Source can be found at the bottom of the article.
1/15. My mother taught violin for years. One of her students bit her arm because he didn’t want to play anymore. She responded by grabbing his head, pulling him off her now bleeding arm, looking him in the eyes and telling him, “If you bite me again, I will bite you back. And I promise that I bite harder than you do.” She smiled widely to show her teeth. She did not have problems with him after that.
2/15. When kids act up then you wait for them to calm down and they yell at you to “teach.” As a teacher, few things get under my skin, but that can be one of them.
3/15. I teach at a public school in a wealthy area. Students still steal my stuff (I have had so many staplers stolen this year and I can’t figure out why). But other students are always quick to replace them since their parents make at minimum 4 times my salary. I mean, I can afford staplers and pens, but I like that students are taking ownership of the classroom and trying to make it better. Luckily as far as I know they didn’t have to steal to make that happen.
4/15. Attacked me for attempting to pick up the phone to call her mother. She repeatedly punched my arm and ended up leaving nail marks on my arm from grabbing me.
That was only one incident last year- this year she threw a pencil at me which stuck in my leg, told me that she would ‘shove that f***ing phone in (my) face” when I pulled out my cell phone to call home instead of using the school phone.
She has thrown instruments around the room (including a guitar), cursed me out and pretend to shoot me using her fingers.
She also wastes the hand soap I have in the room to wash her hands and then flings soap and water over my personal belongings.
Administration has stopped responding when I call about this particular student.
5/15. I worked after school daycare we were on a field trip to the bowling alley and an 11 year old S***themselves because they didn’t want to stop bowling. This kid had no prior history of developmental or learning disabilities or problem behavior – just decided that s***ting in their pants in a bowling alley in front of their peers was a better idea than taking a bathroom break.
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6/15. I am a preschool teacher so the children are extensions of their parents. My most infuriating moment was last week when a three year old told her mother her teacher had slapped her (I didn’t). The little girl had bitten a child the day before and neither mom nor child was about to take responsibility for that. Angry, irrational, mom called the police on me! The police show up and take reports from everyone. The angry mom called all the other parents at the school and put out a witch hunt. All because the child didn’t want to get in trouble for biting. Now I am under investigation for child abuse. Because a three year old lied and her mother believed her. I am beginning to hate American society so much.
7/15. Cussed at my colleague (using the word “cancer-mouth”), tried to manhandle me (her being a 14-year-old short, girl and me being a 23-year-old, tall guy), and then cussed at the principal, all because she couldn’t have her smartphone right there and right then.
8/15. Had his mom write an essay for him (his brother had done the same thing a year earlier in my class)… I, of course, can’t call either them on it… But I can sit down and waste my time circling, correcting, editing and poking holes through every single mistake she made (most of which were done because she had no clue what the actual topic of the essay was about – nor did she correctly cite any of her work).
Infuriating because I have to waste my time working on that… But oddly satisfying when it came time for the parent/teacher interview… I told her that the essay seemed to be plagiarized, but that it was so poorly done that it wasn’t worth investigating.
9/15. One kid wedged paperclips down between each of the keys on the piano, pushing them in deep enough that it took a piano technician most of a day to undo his prank.
The other kids in the class were furious with him for doing it because they needed the instrument to practice for their forthcoming school recital.
10/15. Last semester I had a kid come into my worst class and try to start a fight with a another kid. I taught freshman last semester.
He knocked and I opened the door. He starts pushing his way in and I ask if I can help him. He just puts his hand out to my chest and starts trying to walk me back and looking around. He then asks his “which one of you is (name)?” And keeps pushing. I realized he was starting something, so I put both hands up and try to push him out to the hall before he gets killed by the 18 year old psycho still taking freshman English that he is looking for. Of course that guy is already out of the desk walking towards us. The kid immediately starts saying “stop touching me, you can’t touch me. I’ll sue the school”. While trying to get around me to fight the other kid who is now taking smack.
I kept them apart but the combination of both of them trying to fight through me while cursing at each other and the random kid who wasn’t mine also whining that I couldn’t touch him made me see red for like twenty minutes.
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11/15. I teach shop class. We spend the beginning of the school year for at least 3 weeks talking about shop safety. We cover everything- PPE, first aid, fire safety, proper tool handling. I especially stress proper behavior. I warn my students that if they deliberately do something that causes an injury to another student, not only they be expelled, their parents could be sued for damages.
3 weeks into our first project, a student gets pissed at another student and hurls a fucking 2×4 at him.
12/15. Spit in my goddamn mouth (indirectly).
A study/skills class. Student playing with an iced coffee straw — pulling it up and down the cup’s lid hole to make noise, fiddling with it, then forcibly pulling it through his teeth (to make noise).
I asked him to stop a couple of times. He didn’t (typical for him). When I finally went to his desk to address this, he looked up at me and slowly pulled it through this teeth defiantly. In the process of pulling it completely through his teeth, he flung a small (but visible) line of spit out with the straw, and directly into my fucking mouth.
13/15. Bit me. This student was 11 years old and she freaking bit me because she didn’t want to do her assignment.
Or maybe when I taught pre-school and a kid spit in my face. Thankfully my co-teacher saw it happen, and saw my reaction, so she took him out of the room.
14/15. I get dry eyes very often which makes them red from time to time. This kid comes up to me in the corridor and asks me if I’m high. Goes on to tell everyone around him that I’m “baked”. I laughed it off and told him to head to class. So at the end of the day I get approached by my department head and I have to explain what happened because this kid told his teacher and for some reason she actually believed it. My department head knew it was BS but the next week, there was a mandatory drug test for the faculty. We were all clean and the kid got detention for a day. I hope he grows up to be less of a tool.
15/15. I had a kid take his laptop and smash it against a brick column when he got frustrated once.
I had a kid throw his laptop out the window before going ballistic and beating the snot out of another kid.
But I think the one that pissed me off the most was one of my honors kids who got into trouble for selling his adderall. Kid was going places, had a full ride to an ivy league school, senior in high school. He blew it for a few hundred dollars of pills. He got caught because one of his customers overdosed at school and went to the nurse.