1. “The natural world is a package deal; you don’t get to select which facts you like and which you don’t.”
2. “There’s nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind.”
3. I often reflect on what an extraordinary time (pun intended) it is to be alive here in the beginning of the twenty-first century. It took life billions of years to get to this point. It took humans thousands of years to piece together a meaningful understanding of our cosmos, our planet and ourselves. Think how fortunate we are to know this much. But think also of all thats yet to be discovered. Heres hoping the deep answers to the deep questionsfrom the nature of consciousness to the origin of lifewill be found in not too much more time.
4. The naysayers are not only casting doubt on science and nonbelievers; they are also ignoring the billions of non-conflicted believers around the world, dismissing their views as unworthy.
5. That living things change from generation to generation through a process that Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace called natural selection or descent with modificationthose are true things. Those are facts. And tectonic plates move. Thats a fact. And the world is getting warmer because of humans. Thats a fact.
6.Science is the key to our future, and if you dont believe in science, then youre holding everybody back. And its fine if you as an adult want to run around pretending or claiming that you dont believe in evolution, but if we educate a generation of people who dont believe in science, thats a recipe for disaster. We talk about the Internet. That comes from science. Weather forecasting. That comes from science. The main idea in all of biology is evolution. To not teach it to our young people is wrong.
7. To leave the world better than you found it, sometimes you have to pick up other peoples trash.
8. “The information you get from social media is not a substitute for academic discipline at all.”
9. “Science is the best idea humans have ever had. The more people who embrace that idea, the better.”
10. To have a generation of science students brought up without awareness of climate change is just a formula for disaster. Everybody kind of knows this.
11. We are a result of evolution, and therefore so are our creationsboth the not-so-good and very good. Its glorious.
12. “The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.”
13. Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.
14. “As my old professor Carl Sagan said so often, ‘When youre in love, you want to tell the world. And I base my beliefs on the information and the process that we call science. It fills me with joy to make discoveries every day of things Ive never seen before. It fills me with joy to know that we can pursue these answers. It is an astonishing thing that we are you and I are one of the ways the universe knows itself.”
15. Every question leads to new answers, new discoveries, and new smarter questions.
15 Priceless Quotes Said By Bill Nye. #6 Is Profound.