1. The ability to transfer your need to evacuate your bowels to others. Im convinced Kim Jong Un has this power. He does not poo.
2. Time travellingexclusively to 1997. Great, living through my fifth birthday repeatedly. On the plus side, I would actually remember my first beer.
3. High jump abilities, but only after drinking other peoples spit. We would get sick very often. Or gain a superhuman immune system.
4. Looking through clothing, but only your own. This one would be the worst for some peoples self-esteem.
5. Slow down timebut only during video game loading screens. On the contrary, so much more time to get more Mountain Dew.
6. The power to tell in exactly which ways the people around are better than you. I lied. THIS one would be the worst for self-esteem.
7. Knowing when squirrels need to poop. Fantastic.
8. Being able to self-destruct. Humans self-destructing would be pretty anticlimactic I think. Wed just leave a puddle behind. Maybe stain some clothes.
9. Gaining the power of flightthrough diarrhea. No regrets after eating questionable chicken or sketchy seafood.
10. Every time you clap you shoot out confetti. At least wed be good at celebrations. On the other hand, the sarcastic slow clap would forever be ruined.
11. Superhuman hearing, but only when youre trying to sleep. Imagine hearing a neighbour, five houses down, wailing along to Queen in their room at 2am.
12. Projectile birth. I dont evenOk, why not. 9 month reload time: worlds most useless weapon, and lifes most beautiful flying object.
13. Having Sandpaper Hands. At first seems completely useless but just think: no more splinters.
14. Ability to move one inch at the speed of light per decade. Per DECADE? I cannot wait a decade for something, let alone shifting an inch. Really fast.
15. And now the worst: Telling the future but no one will believe you. Greek mythology wins every time. The nightmare of several apocalypse predictors and financial analysts Im sure.
15 Of The Worst Superpowers EVER. These Are So Bad They’re Actually Funny.

Superpowers are cool. No, awesome. Especially right now in pop culture. But what if they werent? What if a superpower was terrible? Just really bad.
Here are some of the worst/funniest superpowers reddit could come up with: