To really understand how absurd some of our social norms are, we just need that one person who refuses to take part. Here people share some of the most ridiculous and hilarious social norms they straight up refuse to follow.
1. Posting “Happy Birthday” on someone’s Facebook page on their birthday.
It’s actually kinda nice to get texts from friends rather than 100 wall posts from people I don’t care about.
2. I put my elbows on the table. That rule is just stupid.
I also don’t care if people start eating their food before I have mine. In fact I prefer it because I don’t want their food to get cold.
xx-Rain_Maker-xx, Time_to_go_viking
3. I sleep in a different bedroom than my wife about 95% of the time.
My wife is a very light sleeper and I snore a lot, so when we sleep in the same bed she gets very little sleep.
4. “I have an adorable little floof”
I’m an admin director for the company I work for. I have my own office. I have a hamster that I keep in my office. Everyone at work thinks I’m crazy but IDGAF because I have an adorable little floof waiting for me every morning and she likes to climb around on me while I answer emails. I apologize for nothing.
5. I talk to myself… a lot.
Been caught out a few times too, my usual response is “it’s the only way to have a decent conversation.” 🙂
6. Washing my t-shirts
Since when did society decide I have to change and wash a T-shirt after every individual use? If it’s not dirty, I’m gonna wear it.
7. I can legally drink but choose not to.
I’m fine with people drinking responsibly, but please don’t pester me, trying to make me drink.
Ramin11 & FlameFrenzy
8. Chit chat is BS.
I’m happy to sit and let everyone drown in the silence.
9. I don’t follow any sports at all.
Nearly everyone I know has at one point talked in depth about some sport where everything they say just goes over my head.
10. I don’t mind being friends with somebody who has widely different opinions than mine.
It’s what makes good interactions and how you learn new things. my wife and I have completely opposite political views but its nice that we can hear the other side with a rational conversation.
ToukanLab, Laockey35
11. I’m totally turning into that guy who runs from place to place instead of walking.
Running just gets you there faster and gives you more exercise. The only drawback is you look like a weirdo, but I’m finding more and more that I don’t care.
12. I don’t partake in “work stuff.”
I know everyone I work with thinks I am weird because I don’t attend work functions etc. I really don’t want to work with 95% of them let alone socialize with them.
13. I haven’t worn a bra for two years now.
It’s all about comfort these days, and I ain’t got no time for no bra. So much better.
14. I judge someone based off of my interaction with them, not yours.
You can tell me all about how that person is a meanie and shouldn’t be trusted, but if I spend time with them and they seem pretty okay, then their pretty okay by me.
15. I eat my burgers upside down.
The top bun faces the ground. I find it funny.
I used to do it to get a rise out of people, now it’s become weird to eat it any other way.
16. I don’t like hugs.
It’s not really a personal space issue, it’s more of a I have scoliosis and certain people hug way to hard and I don’t feel like risking unnecessary pain because someone wants a hug.
17. My husband and I have never called each other any positive term of endearment.
No “baby” or “sweetheart” or “honey.”
We were joking about it when we first started dating and called each other ‘Poophead’.
Now, 6 years later, it’s still the only thing we call each other.
18. Looks can be deceiving…
Outwardly I’m a large bearded male that looks somewhat steroid-addled. In reality I love baking, shopping, musicals and my 6 cats.
19. Taking selfies when a group hangs out.
It’s not that I don’t like taking selfies with my best friends, it’s just the aftermath that I hate.
Many of my friends actually compare how many likes the same photo they both posted got. A third person may not see it, but as a very close friend, you can easily see the ego conflicts.
That, and taking photos of everyday restaurant food. Everyone knows what the dish looks like, you don’t need to take a photo and check in all the time. Sometimes, it just gets frustrating.
You’re sitting there, gorging down on the food, and your friends keep finding alternate angles with ‘better lighting’ for posting to Instagram or Facebook.
20. People generally have lives. I’ve decided to subvert this by staying in my room eating Doritos all year round.
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. But why would I want to do a thing like that when I’ve got Doritos?
clockworkpotato72, noble-random
21. I don’t pretend to be interested in your kids.
They are background noise to me. Also.. if you have a pet.. I won’t pretend to be interested in you. You are background noise to me.
22. I like eating the whole Kiwi fruit.
To those who keep calling the skin “furry”, that “fur” dissolves when you eat it. It’s basically no different from those little fibers all over raspberries… It just looks weirder.
McDildoChest, thesatedphlebotomist
23. I play the objective in FPS games.
I feel like this should be more people should do this, WE NEED MORE OF US!!!!
24. I have never made a Facebook account.
Take that Mr. Zuckerberg. I don’t need no filter bubbles or fake news.
25. I never ever answer the phone.
If your number isn’t in my contact book, you go to voicemail, if you don’t leave a voicemail, it wasn’t important.
BillyJBee, Harambe_Unchained
26. I’m a assertive, outspoken and gregarious Swede.
I have no issues going against consensus, making myself uncomfortable or communicating clearly. If someone cuts me off in a line I don’t silent fume, I call them out. This is not very Swedish at all.
27. I place blame with lowtalkers instead of asking forgiveness for not having super-hearing.
I agree with this, but prefacing any sentence with “sorry” is a hard habit to break for some Canadians.
Milo_Y, laineyisyourfriend
28. As a man, I talk openly about my feelings.
I find it hard to express my feelings, but it’s something you need to practice.
29. Saying “bless you” after someone sneezes.
Hope that norm will disappear someday. Especially bugs me when I hear someone sneezing many times in a row, and someone next to them keeps saying it over and over..
CarlOGsan, BiggerTree
30. I don’t ask anyone how they are.
I greet them and get on with a conversation if there’s something relevant to say.
31. 99.99% of reality TV.
Yea I don’t understand why people watch it. It’s all my mom watches. It’s so annoying to be in the kitchen and constantly hear people yelling at each other over petty crap on TV.
32. I’m a man that likes to use an umbrella/parasol when it’s sunny.
Some people like to give me crap about it being girly, but IDK: portable shade is dope, and any implications of it being feminine is arbitrary af.
33. I don’t wear clothes at home.
I’m an “at home nudist.” I just feel more comfortable that way. I wish people were more open to non-sexual nudity.
34. Wearing my watch on my non-dominant hand.
My girlfriend does this and it’s still weird. I’m left-handed and wear my watch on the right. She’s right-handed and wears her watch on the right as well.
35. Watching movies.
The average amount of times that I watch movies in like half a year is 2. Sometimes I don’t even watch any movie in half a year. I also do not care about celebrities.
36. Having kids.
No thanks, not for me:) Too many people have kids because they think they are supposed to and then hate it. Whyy?
37. Makeup.
I’m not against it and sometimes I’ll wear it out in the evenings. I even enjoy watching YouTube makeup tutorials but all in all I wear it maybe once a month.
I went to work the other day with makeup on and to my surprise my coworker came up and was like “noooo you were my role model!”
I’m not protesting anything…Im just lazy.
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