Forty people were asked what’s the creepiest thing to ever happen to you. Here are their responses. Try not to scream.
1. When I was about 7 or 8, I was lying in bed trying to sleep through a brutal thunder storm. I was the only person sleeping on the second story of a 150-year-old farmhouse. The house creaked and settled and was thoroughly terrifying to me as a child, so much that I usually slept with the lights on. I just knew there were legions of ghosts and monsters ready to attack me. So, this thunder storm wasn’t doing anything for my nerves. I finally got to sleep, but was awakened by deafening thunder. I looked up to see the wall near the foot of my bed with blood streaming down it. All the nightmares were coming true. The problem was, I wasn’t allowed to leave my bedroom. My parents had gotten tired of hearing that I was scared. So, I laid there all night watching the blood drip down from the ceiling. Paralyzed with fear.
Finally, morning came and I went barreling out of the room to get my parents. I pictured one of those moments like in IT where only I can see the blood, but no, my parents could see it too. It turns out that after 100 or so years, the dark red bricks of the chimney were dissolving and the dust from them formed a sludge in the rain!
2. I was 12 years old. My grandmother was sick in the hospital and I was at the mallwith my two older cousins. We were trying to clear our heads and get away fromthe grief for a while. An older gentleman walked up to us smiling and handed oneof my cousins a piece of paper. It read “why didn’t the family answer the door?”We looked at the man confused and he gave us a second piece of paper, stillsmiling. It said “because they were already dead.” He then giggled and walkedaway, and my cousins grabbed me by the hands and basically ran with me all theway back to our car. We were desperate to get back to the hospital where wewouldn’t feel so alone and vulnerable. I still get goosebumps when I think aboutthat weird man and the creepy way he laughed and smiled at us.
3. I used to work at a place which needed to be manned 24 hours a day. Reason beingthat I handled sensitive documents/files and if somebody needed this informationin the middle of the night I would have to fetch it for them (or confirm that I haveit).
Anyways, security is kind of tight. Bars on windows, multiple locked doors to get towhere I am. They would give me work to do during the night, but underestimated howquickly I could get it done. So, like most nights, I finished my work in about 30 to 45minutes and pulled out my phone and played games, Netflix, and browse reddit (sincenobody else is in the building at night).
So now it is getting to the last third of my shift when all of the sudden I hear a door close.I look to the security camera and see someone walking down a hall towards my room. Atfirst I thought it was just somebody that came in (ridiculously) early, so I turn around andwait for them to come in. But nobody came in, and the hairs start rising on my back.Now, this isn’t a really big building so I figure I’ll find the guy wherever he is and startchecking offices and storage rooms but come up empty handed. However, I do see that afire door had shut. I go to try and rewind the camera, but the digital recording is passwordprotected and I don’t know the password. Anyways, the whole thing freaked me out, theway the person was walking down the hallway, like a determined walk right to where Iwas.
So, I sit with my spine tingling for the last couple hours of my shift and finally peoplestart coming in, my replacement shows up and I tell her what I saw and at this point Ifigured I must have imagined the whole thing. I’m told to go home and the manager andgirl who replaced me would look over the camera. After getting home I call my managerand ask what was on the camera. He said that the video showed the fire door closing, butthen the video froze for about an hour, and the next thing it records is me reopening thedoor.
4. This is actually my husband’s story. When he was in high school, he and some ofhis friends had a campout at his friend’s aunt and uncle’s house in the country.They did the usual cooking out, putting up a tent, etc.
At some point during the night my husband went for a short walk near a small pond onthe property to “take a leak”. As he was doing his business, he looked up and saw a manwalking around the edge of the pond towards him. He clearly saw this man, who waswalking with his head down. He described him as wearing a red flannel shirt, jeans, andwork boots. He thought it very strange that this guy was out walking around a pond in thecountry in the middle of the night, so he said, “Hey man, what are you doing?” He didn’tget an answer and the guy kept walking past him and was now facing away whensuddenly he just wasn’t there anymore.
