Sometimes you hear stories of celebrities who are nightmares, but then there's the celebrities who are just the sweetest!
Below are stories of people meeting celebrities that'll warm your heart. Check them out!
Tom Hanks

Was at a friends wedding at the Wynn in Las Vegas and were taking pictures in the Atrium (also the VIP Entrance). He emerged from the double doors behind our group and said “Hey! Is this a wedding? Can I be in the pictures?” Everyone was quite pissed off until we realized it was Tom Hanks.
He took pictures with the whole group and was a general all around great guy.
Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves. Was at coffee shop and no place to sit, a man said please join me here. I sat and realized it was him and talked about comic books for about 30 min. Normal as can be.
“Willy Wonka Himself”

When I was a kid, like 2 or 3, I often saw an old man at a grocery store with a small, white dog. The man came up to me one day and handed me a basket. He said I could walk the dog while filling up the basket with candy (which he then later paid for). This became the routine whenever I saw that man at the grocery store. Walk dog, get candy.
That man was Gene Wilder. I got candy from Willy Wonka himself.
Lebron James

I was at a shoe store in Cleveland about 4 years ago. . I think it was Finish line. And I’m looking at the new Lebron shoes, (mind you that I’m only 18 at the time), and a huge shadow appears over me. And I turn around, and it was Lebron freakin’ James standing there. He smiled and said “you want my new shoes” I stumbled over my words for a few seconds then said yes I think I’m going to buy a pair right now. He then asked me my size, went up to the front desk and bought me 2 pairs. 1 he signed, and he said the other was for me to practice my post moves in. One of the best days of my life.
Mr. Ali

Working in a magic shop in my 20s, Muhammad Ali came in. My boss (huge Ali fan from back in the day) was visibly staggered. I guess Ali was his idol when he was younger.
Ali hung around for a couple hours, we did some tricks for him, he did some for us (pretty good, too, considering his hands trembled and he didn’t talk). He was totally beyond cool with us taking some pictures (he posed my boss punching him in the chin), and wrote a “thank you” post card to us a week or so later…
…he signed it “Cassius Clay, oops, I mean Muhammad Ali.”
The Rock

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He was walking out of the restroom at my work place. I commented, “I smelled what The Rock was cooking” as we passed each other in the hallway. He turned back and gave me the People’s Eyebrow. Actually got to chat with him a little while, and led him to the edit bay that he was looking for.
Marilyn Manson

Believe it or not, Marilyn Manson. This was 2000. My brother had cancer and got the chance to meet him. He brought my brother all sorts of memorabilia and sat and chatted to him for a few hours, playing TV games with him, playing guitar, even reading Beano comics. All in the comfort of my own home. My brother passed away 3 weeks later and was in his M.M t-shirt when he passed.
Morgan Freeman

We’re both from the same state (Mississippi). I was having lunch near his home town when I noticed him. He took the time to talk to me, despite my epic fan grin, and paid for my food before he left. Best lunch I ever had.
Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling paid for my parking on Hollywood Blvd once. We had parked in the same parking lot. He was leaving and we were arriving and I struck up a convo with him real quick.
He asked where I was from and why I was there/who I was with. (Spring Break, 9 friends, 2 cars). And he was like “Oh you guys have 40 bucks to drop on just parking? Must be loaded” I chuckled and was about to say something back and he just says the coolest thing to me.
“Don’t worry about parking today man, I’ll cover you all for the weekend. Have a fun spring break!”
It was so cool. He is JUST as nice in real life as you think he would be.
Ice T

Ice T was on the same flight as me, my mom, and my sister when I was younger. My sister needed help getting her bags off the carousel but I was too busy reading Harry Potter and basically told her to piss off. Ice T comes walking over, shoots me the worst look, then grabs all my sisters bags and helped carry them to our car.
I learned a good lesson that day; never help anyone because it’s easier to let a celebrity do it for you.
Dave Chappelle

Dave Chappelle has a history of running very long comedy shows. My buddy and I saw one of his shows a while back. It ran very very late, until almost 4am (on a weekday), by the end, almost the entire crowd had trickled out- to get up early for work the next day and what not. Only about a dozen of us remained at the show by this point. Dave invited us to all play basketball with him the next afternoon. He had rented out an entire gym for an hour. Of course my buddy and I took him up on the offer. We played pick up hoops with Dave Chappelle for over an hour. After everyone finished playing, a handful of us stuck around and shot the crap with Dave. He bought us all fruit smoothies and gave us free tickets to his show the next night. SUPER nice guy, just like he is on TV. Couldn’t have been any cooler.
Kourtney Kardashian

Kourtney Kardashian. She was pregnant with her first kid when she came into the homeless shelter I was volunteering at. No cameras, she was there by herself to play with the kids, even stayed after to help me sweep and clean.
Paris Hilton

