Screenshot via Instagram
Her name is Kimiko Nishimoto and she is definitely the most charming 93-year-old photographer that you’ve never heard of. Most retirees as they get older, often adopt leisurely hobbies to keep themselves occupied. Some may pick up golfing, knitting, maybe scuba diving, or birdwatching. Others may try their luck at more creative endeavors like woodcarving or painting. At 72-years-old, Nishimoto picked up photography and unwittingly discovered a new passion.
Nishimoto’s self-portraits cast her in idiosyncratic, silly, and otherwise fantastical compositions. From zooming away on her scooter to riding on a broom like a witch, Nishimoto’s work is as charming and fun as it is inspiring and creative; it’s a gentle reminder that you’re honestly never too old to excel at something new!
But what we especially love about her work is the sheer joy you can see in her eyes with each and every shot. Here is an unpretentious artist who is making good art for the sake of fun. Her self-portraiture oozes personality and imagination like a Miyazaki film and never fails to conjure smiles. If you enjoy some of her selected works here, be sure to check out her Instagram account!