Working the drive-thru can be a tedious and stressful job. People are barking at you through a headset, and you have to make sure you do everything correctly. Sometimes though, it's not just people barking orders on the other end of the headset. The people in the following stories share the weirdest and rudest things they've ever heard at the other end of their headset.
(Content has been edited for clarity.)
Some People Never Learn

Jinga / Shutterstock
I think there may have been a slight oil sheen on his meat, which is pretty normal and harmless.
But the person who angered me the most at the drive-thru was the road construction crew that would come through on foot and then get angry that we told them that they would have to come inside to order since standing in the middle of stagnant traffic is a safety issue. Then they would come inside, raise a stink, and do the same thing the next day.”
That Towel Is Hiding Nothing Buddy!

Stas Ponomarencko / Shutterstock
“I used to work at a Dunkin/Baskin combo. This dude came to the speaker and said, ‘I’ll have a single scoop of chocolate on a sugar coooOOOOOOOONE!’ We all looked at each other like what? The guy pulled forward. My coworker took care of him at the window. He came over the headset to the rest of us while the window was closed for a moment telling us to look. So we casually walked past and glanced over. The driver had a towel covering his lap, and a girl was in the passenger’s seat, leaned towards him at about a 30-degree angle and trying to make it look casual.”
Thanks Officer!

McElroy Art / Shutterstock
“A police chase ended in my Carl’s Jr. drive-thru about 15 years ago. It was a lot of ‘GET OUT OF THE CAR! HANDS UP!’ and other shouting.
Apparently, after he was dragged out, they discovered that he had tossed the keys out of the window, and they spent a half hour waiting around to get a tow truck in there, after the initial half hour of trying to get him to comply and then arresting him. A cop was parked in front of my speaker the whole time.
It was kind of remarkable, and my boss just shrugged and said, ‘Enjoy your break, and make sure to give the cops their discount.'”
Someone’s Going To Need A Raise After This

Rommel Canlas / Shutterstock
“I worked the drive-thru at Steak n’ Shake, and the speaker system was surprisingly clear and sensitive. One night, a woman pulled up during a conversation on the phone. We were rather busy, and the line was backed up, so she was far enough ahead that the speaker kicked in, but not close enough to talk directly into the speaker. Due to this, I was given the pleasure of hearing her talk about how much her butt hurt from the previous all-nighter activities – in vivid detail.”
Tell Us How You Really Feel

TheChoperPilot / Shutterstock
“My sister and I both worked at McDonald’s and would always swap funny stories. One of my favorites she ever told me was about how one night when she was working the night shift, her store was about to close at midnight (because the store was in a pretty bad neighborhood). At around 11:58 p.m., they decided to lock the doors early and only serve the customers in the drive-thru. I guess someone didn’t like that because once there were no more cars in the way they decided to throw a two by four straight through the glass sliding door of my sister’s drive-thru. On the plus side, my sister got to go home early.”
Someone Takes Halloween A Bit Too Seriously

“I used to work at Wendy’s in high school. It was Halloween. Someone drove up, and I said, ‘Hi! Welcome to Wendy’s what can I get for you on this spooky night?’
The guy responded in a raspy voice, ‘Fries.’
‘Small, medium or large?’ I asked.
He answered, ‘I just want fries. Batman needs fries.’
I say, ‘Okay, second window.’ A guy in a batmobile drove up in a full Batman costume it was insane!”