My husband went and told his friends what happened. The boy whose relatives ownedthe property was shocked and immediately ran to the house and woke them up. He hadmy husband describe what he had seen. The boy’s aunt immediately starts to cry. She hadbeen seeing this same guy in the house, sometimes standing at the foot of the bed, and herhusband did not believe her. He had been accusing her of insanity and apparently, theywere at the brink of divorce from this issue. She was so relieved that someone had beenable to validate what she had been experiencing.
5. I used to work the opening shifts at McDonald’s so I would get up at 3:30 am to getready so as to get there on time. When I was in my kitchen having some cereal, Ilooked out the window to see headlights pointing straight into the kitchen windowat me. (it was on a cul-de-sac behind my house, no reason for anyone to be parkedat that angle, especially that time in the morning.) Whoever it was stayed there aslong as I was in the kitchen with the lights on. As soon as I finished eating andturned the lights off to go get in my vehicle, the car watching me backed up andstarted driving around to my house. When I got in my car this vehicle was drivingpast me incredibly slow (about 5mph). I have never been so afraid in my life.
6. This woman kept on calling my cell phone. I never answered thinking it was atelemarketer. Answered it eventually and she told me in a worried voice “Are youokay? They said they were coming for you.” then hung up.
7. When I was around 5 years old, I woke up and saw a glowing white manlikesilhouette pacing back and fourth down the hallway, but kind of gliding. Freakedme the hell out and I thought I was having a nightmare or something. I told myparents about it the next day, and my mom got a really weird look on her face -my brother had seen and told her about the exact same thing 2 weeks before, and Ihadn’t known about it. Still weirds me out.
8. Me and few friends were playing in the woods. About 6 of us, all roughly 10 yearsold. Somehow a piss break came up and suddenly we were all pissing on trees.Well, out of nowhere some super sketchy guy appears and asks to join us inpissing on trees. He was so distant and creepy and seemed to creep up fromnowhere. I just screamed and all my buddies screamed and we just ran to whereour bikes were, near the road sure enough he was there too and just casuallygetting back in to a rusty old van. He seemed so emotionless and cool and theepitome of a sketchy scraggily character.
9. Last year I was shopping and when I got out of the car at Target, I found a wallet. Ipicked it up and took it in to customer service. I didn’t open it or anything. I domy shopping, dilly dally around, go to another store, and then end up at thegrocery store. I again take my sweet time there. I’m checking out and this ladywalks up to me and says, “Did you find my wallet? I got a call that you found mywallet. Thank you.” and hands me $20. I was so caught off guard and confusedbecause I wasn’t even at Target anymore, I didn’t give my name, and she walkedup to me so sure that I found her wallet.
10. Okay, this is my go-to scary story that happened to me. When I was about 10 or11 years old, I stayed up sort of late. When I got to bed, I was still feeling restless.I pulled all of my blankets around me and tucked myself against the wall (mytwin bed was flush with the wall). I was in bed awake for probably an hour when Istarted hearing a rather unsettling noise. Muffled crying. I focused on it, hoping itwas my imagination or I was asleep. After a few minutes, I needed to see what itwas. I turned around in bed to see a woman in a dress standing at the far side ofmy room, crying into her hands. Her hair was matted and her clothes tattered. Oh,and she was about 7 or 8 feet tall, crammed under the ceiling. After a fewseconds, she looks up at me and screams, but it sounded like it was coming fromfar away. She made eye contact with me, turned around and walked through thewall. I stayed awake that night.
11. I frequently wake up in the middle of the night with hallucinations that take aminute or two to die off. It’s usually something like pumpkin sized spider on theceiling or a hooded figure in my doorway, but sometimes it gets really strange.One time it was a nest of hornets flying around my room attacking me, whichmade me flip my shit, waking up the neighbors in the process.
I just think of them as dream hangovers, and I’m sure there is a psychologicalexplanation, but I don’t know it.
