Sometimes, people care about and consider a friend can do the most despicable things. It doesn’t matter how much history you had with a friend before, that one thing just completely destroys a friendship.
Here, people reveal the final straw that ended one of their close friendships.
1. Sorry. “Too awkward”??
They said it was too awkward for them to be my friend because my dad had cancer.
2. You’re better off without them.
“It’s probably best that she miscarried – I don’t think you guys should be having kids together.”
Goodbye, former best friend. Goodbye.
3. You owe them nothing.
I had a friend who let me sleep on her couch after my chemo treatments when my husband was at school. She told me I owed her…
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4. That’s not your friend’s responsibility…
She asked me to poke around in her husband’s life for proof that he was cheating. For months she asked me. I finally gave in.
Found proof… in process of gaining proof… husband started trying to hook up with me… save texts and email he had sent.
Showed everything to her… she called me a lying piece of work and said I faked it all because I wanted to sleep with her husband.
Instantly dropped her as a friend. Don’t have time for that ridiculousness.
5. That’s not their news to tell.
Many years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, my sister found out she lost her baby at the same time. To keep my family from worrying about me and to give my sister time to emotionally heal, I decided to wait til the 12 week mark to tell my family.
I couldn’t keep the news to myself though, so I told three of my friends and told them to keep it a secret and why they needed to.
The 12 week mark rolls around and my parents say that they already know because one of my friends told them. I confront this friend, she denies it. Another friend who knew called her on her bull, so she finally admitted it. She said she thought my parents deserved to know and that I wouldn’t even have to keep a pregnancy a secret if I “weren’t so easy and got pregnant only months into marriage”.
Then she broke into the home of the friend who called her out and stole a ton of stuff. So she lost two friends that day. And from what people tell me, she’s been slowly losing the few she has left.
6. No more favors.
She asked for a favour, and “mates rates” when she was getting married – for me to do her wedding photography. I agreed and did her a really cheap deal, but I worked full time at the time, so told her it’d be several weeks before I’d be able to get through editing them all. She was impatient, complained about it on Facebook, and got upset when they weren’t ready after she came back from her honeymoon.
Once I’d given her the photos, I cut her out of my life.
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7. That is so messed up.
At the pub one night with a group of friends. This guy I kind of know was there with his fairly new girlfriend. This guy comes over and talks to her for a minute, just saying hi how are you doing kind of thing.
Guy says to his girlfriend, “How do you know him?” Girlfriend says, “We used to date a few years ago.” Guy looks really uncomfortable, pauses for a minute, then blurts out, “Did you have sex with him?” She says, “Let’s talk about this later.” Guy says, “Because if you had sex with him we’re through, I don’t take any man’s sloppy seconds.”
That’s messed up. People can sleep with whoever they want to. Never talked to that guy after that.
8. That’s a crime.
Had this one friend in university, we actually became good buddies, I went and spent Easter with his family and things like that. Well we had a rugby formal dinner, and as you’d imagine there was an open bar and people got messy. There was this girl who went, her date and her split up somewhere along the line, and she got really, really drunk. This friend of mine latched onto her, and she was too drunk to know where she was, I told him that it wasn’t a good idea to try and hook up with her given her state. He said “If I don’t hit it, someone else will”. Something like that. I ended up speaking with another girl who was a friend of mine at the dinner and had her take the girl home with her. I didn’t ever speak to that dude again.
9. If you lend someone money and you never see them again, that’s money well spent.
One of my best friends asked me to buy a shirt for him on my credit card. Ok, he said he would pay me at the end of the month.
Between these dates, we went out one day, and, by the end of the night, he said he lost the shirt (he brought it along, because he was going to change later).
The next day, he would say he lost it in my car, and, since i didn’t find it, he wouldn’t pay me because he lost IN MY CAR.
Ok then, screw you too.
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10. Hope it was worth losing a friendship!
My roommates and I had a bad habit of leaving our door unlocked in our freshman dorm. One day our friend comes over noticing the door is unlocked comes inside to hang out assuming someone is there. Upon realizing no one is home he decides to take my laptop.
Now in possession of my laptop which is registered with the university because all computers that connect to their wifi have to be. He without changing or erasing anything connects to the wifi and begins using away. He was promptly caught and arrested. And my laptop was returned to me.
I have no idea how he is doing now because he got shunned and I quite frankly don’t care.
11. You did the right thing.
A guy I had know for 3 years (all in college, met him as a freshman) and was a fraternity brother of mine texted me one morning with pictures of a drunk girl that had passed out in his fraternity room on his bed. “Selfies” of him grinning while she lay on his bed, passed out. Completely severed a 3 year friendship to the point where I couldn’t even talk to him, and he was only a few doors down the hall from me.
12. Family is forever.
One of my friends once insulted my sister, and I gave her a warning. She did it again a little while later and I got pissed and called her out. The next day at lunch (this was highschool) I invited my sister to come sit with us, and my sister sat in the place this girl usually sat. There was no room for her there any more and she had to go sit at another table.
No one talks crap about my sister.
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13. No time for bigots.