My car broke down on an autobahn in Germany. Managed to coast to a rest stop with a burger van and toilets in it. I was in a bad state because I can’t speak any German, my phone had no credit and I didn’t have my breakdown details with me so I had no idea what to do.
I unsuccessfully asked the guy in the burger van for help and he apparently didn’t speak English so rather pathetically I started to cry. Then this big old American guy appeared and offered me a cup of tea in his motor home (it wasn’t proper tea but that’s besides the point). In the van was another guy and friggin Paris Hilton! I kid ye not.
She was sweet and made me a sandwich and gave me a hug then proceeded to talk to me for 30mins about some old radio bits she’d bought in some show in Freidrichshafen. I didn’t understand most of it. She said that when she wasn’t working she liked to drive about Europe going to radio and air shows as if she put a hat on nobody ever recognized her.
Then they towed me to a garage at about 40km per hour (scary stuff on the autobahn). Oh yeah and she sat in my car and asked if it was ok before she smoked.
Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris- tipped me $150 bucks… on a $30 bill, was right around the time the Chuck Norris jokes were becoming popular, and while I was taking the order I overheard a coworker make one of the jokes, saw Chuck’s face just sorta tighten like “Not this again” and I politely excused myself, took the other employee aside and told them to leave him alone so he could eat.
Kevin Smith

I bought Kevin Smith a beer at an airport lounge, we wound up shooting the crap, after a while he bought a piece of pie and we split it.
Paul Rudd

I met Paul Rudd. I was at a Decemberists concert, and in between opening acts, I headed to the women’s bathrooms. Paul Rudd was standing outside of the bathroom, obviously waiting for someone. As I passed by Paul Rudd, I did the finger guns at him and said:
“Hanging out in front of the women’s bathroom? That’s a good way to pick up chicks.”
I could hear him laughing as I entered the bathroom. I was torn between being pleased that I made him laugh and being mortified that I was such a dork. When I left the bathroom, he saw me and started laughing again, so I went over to him and said I had no idea why I said that. So we had a little laugh together, and had a nice little chat. He was a really nice guy, not even as a celebrity, just as a cool dude.
Although thinking back on it, no woman came out of the bathroom and came over to him while he was waiting, so I still don’t know why he was hanging around outside of the bathrooms.

Met Adam Devine of workaholics. He was obviously hungover but still took the time to be a nice guy.
Snoop Dogg was also a really laid back dude, but what do you expect.
Joe Biden

When Joe Biden was a Senator I accidentally walked in on him while he was in the stall of an Amtrak bathroom. He sat there awkwardly for a second and then said “I’d shake your hand but I don’t think either of us want that.”

My girlfriend’s mom lives in a house on a private island off of Miami Beach. The girlfriend and I are down there on vacation last summer and I am fixing the tail light on her mom’s car when I see Lenny Kravitz walking up with his little dog. He says something along the lines of, “I have never seen you around before.” I said I was visiting with my girlfriend. I will never forget this “Tall chick?” “Ya.” Then he got this big smile on his face and said, “Right on.” He high fives me and walked away. At that moment I knew what cool was and I knew I would never have it.
Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman, at the Edinburgh Book Festival. It was pouring, and some of us were waiting in the rain for about two hours to get his autograph. I asked him how he was and he told me how sorry he felt for everyone outside. I told him they were in Edinburgh; they could hardly be surprised if it rained.
Adam Savage

Adam Savage of the Mythbusters. Very nice and personable, and that child like excitement he has on the show is definitely not an act.
Penn and Teller

Penn and Teller need to be at the top of this list. At the end of every show they do (which is at least 5 per week) they literally run out of the doors ahead of everyone else so that they can personally shake everyone’s hand and thank them for coming. They’ll sign whatever you want for free, talk to you, and take pictures. They’ve been doing this for over 20 years and always talk about how appreciative they are of their fans. I haven’t met them on the street, and it is somewhat anecdotal, but I hear they are exactly as approachable outside their shows, too, and will make time to chat/sign things as well.

Russell Brand was an absolute peach to me. I interviewed him for my blog and he stopped mid-sentence and said, “You’re beautiful you know that, right?”…and my favorite compliment from anyone, “You’ve got lovely cheeks!”
Felling Lucky

Clint Eastwood. Had dinner with him while he was directing Mystic River. Great guy.
Margaret Thatcher

I met Margaret Thatcher, briefly, and was really surprised at how polite she was in person.
Zach Braff

My friend met Zach Braff after watching his show in london. My friend hugged him and said he smelt like a father figure apparently he cracked up. I am seriously jealous of that! Zack Braff is a lad!
I Shot Robin Williams

I played paintball against an opponent and made it a point to run straight to his bunker and shoot him right in the face, he was going to be my prize. When he took off his mask I couldn’t believe my eyes. I realized I had just shot Robin Williams. He was a good sport about it and spent the rest of the day giving me a running commentary/riff track on the game as it progressed. Really nice guy considering I just shot paint into his face.
Pro Skater

I went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney with Tony Hawk. He had given me his autograph earlier at a convention and we just happened to be in line together. He was really cool.
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga. I sat down with her and had someone take a picture of us. I complimented her on her show but I was overall super nervous and flustered. I quickly got up to walk away but she grabbed me, told me to sit down, and demanded we talk some more and take a few more pictures. It was glorious.
Victor Wooten

Victor Wooten. He was signing a Flecktones CD for me after a show and I shook his hand and said “I hope 1% of your talent rubs off on me.” He said “Hey I want some of what you have.”
Mila Kunis

Met Mila Kunis at a bar in Manhattan several years back. My buddy offered to buy her a drink, she kindly turned it down. But when I went up to her, I actually managed to chat her up for half an hour.
Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. Met him a long time ago when he was filming U.S. Marshals. He is just a really nice guy.

