It was pretty common for people to earn $100 or more at the end of the night.
It’s still crazy to me that it was a legitimate, university funded research study.
When you are willing to talk

Went out for dinner with a girl. She’s wearing a sundress. Back to my place afterward. Sitting on the couch, chatting.
“These aren’t nylons… they’re thigh highs. And I’m not wearing any panties.”
Without another word, hikes up dress, straddles me.
It’s a really, really solid memory.
never been happier

I was really poor growing up and my school was having a raffle for 4 tickets to Disney land. My dad gave me enough money to buy one ticket when everyone else was buying dozens. Then drawing day came and I won! Six-year-old me had never been happier.
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