12. Ive received texts from myself. But what was really scary was when I got a call,from myself, I answered and what was really weird was I could hear the T.V inthe other room playing as if I was sitting in there.
13. My mum and step-dad had gone on a holiday to the US for three months and I was homeby myself. I had a friend come over for dinner and just a general hang out and she didn’thave her license yet so I had to drive her home. It’s around 11:30pm when I get home,pull into the driveway as the roller door is opening. I just happened to glance out mywindow and there is this guy standing right there (right there as in could reach out andopen my car door). I freak out speed into the garage so fast and start closing the rollerdoor. While it’s closing the slowest it’s ever taken to close I look in my revision mirrorand this guy is walking UP MY DRIVE WAY. He has clearly deviated from a normalroute and is walking towards my garage. The door closed just in time, I swear.
I make a mad dash from my car through the connecting room into the house. Theconnecting room has two windows that don’t have curtains on and find the guy standingright there at these windows. I wasn’t going to hang around and see if he cared for a cupof tea. Locked the house up and grab my dogs and tried to reason that I was justoverreacting, when I hear the gate to the back side of my house bang, and I don’tremember locking it so any Tom, Dick, and Harry could walk in. Now this is middle ofwinter in Australia and it’s raining and cold so the last thing I want to do is go out thereand possibly get killed. So, I just huddle up and pretend like nothing is happening(probably the dumbest move and in hindsight I should have called my dad who lives 5minutes away). I am literally thinking dumb ass white girl that gets her ass handed to herin horror movies.
Fast forward through a pretty much sleepless night to be greeted with this news report creepy guy hanging around had proceeded to brick a lady down the road just outside herhouse. I am not kidding you when I say that this is literally down the road. This is a 2-minute walk from my house. Half an hour after all that shit went down at my house.Weird shit kept happening for the next couple of nights like the power to the lights beingshut off from the breaker box (not tripping!!!). I called my dad around for that because Iwasn’t going to be that stupid.
14. My mom grew up in a little university town on a river. During her late teens, sheand her friend would raft down it, then bike back home with the raft on their back.They do this one day and she drops her friend off at her house before going home.The friend’s mom hears them approach, opens the upstairs window and yells out,”FRIEND, OH MY GOD GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW.” My mom and her friendjust look at each other and my mom says, “your mother is so weird.”
So, she goes home and decides to sunbathe in her back yard. She slips on a bikini andlays out on a sun chair. After some short amount of time, she hears a helicopter overhead.It’s not citizen owned or a news copter but something police or military, and it’s buzzing ashort distance above her house. She does what every girl in a bad movie does andscreams “pervert!” She figures, you know, this military kid is ogling her during hispractice flight or some crap. But then she hears footsteps in the neighbor’s yard. It’s aSWAT team (or army? cops? I never clarified, but one is just as likely as the other tosomeone as uninformed as I am).
As it turns out, this small town has a prison (which is completely true, I live in said townright now as a student). A convict escaped from said prison, took off across town, enteredher neighborhood, and took the elderly couple a few houses down from her hostage. Heforced them to get into a motor home they owned, drive him out of town, and then heexecuted them both. And during all this my tiny, young mother was biking aroundcompletely unaware, then sun tanning a couple of houses away from a convictedmurderer.
My whole life she’s always been paranoid about people breaking in or kidnapping me andall kinds of horrible stuff like that. Her behavior didn’t make sense to me until the day shetold me this story, and then it all kind of clicked.
15. My friends and I were visiting a graveyard a couple blocks away from home onHalloween, because why not? There is a building that restaurants have been goingin and out of for years and none seem to stay open for long. The graveyard isbasically this places backyard. On that night for some reason the lights were onin the building and there was a lady in a pink dress standing in the window juststaring at us. There was no restaurant open in there at that time. We all kind ofbooked it and this lady followed us from window to window like she was gliding,not walking, which made us completely book it. We ran as fast as we could downthe road. There is a segment without windows for her to follow which directionexactly we went, but by the time we got to the next set of windows, running fullspeed, she was standing there already, watching in our direction. We never madethat trip again.