I met the guys from U2 back in ’97 at the airport the day of a concert. Bono and the Edge were both really nice guys, signed multiple autographs. Actually when I went up to Bono my pen died right there as he tried to use it. My heart sank. Then he turns to his entourage and asks if anyone has a Sharpie. It was hilarious to see about half a dozen people all dive into their bags/purses to be the first one to find a Sharpie for him. Sure enough, they give him one and he signs my stuff, asks me if I’m coming to the show. Not a big conversation or anything, but it was really nice of him to go out of his way to sign my stuff. I also told Edge he was my favorite guitar player and I learned a lot from his style of playing.
John C. Reilly

When I was about eight, after begging my parents to let me audition for something, I became an extra in a movie. I wanted to be Gavroche in Les Miserables, or fly to England to audition for Harry Potter, but, what can you do? Anyway, in the movie, my mom and I, (she was asked to be in it and sent a picture of my brother, her, and me and meant for them to just ask for me and/or my brother, who was four, but they asked for her) are shown for about five seconds, ten tops. We stayed in the grocery store that we were shooting in the whole day. It was hot, there were flies, it was boring. The sound guys were funny, and tried to keep us entertained by making these anamatronic puppets talk, and we got free donuts. But I was eight, and bored out of my mind. So I go walk up to this one guy on the set, I don’t know why I chose to talk to him. He notices my shoes, which, if I remember correctly were bright pink Crocs. So I jabber on and on to this poor guy about how much I love my shoes, and that I like the ones that that one chef, Mario Battali wears, and isn’t it weird they’re bright orange? Anyway, this guy is called to the set, and I walk back to my mom to do the scene again. Later she tells me that that really nice guy was the star of the movie, and that his name is John C. Reilly.
A twofer

Jamie Foxx. I was at South Beach with my family when we spotted him. Having watched his show since I was little, we were all big fans of him. It was spring, and when we approached him he was so nice, and wished us a happy Easter. This was before he became super famous after the movie Ray, so I don’t know if he’s still nice now.
I also ran into Kristin Bell at a restaurant during my spring break. She was having dinner in a few booths down from me and my friend, but we didn’t want to disturb her and we were way too chicken to say hi to her ourselves. So, my friend’s mom completely mortifies us by going up to her and telling her what big fans we are. Upon finishing our meal and walking out of the restaurant, she waved to us with a grin on her face, while we we turned into fan girls and shyly waved back.
Chris Tucker

Chris Tucker. I was at a basketball game and scored some pretty awesome seats. Finally, during halftime, I walked up to him, and asked him if we could take a picture with him. He made jokes about our attire (we weren’t rooting for the home team) and by this time a line had formed behind us of other people wanting to take a picture with him. He puts his arm around me and my sister when someone walks up behind him and starts carrying on a conversation with him. It lasts a few moments, when it’s done he turns around and says “I’m so sorry for that, guys,” like he was inconveniencing us. It may not have been anything big, but we were taken aback by it.
The Walking Dead

_The Walking Dead _is being filmed near me, and Michael Rooker and Norman Reedus are both staying in my neighborhood. They’re both super nice guys, you can kind of tell that Michael enjoys being semi-famous. He likes to talk to people about the show and his other work, and seems to enjoy the spotlight. Norman is more reserved and almost kind of shy. But they are both extremely approachable, wave at the neighbors, etc.
Elton John

Elton John. I was at a charity gala with my family and my sister was (and still is) a massive Elton John fan so she was hoping to get an autograph from him while we were there. Now the problem was the big bodyguard standing by him pretty much the whole night to keep him from being pestered by fans like my sister, so what we decided to do was ask for an autograph from Elvis Costello (who was sitting with Elton John, also a couple other musical celebrities – I think Diana Krall and someone else) in hopes of getting past the bodyguard. So as we go up to the table the bodyguard immediately stops us saying, “Sir Elton John is not signing autographs now” to which I replied for my sister, “We aren’t here for him, we want an autograph from Elvis Costello.” Needless to say the bodyguard was super surprised (as was Elton John). Thankfully Elton didn’t take offense to that. He just laughed and offered to sign for my sister and she actually got to talk to him for a bit about his music while I got autographs on CDs from the others. That man is amazing.
Comments have been edited for clarity.