When someone is in a relationship, one of their biggest fears is finding out that their spouse is cheating on them. No matter the situation, it's something that no one should experience. What's even worse, though, is when someone catches their spouse in the act. Surprisingly, it happens quite often.
A Reddit thread recently asked people to reveal just that. Some of the people sound like they're better off now, but others aren't as lucky. Either way, hopefully, they don't have to go through something like that ever again. All posts have been edited for clarity.
The Night She Learned To Stop Being So Naive

“I had a spinal tap a few days before the incident. As a result, I had a spinal headache that left me unable to even sit up without extreme pain. I popped some painkillers and fell asleep. My boyfriend of about a year, who lived with me, was there when I fell asleep, but not when I woke up at 3 am.
I called for him, but there was no answer. He didn’t pick up his phone. In extreme pain, I got up to look around. The back door of the apartment was wide open and he was missing, so I called 911. We lived in a not-so-good neighborhood at the time, so I worried he’d gone to take the trash out and never came back. I ran around the property looking for him as I was on the phone with a dispatcher. I remember being amazed at how I could run around like that after barely being able to sit up. I thought he might be dead.
The police officer arrived and looked around the place. He then went down the back staircase that was connected to the downstairs neighbor’s apartment. The cop had a big smile on his face when he came up, and asked if I was sure the boyfriend was missing – there were two people ‘getting freaky like rabbits’ down there. I laughed at that because I thought it was preposterous. I said there was no way that would happen – he wouldn’t do that and she had a boyfriend. I didn’t give it a second thought.
About five minutes later, my boyfriend came in. He was obviously flustered and upset. He asked if everything was ok and was worried about the cop car – worried that something had happened to me while he was on ‘a late-night walk.’ We all had a good laugh and the policeman chided him a bit and told him to leave a note next time. The boyfriend and I even saw the policeman around town the next week and we all laughed about the situation.
I was incredibly innocent. I was in the apartment while he was hooking up with our neighbor while I was sick. The policeman was right. I found out from a chat log he saved to his desktop a few months later.”
Talk About Zero Respect

“We were holding a small Halloween party at our house, but I got tired relatively early on and went to go sleep in our bedroom. But then my boyfriend came in and told me that I needed to sleep in the living room and that he made up a couch for me.
I was annoyed but sleepy, so I trailed along to the living room. I couldn’t sleep, and a few minutes later got up to go back to our bedroom, only to find his ex-girlfriend from high school was naked on top of him in our bed.
I started crying and getting her clothes and overnight bag to throw out into the hallway, but he shut the door with her in the room and came out to talk to me in the hallway. He told me to either sleep in the living room or leave. I cried and knocked and tried to come back into the room. They opened the door, and she left. She didn’t even look at me. I cried and questioned him, but he was wasted and angry and didn’t want to talk about anything. He passed out. I left and went to a friend’s house.
Icing on the cake: Four months later they got engaged.
_Extra icing: _They got married two years ago, and she sent me multiple messages asking me to come to the wedding because she said I meant a lot to him and that I should be there.
Forget that.”
The Old “This Isn’t What It Looks Like” Line

“One of my husband’s friends was dating this girl that he was crazy about. They had been together for about a month, and she was really clingy and lovey-dovey with him. He decided to go to a party with one of his friends from work but he couldn’t get through to her phone. He shrugged it off and went to the party. Upstairs there was this line of guys in the hallway that are all waiting to go into a bedroom because apparently this girl inside was hooking up with anyone who would wait in line.
When he looked in because the door was wide open the whole time, he saw his girlfriend on the bed.
He turned to one of the guys and asked how many people she had hooked up with that night. The guy did a mental count and said, ‘Maybe 12.’ One of the guys that went in already was bragging about how he didn’t use protection. A few other guys didn’t as well.
So my husband’s friend got in line and waited for her to sleep with seven more guys and then he finally walked into the room. She said, ‘This isn’t what it looks like.’ At this point, he just laughed and walked out because there was no way to explain your way out of sleeping with 19 people in a row.
He cabs over to our house and tells us the whole story. It is pretty disgusting. I would have thought more highly of her if she had been taking money for it. Then at least I could imagine a motive. The way he was describing it was like she was just doing it and didn’t even look like she was enjoying it. Just like she saw a lineup and decided to tell people to get in line to put it in her. Doing it without some kind of obvious gratification is pretty messed up.”
The Turkey Wasn’t The Only Thing Getting Stuffed This Thanksgiving

