Their Scheme To Get Out Of Paying Was Unbelievable

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
The waiter came and he swore up and down that there was no way a bug could have gotten into her water cup. She and her husband were furious. The manager came out and assured us they are up to date on health inspections and have an ‘A’ grade there. The other mom and her husband were screaming bloody murder still. The husband stated that none of us should have to pay and then offered to only pay half of our costs. A disagreement occurred between the restaurant and our party and eventually, the restaurant management told us we can leave without paying. We all left and waited outside while my dad went to use the restroom one last time.
After my dad came out, the other family left after bashing the restaurant and praising themselves for offering to even pay half. After they were well out of earshot, my mom asked why my dad took so long in the bathroom. He spilled the beans that he actually went back to pay the full amount. He had noticed that after the lady had come back from the bathroom, she had tossed something into her water cup, and based on her past behavior, he’d put two and two together to realize that she had engaged in another one of her schemes to get out of paying.
We never hung out with that family ever again.”
They Eventually Got Tired Of Waiting For The Waitress

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
“I went out for drinks with friends at a bar that also served food. We ordered our first round and didn’t see our waitress at our table again for nearly 30 minutes. Granted, she was nearby flirting with tables full of guys – within five feet of us. After waiting, I eventually gave up and just started ordering from the bartender.
At one point, I was at the bar ordering our food and our waitress entered the bar to grab drinks and saw me. ‘Sorry,’ I said, ‘but you looked super busy. Didn’t wanna bug you.’ So she rolled her eyes and told the bartender to make sure she put all our drinks and food on our TABLE tab so she’d get the tip.
And GOD LOVE THIS BARTENDER, she said no. ‘You’ve been lazy and picking favorites. I’ve been waiting on her for AN HOUR. They’re my table now.’
Our ‘waitress’ refused to speak to us for the rest of the night.”
The Tourist Trap Was A Big Mistake

Ranta Images/Shutterstock
“Years ago, I went on a vacation with my family that took us to many locations in the western half of the USA. During this, we decide to stop by a touristy restaurant, which was, in hindsight, a big mistake.
When we got there and sat down, our server arrived and she acted like she didn’t really care. We didn’t really mind, we just ordered our soft drinks and went back to looking at the menu.
The server came back with our drinks, which were all watered down. Red flag one, but again we did not really care.
We ordered our stuff (which was not cheap), and then we waited. About ten minutes later, a family with a screaming child (who was definitely old enough to not still be screaming, we’re talking 10 to 12 years old), who then ordered their stuff. Another ten minutes went by. The other family got their stuff and ended up leaving after another ten minutes. Red flag two, as we had yet to receive our stuff when another family came in and ordered similar things and were already leaving.
We began to talk about just leaving since we had not received our food. Then our server ‘magically’ appears with our stuff. Most of it had already cooled off and their cheese covered bread rolls were obviously frozen then stuck in a microwave with cheddar cheese, as they were soggy. The outside was steaming hot and the inside was practically frozen. Our meals were much smaller than what both the pictures and the prices made us believe.
However, that was not the worst part. The worst part was that our server seemingly forgot to give us our bill and we sat and waited for an hour before we got fed up and stormed to the person at the front and demanded a refund. Guess who was sitting there with our bill in hand, talking to another server?
Yes, our server wasted our time chatting with another server instead of doing what she was paid to do. She had the audacity to try to guilt us into giving her a tip and to buy their crappy gift card.”
“The First (And Last) Time I Ever Had Chicago Style Pizza”

“This happened like 30 years ago and it still haunts me. It was the first (and last) time I ever had Chicago style pizza. We were in a fairly dead restaurant since it was way after lunch. Only a few tables had people at them. A couple tables over from us was a rather large family consisting of a mom, dad and two kids in the 9-12 age range. Our pizza came and we got all set to dig in until the older kid at the other table came over.