Has your pet ever done something that made you stop and think WTF? Well, we promise you are not alone
1. I once woke up in the middle of the night and saw a large black figure standing over me.
I was freaked out and yelled at it, only to see the shape of ears perk up on this figure and it jumped up onto my bed. Turns out to be my dog, who had been standing on the ground with his paws on the bed, standing over me and watching me sleep.
2. My grandmother had a psycho cat that hated me.
One day this cat jumped up on a shelf that contained picture frames of each of my cousins. That cat looked me in the eye as it batted my picture off the shelf but left the other ones in place. She then jumped down and walked away, watching me as she passed.
3. I had a dog walk backwards down the hallway.
4. I have a blind doberman that does something my wife and I refer to as “chutter”.
Now he has one semi-formed eye, but the other one just never came in. There is a flesh patch where his left eye should be. Every now and again when he smells something he really, really likes, he’ll chutter.
This is when he exhales like a serial killer and clicks his front teeth together quickly and pulls his front lips back. He’ll do this after smelling used tampons in the trash, sniffing your crotch, or in the middle of the night when you are most vulnerable. It’s unsettling.
5. My dog crawls around the perimeter of the room on her belly.
She does this while maintaining constant eye contact.
6. This squirrel used to mock my cat Chester.
He would do this for many months just outside the window, on a low hanging tree branch. This squirrel would chatter and snicker at the cat and snap its tail.
Well Chester was patient.
He waited for his opportunity to attack and finally one summer day I get home from work and there’s the squirrel — brutally eviscerated and left on our porch with its head hanging from a wire-like muscle in its neck or shoulder.
My cat was waiting patiently to be let in, licking his paws and purring over this massive squirrel corpse.
When I was cleaning the carcass up off the porch I realized that the cat had eaten its privates… ripped a huge hole in the animal right between its hind quarters.
Later that year Chester got out again and never returned, presumably to hunt down every last squirrel in our neighborhood, for the rest of his life. Up until the fall months he would still bring carcasses and drop them on our porch but I never saw him waiting to get in and when the snow started flying the carcasses stopped showing up.
We looked everywhere for him. Put up many a flyer and tried desperately to get him to come home but I guess he met his doom somewhere in the nearby forest.
7. My dog will sit up in her sleep and howl.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had a Great Dane howl at 3 AM right next to your ear, but it’s pretty frightening.
8. My dog does this thing that I call “bilocating.”
It’s basically when you think he’s in one area and he’s actually not, he’s somehow managed to stealth past you without you noticing. An example of this is you may think he’s outside sleeping in the garden because that’s where you last saw him, yet you go to the toilet and find him sleeping in the hallway and you’ve been in the living room the whole time and you didn’t see or hear him go by.
I guess this is common with a small breed of dog, bit he’s a fairly large husky and we have tiled flooring and you can hear the clipping of his claws on the floor when he passes. It freaks me out when he does this. I swear he’s teleporting.
9. My cat used to excessively meow at nothing.
Especially when he was a kitten at night, which is pretty normal, but in his case it looked like he was staring at someone and meowing directly at them. It used to creep me out cause, ya know, ghosts.
10. Our dog suddenly woke up and proceeded to stare intensely into our guest bedroom.
She was in full alert mode. After a minute or so of that, I paused the TV to see what she was doing.
She stood up, barked (which was a big deal because she’s a retired racing greyhound, and it is extremely rare for them to bark at all), then trotted in the room and stared at the corner.
My fiancee had gone to bed before all of this happened and I didn’t want to worry her, so I quietly flipped on all the lights in the guest bedroom, checked the entire room for anything at all but I didn’t find a thing. Not even a bug or any sign of a disturbance outside. Nothing.
Then she just went back to her bed and kept an eye on the room for the rest of the evening.
I didn’t sleep well that night and my fiancee still doesn’t know about it.
11. My sister was bathing our bird but accidentally turned on the hot water.
He noticed and stared her dead in the eyes for a minute.
12. She started drowning mice.
The first time she caught a mouse, we weren’t really sure what to do, but a relative suggested we drown it in front of the cat while praising her loudly. So she would know she did a good thing, but also to show her the mouse was dead and gone.
Then the next day, she caught another mouse. She took it to the same room and drowned it in her waterbowl, left it floating until my husband saw it, and then purred loudly at him. She caught another mouse, and this one she drowned and then brought it to me to show off. We no longer have mice and she does it to her toys now.
I eventually found out that this is a pretty normal cat thing. The prey drowning. But for that first little while I thought we had a creepy kitty serial killer on our hands.
13. I regularly wake up to my cat standing on my chest staring at my face point blank.
Not sure if he wants breakfast or is considering smothering me in my sleep… only time will tell…
14. Our black cat used to puff himself up in front of the mirror.
He would then stiffen his legs, and bounce back and forth toward and away from the mirror.
It’s not exactly creepy, but waking up at 2:45 am and seeing a little silhouette bouncing back and forth on the floor is scary for those first couple of seconds when you’re waking up.
15. My dog was barking towards the corridor for no specific reason.
No matter what I’d do she wouldn’t stop. This went on for the whole night.
Next morning they call me. My aunt is dead. It still gives me the chills thinking about it. Was it a coincidence? I don’t know…
16. My cat can open doors if they aren’t fully latched.
I woke up one night and she had opened the door while a guest was pooping and wouldn’t let them close it. Thankfully the toilet was right there so she didn’t just swing it all the way. Had to call her away because all she did was paw at them and make a screechy sound.