A colleague I knew through university and I became pretty okay friends over the course of our 2 years together in school. One day we were hanging out at lunch and a transgender woman in the beginning of her transition walked by. My friend said “Ugh, what the heck, that’s so gross. I didn’t know we let THEM into this school”. Little did he know that I myself am transgender and that woman he insulted was a close friend of mine that had just started coming out to people with me being one of the first. At that point I decided to end the friendship because I’m not gonna stick around and deal with someone that hates me for who I am.
14. Can’t be friends if you can’ trust them.
I had been friends with her for a couple of years. At some point she had expressed interest in having a threesome with my husband and I, and we decided to try it out. It didn’t go great, mostly because she wasn’t willing to abide by the agreements we all made in advance, so we decided not to try again. After that, I supported her through several breakups, STD scares, and abusive boyfriends, and the friendship seemed fine.
She came to visit one weekend, and I was busy the first night she was in town so she and my husband went out to see a play he had won tickets to. She tried to convince him to sleep with her, got furious when he wouldn’t, and then told him that I was having sex with another of our friends (I wasn’t). That was pretty much the end of that.
15. How can people be so ignorant!?
I had this happen with a friend I had known for a couple of years. We met at work, instantly clicked, and ended up being pretty good friends outside of work. He was warm, funny, witty, outgoing, and basically one of those life of the party types of people. Not only did I not know anyone who didn’t like him, but most of the people he knew seemed to adore him.
So one day, this really sweet mutual friend of ours, who happened to be from Thailand, brings him a gift. It was some special recipe of hers that she had made just for him. He gets all excited thanks her, hugs her, etc., and she leaves (story continued on the next page…).
When she’s far enough away that she can’t hear him, he laughs and says, “Like I’m going to eat THAT food.”
I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say and finally just asked “Did you really just say that?” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. I wouldn’t let it go and kept questioning him about until he said “She’s nice, but they’re all the same. They’re dirty too, so I hope you don’t eat any of her food.” The conversation went a little further than that because I remember him admitting that he hates pretty much any other race or minority group. It was a really disappointing experience and really made me question my judgment because I did not see that coming at all. I guess he’s gotten pretty good at hiding it and thought we were close enough that he could finally be openly racist with me.
16. Why not just ask?
I found out ten years after a buddy stopped talking to me / acting weird around me that it was because he thought I slept with his ex-girlfriend after they split. I, uh, did not. I barely knew the girl. Absolutely no idea why he would even think it.
17. Crossed the line.
I had a really good friend, he would help me out with stuff through bad times and good. My mother has Alzheimer’s and he was aware of that, and he would usually understand if I had to miss some stuff with him because I had to take care of my brothers or something along those lines. One day he had something that he really wanted me to come to (some sort of awards stuff) by my mother and father were going to Duke to get what was basically a check-up. I told him that I couldn’t make his event and he was upset and pissed. Next day I saw him and he said he was tired of my excuses. He said that I needed to stop using my mother as an excuse, and that she was going to die anyway because they would never find a cure.
I punched him in the face. I could understand why he would be upset but he crossed the line.
18. You shouldn’t tell other people what they should believe.
I am a strong agnostic with religious folk in my family. An atheist friend of over 20 years told me that religion has NO value to anyone. When I told him it helped my mother to face her death, he reiterated his stance. I asked him if his opinion was that important. He informed me his opinions were facts. End of friendship.
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19. All for a booty call.
I had a really good friend since freshman year of high school. We had a D&D campaign together, we had classes in school together and were both in band and such, we confided in each other for everything, hung out whenever we got the chance, it was all great. My boyfriend and him were like brothers, so we were always just one big happy group that stuck together. Once we were out of high school, we each became a bit busier, but I would always come visit him at college on his weekends off when I could. He eventually enlisted in the Marine Corps. We knew we had to hang out one last time before he left, so we were texting each other to coordinate a plan. It was around midnight, and I asked him
“What’s even open right now?”
“I’m always open ;)”
“Haha, you’re barking up the wrong tree dude, you know that. Are we hanging out or not?”
“[My BF]’s away, right?”
“What does that matter?”
“Yeah, I don’t think it’s going to work tonight. Hope to see you again someday.”
And that was it. I didn’t bother going to his going away party, and we haven’t spoken during, or since he got back. 7~ years of friendship built up to a booty call.
20. It’s not worth such a small amount of money.
I had a good friend who was just too darn picky about money. He’s a great guy: smart, affable, funny, and otherwise generous. But when it came to dollars and cents, he was like Ebenezer Scrooge.
If we went out to eat, the bill had to be calculated to within a penny, with a thorough and careful accounting of who ate what, how much was tax, how the tip should be tabulated and who should pay a larger or smaller percentage because of fiscal considerations A, B, and C.
I usually busted up this process by throwing bills on the pile and “just covering it” so we could all move on to the next portion of our lives. My life is too short to quibble over $0.18.
One day we agreed to go to a rock concert.