“I was in the military, stationed in Hawaii. I got married when I was 19 to my high school sweetheart after being there for about six months. She moved out there with me and our house instantly became the ‘flop house’ for all of my idiot friends.
The night before Thanksgiving, she decided to stay at home to get some sleep so she could get up early and cook for us. I thought nothing of it and went out to the bars with all of the guys. For whatever reason, we got back to the house earlier than usual, and as I got out of the cab, I noticed a familiar car down the street parked under a street light. I decided to look in the window of our bedroom first and could just make out two people getting it on outlined by the dim light of the alarm clock.
I flew up to the front door and fumbled with my keys to get the door open. Just as I got the front door open, I heard the bedroom door slam. I raced down the hallway and knocked on the door and told her to open it. I could hear whispering and a much deeper whisper than a woman at that. I put my shoulder into the door a few times and she screamed and then I just kicked the living crap out of the door right by the handle. The door flew open and she was in our waterbed naked with one of my best friends bent over in the middle of the room trying to get his pants on. His back was facing me, so I laid my fist right into the side of his back, which caused him to fall over, and I just kicked and kicked.
She already had the phone to call the police. I picked up a lamp and smashed it on the floor next to his head and ran out to the living room. I waited on the couch for them and waited for the military police. They showed up and took reports. I was hauled off to the cooldown tank and spent Thanksgiving in a holding cell.
My Staff Sergeant brought me dinner and told me that my soon-to-be ex-wife was on the next flight home. Our divorce was finalized over the mail, and I never saw or heard from her again. The guy that she was with ended up testing positive for coke and speed at the hospital and was kicked out of the military. I was never brought up on any charges.
My Battalion Sergeant Major was very diplomatic in his approach to the situation directly after the incident. He sat me down with a few of my other superiors and made sure that I was able to continue with my duties. They didn’t take pity on me, but they did have a clear understanding of the situation. The military police were very descriptive in their reports and NCIS declined to press charges based on it being a ‘crime of passion.’ It would have been an entirely different outcome for me if I would have touched her though.”
When Walking In On Your Girlfriend Cheating Is The LEAST Embarrassing Part Of The Night

“My girlfriend and I were having a little trouble at the time. She stormed out of the house after an argument that I couldn’t understand, still can’t to this day. She stayed out most of the night, and I was literally sick with worry until I heard the door open. I’d been in bed until that point, and I sleep naked, so I shuffled into the hall, wrapped up in my duvet. Then, I saw her going down on a guy in the hall. What followed is not my classiest moment.
I ran towards the guy, intending to punch him in the back of the head. Instead, my duvet fell away but I kept running, junk flapping around as I ran naked down the hall. I gave a feeble punch, he got me in a headlock and I sat there; limp and naked. It was thoroughly humiliating. They then went into the bedroom and locked the door.
I could smell his aftershave on the pillows the next morning. I slept on the couch with the duvet after getting totally wasted. That was just one episode in the most prolonged, public and shameful break-up I’ve ever had.
I’d already accepted that the relationship was over at that point though. The naked wrestle was an instinctive and ill-judged reaction but to be totally honest, I didn’t care that much anymore. We broke up the next day, and, in retrospect, I’m glad that it all happened the way it did. I learned a lot. And I found someone awesome in the end.”
That’s One Way To Fix A Computer

