These Redditors share the biggest “TIFU” moments in history, enjoy!
1. TIFU by accepting a large wooden horse as a gift.
– NNakedLunchDate
2. TIFU by steering my ship into an iceberg.
– TeddyGom
3. TIFU by cheating on my husband and convincing him it was a miracle.
– McFondlebutt
4. TIFU by rejecting a young man from art school.
5. TIFU by ignoring safety regulations at my nuclear facility in Ukraine.
– Pyid
6. TIFU by refusing to publish this book called Harry Potter.
– Craqqer
7. TIFU by invading Russia in the Winter.
8. TIFU by eating an apple.
– NNakedLunchDate
9. TIFU by creating the universe. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. (Douglas Adams)
10. TIFU by leaving meat above fire.
Update: It actually tasted better
– anonymous
11. TIFU by getting my country involved in a land war in Asia.
– a_reluctant_texan
12. TIFU by taping over the original copy of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
– eDgAR-
13. TIFU by trusting fucking Brutus.
– Shankymcpimp
14. TIFU by welcoming white people onto my land.
– kamaro7
15. TIFU by destroying Genghis Khan’s caravan.
– Tryptophan_
16. TIFU by going to the theater. (Lincoln)
17. TIFU by opening a box.
– SlothOfDoom
18. TIFU by burning the library in Alexandria.
– sebi2
19. TIFU by marrying Henry the Eighth.
– Viking042900
20. TIFU trying to get to India. Found some other people, called them Indians anyways, maybe nobody will notice.
– el_sime
21. TIFU by promising a piece of land in the Middle East to two different groups of people. I’m sure they will work it out.
– Piddly_Penguin_Army
with your friends!