16. After my grandmother died, my family performed this ritual (as per tradition).Essentially, you create a shrine for the deceased. For the first 7 days following thedeath, at 7 p.m., you remain silent for one hour to allow the spirit of the deceasedto return and say their goodbyes. During the last day, a glass vase which was rightnext to the shrine fell and shattered while we were sitting silently in the adjacentroom. We were all a little on edge, esp. since the vase had been there for years,seemed secure, and all the windows were closed.
At any rate, after the silent hour had passed we called my aunt who was doing the sameritual at her house. She said that the strangest thing had happened – they were all upstairsin the same room during the silent hour when one the doors downstairs had slammedshut. They checked and the house was closed up (no windows open, exterior doorslocked) and they couldn’t figure out what had happened. Also, when they went downstairsall of the doors – except the locked front and garage doors – were still open. They’d hadthe house for over a decade and nothing like that had happened before.
I’m not saying something supernatural happened that night, but it sure was a creepycoincidence.
17. I turned off the light and got under the covers to go to bed one night. The lightsweren’t off for a few minutes when my covers were yanked off me in the directionof the bottom right corner of my bed. Screamed and my parents ran in. Still don’tknow what happened.
18. When I was still living with my parents, I was downstairs doing homework whenI heard my dad shout from the top of the stairs, “slow chameleon, come up herefor a minute. I need you to help me with something.” So, I loudly say back to him,”Okay, be there in a minute.”
When I get upstairs, my dad is walking out of the kitchen. I ask him what he needs, andhe looks confused. He said he hasn’t said a word in at least 45 minutes. I ask my sister,who has been in the kitchen the entire time. She said they both heard me yell, but that mydad never said anything. We’re not a “pranking” kind of family, and I could tell they weregenuinely confused by the situation.
A few weeks later, I was listening to music on my laptop in the basement. Since I washome alone, I had turned up the volume pretty loud (computer was connected to somereally strong desktop speakers). I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, when I heard the music getting quieter. I glanced at the laptop, and saw that the volume dial wassuddenly open in the lower corner of the screen, and the volume dial on the sound mixerwas slowly but steadily moving down. Apparently, someone didn’t share my enjoymentof loud music.
19. My uncle still has no explanation for this one. When he was a student, he shared aflat with a couple of friends. One day they were chilling, having a couple ofdrinks and intending to make dinner. My uncle got out a glass dish and put it ontop of the oven so he could begin preparing food, but got distracted and went backinto the living room. Half an hour later he comes back to carry on with dinner.What he didn’t realize was that the hob had been on the entire time, and themoment he touched the dish it exploded everywhere. Something to do with thetemperature change. Pieces of glass had melted the Lino floor, were embedded inthe walls opposite sides of the room, and they were even finding bits of it in thehall for several days after. The kitchen was literally like the chokey from Matilda,but my uncle didn’t have a single scratch on his body. He was standing right infront of it when it went off, and the creepiest part is that there were pieces of glassembedded in the wall directly behind him.
20. I was home with only two other people in my house, and all the lights were offexcept for the living room (where we were). The stairway leads into the livingroom and the dining room, so you can see into the dining room from where wewere. The other people in the room were looking at a book, when suddenly I had aweird feeling that I needed to look into the dining room. Looked up, and there’sthis silhouette of a very tall, broad person in the doorway, looking into the livingroom. This was weird because first of all, there’s no light on in there so how am Iseeing this pitch-black figure? Secondly, how the hell is there someone in myhouse? This happened over the course of maybe like 8 seconds, me looking up,noticing the thing, staring at it, and then suddenly it turned and abruptly wentthrough the wall. Like it literally just went through the wall. I was so fuckingconfused. I was a kid then, and one of the other people in the room was myyounger sibling, so I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to scare them.Nobody else has seen anything like this in my house, but we’ve all had weirddreams involving a younger girl. Nothing involving anything like what I saw, andit hasn’t happened since. (Which is kind of unfortunate. Please come back.) Themost interesting thing to me is that I wasn’t really scared. It didn’t have a bad vibeto it at all, it just felt like it was observing us. Just seeing what was up. Hit me upghost, I’ll chill with you again.