“After standing by my fiancé when he drank our business into the ground, after major family devastation and severe bouts of depression and finally a stint in rehab, I moved to a tiny city in order to make sure he was close to his remaining family members.
One day, I came home from work and wondered why he had sprayed some disgusting dollar store cologne all over the bed. He was usually very picky about his colognes, and this one was cheap and reeked. I went to bed reminding myself to tell him that I hated that new cologne.
The next day, I stopped home from lunch and found him on the couch making out with a truly ghastly guy, hands down each other’s pants. Truth be told, it took me a moment to realize what I was seeing – I had actually mistaken the guy for a former friend of his who I hated and was furious that that particular person would be in my home. Once I realized that I had walked in on him cheating on me, I coughed and they both looked up. The guy jumped up and logged on to our password protected computer. As he walked by me, the smell of his cologne hit me and I realized I had slept in the bed that they had used the day before.
The fiancé tried to claim he hadn’t done anything wrong, that the guy was just there to fix our computer. In one of my more witty, shining moments, I told him that this guy must be amazing because I had never seen someone fix a computer by giving a handy before.
The guy just sat there the whole time we were arguing. I left, my fiancé tried to follow me and begged me to stay, blocking my car and telling me all the lies that cheaters tell, but the damage was done. As far as I was concerned he had already made his choice.
I had always known he was bi, I am too, so that had never been an issue to me, but so many people thought it was a big deal that he had cheated with a man. I just thought it was crappy that he had cheated.
He told all our mutual friends that we were actually swingers and I had freaked out over something that was part of our relationship. This was patently false and left me really angry and frustrated.
Another really annoying thing about this was how many people decided that I needed to instantly get over it because he ‘was gay now and it wasn’t his fault.’ It was as though his preference exempted him from morals. I felt like the bi instructor for a while, informing people that how he practiced did not mean that it was okay to betray someone, that each relationship has its own boundaries and he had stepped outside of what we had agreed upon.
My prior long-term relationship ended when the guy cheated on me with a girl who had my same name and looked eerily like me, so the combination of the two has left me with some stories to tell.”
She Made A Bigger Mess Than She Ever Anticipated

“My old grandpa, who I never met, worked out of town and came home on weekends. He had a bad toothache, came home mid-week to deal with it, and caught my grandma doing the handyman that worked around the house. My grandpa went and got his hunting weapon and shot himself in the chest, blowing a hole through his left lung. He bled out and died within the hour. My dad was 4 and apparently witnessed this mess.”
It Doesn’t Take Long To Figure Out The Identity Of The “Good Citizen”

“The summer after my freshman year in college, I caught my girlfriend (who had just graduated high school) making out with her former band director in a car parked in her driveway. I watched for a minute or two from across the street until I saw her swoop down to his lap.
She called me the next morning to ask when I was picking her up for a concert for which we’d made plans. I asked her, ‘When I kiss you, will I be able to taste [the band director’s] junk?’
Later on, some good citizen sent that guy’s wife a letter detailing his infidelity, and a few weeks later, some prankster beat the crap out of the guy’s car with a baseball bat. Bad luck for that silly old fool.”
He Did Not See The Night Ending Like That

“For a couple of weeks when I was 19, I was dating a girl who managed to hide the fact that she was engaged or seeing anyone else at all.
One night, we were back at her place and I noticed she’d been really weird about her phone, but didn’t pay much attention. I then realized that she was trying to hide a barrage of ‘where are you?’ phone calls. We were getting hot and heavy when the front door of her apartment started pulsing with the force of a foot beating it down from the outside. She panicked, jumped up, and ran to the door. I was frantically putting my pants on, realizing more or less what’s going on, and hoping to at least be dressed for whatever physical encounter ensued.
The door opened, she and her fiancé started screaming at each other, and I was standing in the background with my personal effects bundled in my arms. He saw me and everything went silent. I mustered up something along the lines of ‘I was just leaving.’ She turned to me and said, ‘No, you don’t have to go.’ He turned to me and instead of assaulting me, puts his hand out for a shake and says in a perfectly calm and friendly tone, ‘Yeah, man, I hate to meet you in these circumstances. I’m sure you’re a cool guy, maybe we should hang out another time.’
I am dumbfounded and offered no response to either of them as I slipped between them, out the door and away into the parking lot. Within seconds they were screaming at each other. I never saw her again.”
She Had The Nerve To Come Back Crying