17. I brought my boyfriend home for thanksgiving and he got to meet my dog Cody.
Cody’s a staffie mix and really sweet and playful and dumb, so he took to this new human instantly. My parents house backs up into a wooded hill and isn’t fenced, so we keep him on a lead when he’s outside. I let him out one day when we were left alone in the house and wanted to fool around and he immediately bolted to the woods and made it to the tree line before his lead stopped him.
He starts growling and snapping at something, and don’t think anything of it but assume he’s seen a squirrel or something in the woods, call him a stupid dog, and go inside. About an hour later we went to go bring him inside and he’s still standing watch, growling at the woods. I call him and he won’t come, but then my boyfriend called him and he bolted back, nuzzled his hand, and stood protectively in front of him and resumed growling towards the woods.
An hour or so later we started getting texts from his batshit abusive ex, including pictures of us letting the dog back in. He had sensed this guy was in the woods and went to guard against him, and then went to protect my boyfriend because he knew he was there to mess with him. For the rest of the week he would sleep at his feet, and if we walked him he would walk bumped up against his thighs.
18. Sometimes my dog will literally just stare into an empty corner of a room and turn her head from side to side.
She doesn’t break her gaze unless you physically force her to turn her head. If you approach her from behind while she’s starting at the corner and startle her, she viciously lashes out and bites. She is an otherwise peaceful animal. It makes me wonder if she can see something that I can’t…
19. My dog once jumped out of my girlfriends moving car and hurt her paw.
Well that’s not the weird part, the weird part is where about a month later the dog continued to limp around me and whining knowing I’d let her on the couch next to me for cuddles. I caught her acting all normal when she didn’t realize I was watching her from the other room one day, and when I went in to confront her, she went back to limping and giving me the pouty face. It was the most unsettling thing seeing how she was manipulating me.
20. My dog Morty woke me up once, he was outside my door barking and growling.
I was worried someone got in the house. He’s just going nuts at something and I can hear he’s right up against the door. So I get my naked butt out of bed, grab my baseball bat. I was hoping my boobs would distract any intruder long enough for me to bop them on the head with my bat. I open the door to check…. he’s barking and growling at nothing at all.
No one was in the house, all the doors were locked, no evidence of an animal or thing. I went from basement to attic, no sign of anyone. He slept outside my door the rest of the night.
21. I think my chickens are unionized.
At random times in the day, one of them will suddenly cluck and the rest will go running into the laying booth, where they will all randomly sit in the corner, out of sight.
I think they’re plotting a socialist revolution in there.
Also, don’t even think of going in there. One big brown one likes to show dominance and jumps on you.
22. Used to have a dog that would occasionally freeze in front of door frames.
He would also bark at nothing.
23. My cat keeps insects on the brink of survival.
They basically give up on life but are still alive so they just lay there. Whenever I see a “dead” bug in her spot I poke at it and 90% of the time it springs to life. Our cat just wants her own pets I guess.
24. I awoke one morning to the noise of a swishing sound in other parts of the house.
My bedroom door was closed, and the bedroom is on the second floor of the house. It sounded like the swishing sound was downstairs most of the time, but occasionally would come up the stairs and into the back bedroom, before going back downstairs again. It was pretty spooky.
I finally decided I had to do something about the noise, for who knows what it was. Maybe a bird had broken in through a window or something. We have red tail hawks around here. I opened my bedroom door and stepped out into the hall, but not as far as the ninety degree turn to go down the stairs. I could hear the swishing sound moving around downstairs. Suddenly, it sounded like it was coming up the stairs. I braced myself, and my cat Rocket came flying past with a plastic grocery bag handle over his head as he raced into the back bedroom.
I managed to corral him, and took the bag off his head. His heart was racing and Im sure he was in a panic. He calmed down, but I imagine he hated plastic grocery bags from there on out. I think he was probably rooting around in a trash can, which I often line with grocery bags, for a used fabric softener sheet. I soon learned to put those away where he couldnt find them, because he liked to eat them. Still, one would occasionally stick to clothes, and he was good at finding those, too. Hes deceased now, probably in a nice place without grocery bags, but with an endless supply of fabric softener sheets, nicely torn into thirds.
25. I got up early one morning because of a nightmare and turned to look out my window to discover two eyes reflecting back.
I just about pooped myself and ran out of the room at full tilt.
That was the day I discovered that my dog could get out of the yard and that he used the freedom to watch me sleep.
26. Before my daughter was born I had an awesome Star wars computer room/library.
When my firstborn came we converted it to a nursery….
One day while no one was home the dog climbed into my newborn daughters crib and took a giant shit right in the middle of it. The crib was placed where the dogs bed used to be and it was a pretty clear message as to what the dog thought about the new invader.
27. My dog would chew the right eye out of every chew toy or doll my daughter would leave within reach.
Always thought that was peculiar.
28. My old cat stared constantly.
It was kind of cute during the day but it’s pretty uncomfortable to wake up in the middle of the night with a completely black 20 year old cat staring into your soul. My new cat just yowls like she’s possessed at 3 AM.
29. My GF has a pug who sometimes his tongue sticks out of his underbite.
Well one day it was out a bit and I grabbed it and pulled it out a good 2 or 3in and he just left it out. Didn’t pull it back in his mouth. Nothing.
30. My dog will open doors and stare.
She will slowly push the door open to the bathroom if it’s not locked, then slowly back out and will check again the same way. I lock the door now.
31. My cat would sit in the corner and stare at the wall for hours.
It was like he was punishing himself.
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