And also, once I had a nightmare where at the very end I had been looking into a mirrorand saw someone behind me, and then woke up staring straight at a mirror that was in myroom in front of me. Yikes. I didn’t die though.
21. Not creepy but amazing. I was asleep and heard loudly “wake up!” in my greatgrandmothers voice. I jolted awake and my phone was ringing that she hadpassed. She woke me to make sure I didn’t miss the call. It’s always stuck withme. I’ll never forget hearing her.
22. My friend and I time traveled. Or that is the easiest explanation.We were in high school and he was taking my bus back to my house with me. We gethome around 2:45 and my mother gets home around 3 o’ clock. We decided to go hikingbefore my mother could say no so we left a note on the counter and took off.
We took or usual route up the backyard hill making sure to avoid the crazy people thatresided in makeshift homes up there. Climbed some trees for a while, explored a sectionof the car graveyard we hadn’t checked out before, and other typical teenage exploringtype stuff.
We took a break near the top of the mountain. It was unusually beautiful that day.Incredibly green and there were seriously visible light beams shining down through thecanopy. Like seriously pretty stuff. So of course, I start running around through the lightand decide we should probably start getting back cause my mother was probably going tobe pissed if we missed dinner.
On the way back, we stumbled on to a pond we had never encountered before. It wassmall and had a single wooden boat on it. There were also a few teepees around the pond.Not old teepees, they looked ratty and unusable.
We decided someone was probably living there and took a new path back home. Weclimbed down and up an old quarry and dropped off on the main road that leads to myhouse. We were absolutely filthy and over a mile from my place. We just walked the roadback to my house.
We arrived home before my mother which seemed strange so I threw out the note so shewouldnt know we were out gallivanting. She got home like 3 minutes later wonderinghow we had gotten so dirty at school. She arrived home at her usual time and we had onlybeen gone a grand total of 13 – 15 minutes. We honestly don’t even talk about that dayanymore. It’s too confusing. But yeah, time travel.
23. During the night, a friend and I about 5-10 years ago, when we were in our early20’s, were driving a road we knew like the back of our hands. We had both drivenit a million times and knew it inside out. It was bushy (the sticks). We drovethrough a round-about. About 30s later, we go up the hill and down again, thenthrough the EXACT SAME round-about (recognizable because its right next to apony club/horse club). The scary part was, we both look at each other at the exactsame time. He had this look of sheer terror and confusion in his eyes.
Without saying a word, I knew that I wasn’t going insane, and we had driven through thesame roundabout without detouring from the normal route (which is a straight road, wedidn’t do a loop or something). Without saying a word, I knew he experienced the exactsame bizarre shit that I did.
He has a masters in pure-math (algebraic topology I think), isn’t into sci-fi or theparanormal and is very logical. Years later talking about it, the only rational explanationeither of us had is we drove through a loop in the space-time continuum (back to thefuture shit).
24. One night I was fast asleep in my bed and randomly woke up at some randomtime in the night/morning. I looked towards my door and I could make out thesilhouette of a very tall man in a suit wearing a top hat. I rubbed my eyes andreadjusted my eyes to the darkness. Looked again and the silhouette was stillthere, top hat and all! Being all like “wtf?” I rubbed my eyes again looked up andnothing was there. Shrugged it off to just weird shadows or something I wentback to sleep.
Got up in the morning and went to the kitchen where my Mum was making breakfast. Iturn to her and said “Uhhh I had such a crappy sleep, I wo-” and before I finished mysentence she cut me off and said “Yeah me too, I woke up and thought I saw a Tall man ina top hat in the doorway!”