“My girlfriend at the time went with me to the hospital one day so I could visit one of my really good friends who just underwent surgery. She left the room to take a phone call and told me she had to go and take care of something. I stayed for about another hour.
I left and went home (we lived together), and when I walked in the front door, there was some guy on top of her on the couch, just going at it. I slammed the door, called them out and tried to grab the guy but he was able to get away from me. My girlfriend tried to explain everything, but I didn’t listen to what she had to say and left.
A couple of years later, she came crying to me about how she made a huge mistake because the guy she cheated on me with (and apparently at least five others while with him) was a jerk. So I looked her straight in the eyes, had a firm stance, a smile on my face and said:
‘Do I know you? I don’t recognize you with your legs closed.'”
Despite The Fallout, It Was The Best Decision He Ever Made

“It was a weeknight and I woke up a few hours early to play a few video games before work. My wife was not in bed with me, so I called her phone and heard it ringing in the guest room.
I peeked inside and saw her in the throws of passion with one of her male friends that I had met the previous night. They did not see me, so I closed the door. I went out to the garage and returned with a claw hammer. I sat against the door for almost an hour, deciding what to do with my life. After that, I kicked in the door, gave them both a stare that I can only hope froze their blood, then walked out and drove to work.
I left her that night and I kept her hammer. She begged me to stay with her. It was winter and I had to live in my car for almost a month, but it was still the best decision I ever made.”
There Was No Way He Could Prepare Himself For What He Was About To See

“I left work 10 minutes early one day because I was afraid of hitting traffic. Once I got home, I opened the front door and set my keys on the dresser like I usually did, but something was different. I heard a series of loud thumps coming from the bedroom upstairs. My wife wasn’t usually home at that hour, but I knew no one else could be in the house. I walked upstairs, opened the door, and saw my wife with two of my friends that I considered my ‘best’ at the time.
She was laying on the bed face down while both of them were plowing her. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, and I still see the scene in my head, painfully, even after such a long time. I walked out and couldn’t control my feelings. I was sobbing, long, loud sobs, and simply walked downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down, and didn’t move for three hours.
By the time I was out of my sorrow-induced trance, everyone was gone. My friends and my wife. I still haven’t seen my wife three years later. I don’t even know where she is. Worst thing of all is that I had a kid at the time. We had a kid and she did this. I’ve never emerged from the deep depression that she caused me.”
“She’s Your Problem Now”

“I was dating this ridiculously hot girl in college who I knew was out of my league, but we were together for over a year, and I was in puppy love. She got a job at the campus convenience store and I immediately started hearing stories about her ‘cool new boss’ who was obviously trying to sleep with her from day one.
A few months later, she decided we should sleep at our own apartments so she could ‘get better rest.’ The next morning, I was driving to work at 7 am and swung by her place to drop off a note, and her boss’s car was parked in the driveway. Like an idiot, I went inside and immediately heard them hooking up. I ran upstairs but her door was locked. I banged on the door and all went quiet, she even whispered, ‘Shhhh, just wait until he leaves.’
I yelled back, ‘She’s your problem now,’ at the door and walked out. We never spoke again.”
A Life Like A Country Song

“My girlfriend’s uncle came home to a guy sleeping with his wife. He opened the door and yelled out, and the guy just looked at him and smiled while proceeding to hook up with his wife. Her uncle didn’t say a word, walked to the dresser, pulled out a weapon and shot and killed the guy.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison but only served about nine years in prison with the remainder in Arizona St. Hospital after he was diagnosed with some sort of serious mental illness.
He went back to prison for aggravated assault a few years after he completed his initial sentence. From what I know, he spent about half of his life in and out of lockup. He was also connected to another murder because he gave some type of blunt object to his friend who ended up murdering someone with it.”