We wanted seats together so I casually mentioned we’d order together and pay individually for the seats. Next day, he calls me to tell me he had purchased seats. I owed $xx for the seats plus tax. I also owed him $yy for the costs of the monthly interest on his revolving credit card, which he had used to purchase the tickets. He also wanted me to pre-pay for one half of gasoline expenses for the 200 mile round trip, including a small mileage fee for vehicular wear and tear.
This is where I lost it. I told him I’d pay for the tickets, cash. Rounded up to the nearest dollar. I told him to suck up his revolving credit interest; it wasn’t my problem. And I would drive us there and pay for all the fuel myself because I just don’t give a crap.
This began a long discussion face to face, replete with calculator. I hand-waved all of it, just throwing cash at it because $1.12 here and $0.73 there means nothing to me. I don’t give a shit. I just want to go see the show. But he returned repeatedly to “the budget”.
It got so complicated I gave up. I threw him $100 and told him to sort out the change when he had the time and inclination. It was an interest-free loan until he figured out the details. He got back to me days later with an itemized invoice and the change. We went to the show with another friend. We wanted drinks, so I went up for them and paid for them myself to avoid the cost/tax/tip argument in the middle of a stadium.
After that show, I was pretty much done. I never wanted to haggle over pennies ever again. We stopped hanging out. I moved to another state. To this day, I don’t give a flying crap about $0.72. I throw more than enough cash to cover a restaurant tab and move on to the next problem in life. Penny-pinchers drive me up the wall.
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21. That is not okay.
Yes. Friend found out they contracted herpes from their ex. Didn’t stop them from having sex with new people.
When I asked them, “Do you tell these people about your herpes?”
They goes, “Ah… they probably have it already…”
Shook my head and stopped talking to then. That’s messed up.
22. “His response shocked me.”
I was engaged and I asked a guy who I had been really good friends with for several years if he would be one of the groomsmen at my wedding. He started laughing out loud and just said, “No, I’m not going to be one of the groomsmen at your wedding.”
His response shocked me, and it made me feel really embarrassed for having asked. Haven’t seen him since that day.
23. That was pretty quick.
Nothing. Just straight up cut me out of their life. That ended the friendship pretty quick.
24. Goodbye significant other, goodbye best friend.
My SO at the time asked my BEST FRIEND for naked photos of her. She obliged and then requested some of him in return.
I had to pop over to her house to grab some of my stuff and I found the stacks of photos. Printed out. Both hers and his.
Never spoke to her again.
She no longer speaks to my ex (neither do I) and she hasn’t apologized yet.
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25. Well, that a jerk move.
I had lived with my parents for 6 months, in a very remote area where I had to plan every day carefully to get back home (had to take a boat to get over to the place). When I finally moved back to the city, I was very anxious to get my social life back on track and asked my best friend if he wanted to hang out. He told me he had to study and that we had to take it another time. Now I get this, but I kept nagging on him which at some point must have flipped him off. He invited me to a party one weekend, and everything went pretty smooth, other then that I saw he was being a bit cranky.
By the end of the night, I asked how he was and he just said “I gotta leave my girlfriend” and I don’t think he was gonna say that out loud so I asked him why? And he just turned to me and said, “Screw you dude! You can not stop nagging and I’m sick and tired of answering the phone when you call and you already know the answer to your questions.” I wasn’t in a mood to argue with him, I was drunk, he was drunk so I just said that I was gonna head home because of the vibes, and he told me specifically “Sit the crap down!” to which I just got up and put on my shoes.
He now starts yelling and rabbling about how he hates my guts, calls me a-social and that I have no friends that care for me. Which of course hurt me a bit so I told him to stick it, and call me the next day to sort it out when we were sober. The next day I asked if he still felt like he did yesterday, and he said if that’s what was gonna stop me from nagging at him, we were done as friends. Known the guy for 20 years, haven’t spoken with him in about 10 months now.
26. Better off without them.
I knew someone who out of the blue started questioning the validity of my long distance relationship. My SO and I were very faithful to each other, and this type of talk was unwarranted. It wasn’t as if I just met my SO either, we had been dating for more than a year. It turned into an argument, since he tried his best to try to convince me that my SO might be unfaithful. He had no evidence, and it was all based on his past relationships where girls would leave him even though he was a “nice guy” for others. If girls “cheat” on him close at home, why wouldn’t mine when she’s thousands of miles away? The argument got heated, so I just stopped talking to him. As a person I knew I would probably forgive him since that’s just who I am.
My SO passed away a few days after that argument with my friend. I cut off everything with him. I don’t need that sort of shit in my life.
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27. That’s so messed up.
In college. Friends I had made on my floor were driving. They start talking about Black people and how they are ruining everything by “moving up the hill”. I sit in stony silence in the backseat of the car. We get back to the dorm and they say “Why are you so quiet? You are normally so talkative!”
I turned on them, and started screaming how they were racist and I didn’t want anything to do with them. Never spoke to them again.
28. Why wouldn’t they “deserve” it??
One day my best friend showed me pure, genuine envy instead of being happy for me.
I was happy about my relationship starting (I married that girl and she’s my wife now), he told me I didn’t deserve such happiness.
The day after this show off I ended our 10+ years friendship.