25. Back in my college days I was walking home with my sisters from a sororitymeeting. We didn’t live on campus, but stayed about a 20-minute walk away. Itwas around 2:00 in the morning, and for the first few minutes we were alone onthe streets. No cars, no walkers, no body. Eventually someone else was seen,walking towards us. A tall, older, white man, using crutches, and with a black dogat his side. We of course step aside as he walks by, letting him use the side walk.We say hello, but he doesn’t pay attention to us. However, his black dog looks atus, looks scared, and quickly rejoins its master. A few blocks further, we hear the”crink, flop, crink, flop” of crutches again. We’re approaching a corner, andaround the bend there is the same man, with the same crutches, coming at usagain. We step aside, say it’s a small world, and try to offer directions, but himand his brown dog just keep going. The dog looked at us, looked scared, andreturned to its master. Approaching home, we hear the crutches again, but can’tpin point the location. We turn on to our street and start walking down it, andabout half way down our block the man steps out from a building, our building,and just walks by us again. Yellow dog looks at us, looks scared, and keepswalking with its master. To this day, I have no way to explain how a man oncrutches caught up to us so many times, how he knew where we lived, or whathappened with the color changing dog.
26. I worked at a hotel that was over a hundred years old (it was over a hundred, andstill continues to be, I mean) in downtown San Diego. It’s supposed to be haunted,but I’m a skeptic and I don’t hold forth with such nonsense. I was working theevening shift and was about to get off for the night (it was around 10:30 and I wasoff at 11). My manager and I were friends and had plans to get a drink at the shittydive bar we loved so much next to the theatre across the street so we were gettingall the paperwork and whatnot done early- doing the money drop, etc. Only then agroup of about ten comes in (Japanese tour group) and needs rooms. Normally therooms require a housekeeping supervisor to inspect them before they can bereleased, but again, we were in a hurry and ready to go, so I go do it for theminstead. I’d done it dozens of times before and this was no big deal. I went to thefourth floor, and get the first one done, second one done- no problem. In the thirdroom (and these are really small rooms, guys. It’s a historic hotel, like I said, andthe rooms are maybe two hundred square feet with the bathroom included.) Istarted the process- checked the closet for the iron, laundry bags, etc., checked thebathroom to make sure there are towels and toiletries and the tissues are fannedand toilet paper folded, and so on. The doors to the bathroom and the closet arethe kind you have to grab, push down and turn to latch and unlatch- they closesolidly. Everything looks good, and I start to head between the beds to call mymanager that this one looked fine, and that’s when it happened. I feel a man’s handcome down hard on my shoulder. It even ripped my hair out of my hairclip. I spinaround with my arms up, and no one is there. I look back and forth and check theground thinking maybe my manager or the only night bellman was playing aprank on me- but I’m all alone. Then the doors to the closet and the bathroom allopen and slam shut- once, twice, three times- at the same time. My manager said Icame downstairs and went straight into the back, white as a sheet, without sayinganything. I don’t remember going down, but he gave them the rooms and wedidn’t get any complaints. I, to this day, can’t explain what happened in that room.Freaks me out.
27. When me and my brother were little, we were home alone as usual during thesummer while our parents were at work. Out of nowhere I hear my mom call myname but thought it was nothing and just in my head. But then my little brotherturns to me and says “did you just hear mom call your name”. Sent chills downmy spine.
28. Lived in an old funeral home during undergrad, multiple weird things occurred.Most notable of them was when during a snowstorm, I heard shoveling comingfrom the basement. Only way to get to the basement was by using the storm doorthat was next to my front door. Woke up the next morning to 2 feet of undisturbedsnow covering the storm door.
29. Not sure if this counts as a glitch in the matrix but when I was young, I was sittingwatching tv when I heard a few loud bangs as if someone fell down the stairs, Iran out to see but there was nothing there. Just as I went back to sit down mybrother fell down the stairs.
