Service dogs are SUPPOSED to be there for people with special needs, but it looks like certain service dogs have priorities of their own. Twitter user Michele Sykora shared how her sister’s service dog had a habit of taking her to his favorite store, after guiding her through the rest of the mall.
My sisters guide dog always sneakily walks her into this store without her knowing 😂😍 I love dogs, man
— Shelly (@michelesykora) April 20, 2018
People on Twitter laughed along and couldn’t help but praise and reprimand him for being a good/bad doggo.
The dogs like "it's my turn to shop" 😂
— Erica Rios (@EricaDanielle99) April 22, 2018
Is he a good boy or a bad boy? This could go either way
— G R E M L I N (@isagedotco) April 22, 2018
Other service dog owners shared how they also have to deal with their companions wanting a little something for themselves every now and then.
My service dog does silly things like this sometimes! He fakes alerts so he can get treats 🙄
— J & El ¹ᴰ (@goddammitcas) April 22, 2018
One user was surprised that the doggo found such a rare store.
i can't believe this real store called "COOL DOG GEAR" in comic sans exists out there somewhere
— ryan (@amenbreakfast) April 22, 2018
Despite this service dog’s detour, he stays within the lines and is always loyal to his owner, according to Sykora. So the final verdict? Even good doggos like to have fun.
He is mad loyal to her otherwise
— Shelly (@michelesykora) April 21, 2018