30. Was lying down in bed at about 1am and just staring at my ceiling, I guess. Then Iheard a massive bang and then three separate 5-second long flashes of light lit upmy entire room. The light emanated from outside my window (curtains weredrawn). I was more curious than freaked out, so I ran to my window and opened itto look. Saw absolutely nothing. Was just a clear, cool night in cape town. Wedon’t ever get thunder in cape town, it’s very rare. There was no thunder thatnight, in any case.
31. I was trying to sleep late at night and the t-shirt that I was wearing was gettingitchy. So, I took my shirt off while still in bed and threw it from the top bunk ofmy bunk bed. I heard it drop to the floor, but I kept on hearing it drop to theground over and over again and this went on for a while. I was wide awake and Iknew I wasn’t hearing shit. Still confused about it but I never seemed to mention ittill today.
32. Took off my glasses because something made me laugh so hard I cried. Went tobathroom, washed face. Came back, glasses gone. Two weeks pass, I have newglasses. Got home from a friends house, take off shoes. Call from friend less than5 minutes later, forgot something at his house. Go to put on shoes. Missingglasses folded perfectly, sitting on top of my shoes, so calculatedly evenly splitbetween both shoes it looked like an art display.
33. For a long time in my life I would hear random noises that were out of this world.Sometimes, it was static or explosions. I found out later that I have a disorderknown as exploding head disorder. It’s basically your brain glitch-ing whentransitioning into sleep. Scared the crap out of me before I found out.
34. My grandmother died last November in a nursing home. She died fromAlzheimer’s. And when you have Alzheimer’s, your muscles start to contract, soher hands were curling up into fists. We got her a plush bunny so her nailswouldn’t dig into her skin. Well when she died, my mom took the rabbit. Horribledecisions, but whatever. The day of the viewing comes. My mom is clutchingonto that thing for dear life and brought it with her EVERYWHERE. She had it inher purse. Well, we go up to the casket and what do you know? There’s anidentical rabbit in my grandmother’s hand. She didn’t have two of them. She onlyhad one. And the one my mom took was still in her purse. It was crazy.
Ever since then, weird stuff has happened in my house. Like doors closing, lightsflickering, etc. I always tell my mom I’m going to throw that thing out and now she hidesit.
35. I rented a two-story townhouse with 3 other guys. Above the living quarters, therewas a finished attic that I shared with one of my roommates as a study. On severaloccasions, either I, my roommates, or visiting friends would hear someone callingout from that attic even when no one was up there. Interestingly, the voice wouldoften mimic one of ours and almost always yell for them to come up there. Afriend said he heard my voice yelling for him to come to the attic when in fact Iwas in the shower downstairs. I’ve heard the voice of my roommate whom I sharethat study with calling me from there as well, and he wasn’t even home then.
We (the occupants) occasionally joked about the townhouse being haunted, but I found itodd that visitors who were not acquainted with our antics were similarly reportingunusual sounds.
36. When I was young my grandpa would take me to a farm owned by a close friendof his just about every weekend. We would go hunting, fishing, and camping outthere. There were caves and creeks and ponds all over it and I had a freaking blastevery time. We would also help with various chores around the place when wewould go. Sometimes my brother and I would feed cattle nurse calves from abottle and paint out buildings, you know, typical farm chores.
One year my grandpa was helping clear underbrush in the woods by way of controlledburn. I was old enough to go along but young enough that I had to stay with grandpa andcouldn’t help. At one point, I said I had to go pee while we were by a creek. Grandpa toldme to go around the bend and have at it but to hurry because he was going to burn thiscreek bottom then we would go in for dinner. As I rounded the bend to take a leak I sawher. There was a naked woman lying face down in the creek bed by a pile of brush. Icould see she had long brown hair and purple bruises on the parts of her that touched theground. I was so scared I froze. A while passed and my grandpa walked around the bendcalling for me. I didn’t realize it though until he touched me. I jumped and he asked mewhat the matter was and I pointed to her. He looked and sighed deeply, shook his headand looked at the ground and said his friends name under his breath. Then my grandpasaid, “best not to get involved,” before he walked close by her and used his drip torch toset the area around her on fire. I spent the rest of the evening sitting in the three-wheelerwhile grandpa drug brush to the bend and pushed in down into the creek.
We missed dinner that night and I never spoke to anyone about what I had seen. It couldbe my imagination but that night when my brother came in from brush burning with mygrandpas friend he looked sad and wouldn’t talk. I felt like he felt the same way as I didbut I just don’t know.
37. I have twice walked in on people masturbating in public. Not sure if that’s whatyou’re looking for but it’s definitely creepy. Once on a cruise I walked into thebathroom and a guy was jackin it while looking at himself in the mirror. The nextyear, I was at a Cubs game, went to the bathroom during one of the later innings,opened an unlocked stall, and there it is again. Like, at least lock the fucking door.That made no sense to me.
38. My patient died on the wing I work on. She was terminal but not expected to goimmediately. She was going to a facility with hospice, after a fairly long battlewith cancer. She was scheduled to go early the next morning, husband had planson meeting her there – everything was sat up. She was in good spirits; herassessment was fine. Took her medications and said she was going to watch thenews then take a nap.
An hour later I go to check on her, I’m quietly checking her IV, making sure her stuff is inreach, move her table and then notice she was gone. Sitting up, holding on to the side rail.She honestly looked like she was sleeping, but no heart beat and no respirations. Most ofthe time when people expire their mouth drops open and it’s very obvious. With her?Nope. I had to call a co-worker to confirm. I was expecting a wake up, but she was gone.Attempted to contact her husband who I couldn’t reach and started the paperwork, inaddition to attending to my other patients. Few minutes later, I’m by the central desk andsomeone asks, “Where were you?” And I told them I was giving medication down thehall. I see two of the other nurses exchange looks, but nurses are weird and since theydidn’t elaborate I continue on my nightly duties. I’m at the very end of the hall doingsome patient education and the charge nurses comes and gets me. I assume the husband iscalling back, but that wasn’t the case.
Apparently, while I have been caring for my other patients at the opposite end of the wardthere have been phone calls coming out of the deceased patients room to the centralstation. Several of them, no answer, just breathing. I mean, this has to be a prank, right?Phone rings, I look and see the patients room number on caller ID. I walk in the room.Phone is neatly on the bedside table, TV is off, and deceased patient looks like she isnapping. I check the bathroom, it’s empty. “I’m going to leave the door open, half-way,” Isay as I leave the room. No more phone calls. But the next hour, alarms go off in emptyrooms, call lights come on for patients that can’t move, an important piece of equipmentdied, and the dementia patient keeps complaining about the other patient that keepscoming into her room (loosely fitting the description of the deceased). HusbandFINALLY comes to the unit, because he knew why I was calling. He spends a fewminutes with her and when he comes out of the room he finds me and says, “She told methis morning she didn’t ever want to go to a nursing home.”
Well, I guess she meant it. After that, everything returned to normal. Well, normal as faras hospitals go.
39. I witnessed a lady jump off a Newport bridge into the Ohio river- she saidnothing, no tears, no emotion. I got out of my car (on a heavy trafficked bridge),begged her not to jump…after 2-3 min she calmly looked into my eyes (stillnothingness) and jumped. I called 911, her body was quickly swept about a mileaway by the current. She lived, cop said she broke a ton of bones and was luckythey could get to her in time. I still think about her from time to time…justwondering why she jumped.
40. When my brother and I were around 4/5 we lived in a house that was about100yrs old. One day we were walking up the stairs when we saw a tall man in ablack coat and top hat walk into the living room which was to the left of thebottom of the stairs. A bit freaked out we thought our dad was pranking us socalled out for him. Shit. Both parents came out of the kitchen (opposite side of thestairs and isolated from the living room). I hadn’t thought about it for a long timeand we never spoke about it. Then about a month ago, my daughter asked if Ibelieved in ghosts so I told her the story. Literally seconds later my phone bleeps.It was my brother saying “I was just talking to (partner) about paranormal shit, doyou remember the guy in the top hat?”