The latest installment in the series, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, turns the franchise on its head with an immersive experience featuring an open-world environment, personable character models, and plenty of room for players to explore.
I grew up playing the Pokemon games and I’ll be honest I haven’t been the best at keeping up with the newest designs but I have to admit…they’ve created some crazy-looking dudes in the last few years. We all love the classics, like Pikachu, Charmander, Lugia, Rayquaza, and the gang, but this is a dedication to some of the unsung heroes of the series. These are the kids picked last from the litter which in itself kind of makes them worthy of having a list of their own. Also, there are like 898 Pokemon now so I’m trying my best to narrow this list down to ten. Thanks.
10. Jynx

A classic. I mean just look at her? She got lips, that amazing top, platinum blonde hair. I mean, my girl is serving here. Just off looks alone, Jynx rounds out at number 10 for me personally. She’s a psychic baddie. It’s time to detonate this yas grenade.
9. Garbador

Got to hand it to my guy Garbador. This dude eats rubbish and shoots it at enemies in the form of poison. He is essentially a trash-eating garbage monster. We love a trash man.
8. Probopass

I know what ya’ll are thinking. “Ah yes, finally a Pokemon with nose hairs.” I’m not sure what the train of thought was here but a nose-type Pokemon just feels right. Probopass makes it on the list because he is literally a 750 pound stone nose that kind of looks like a Clue character. The nose always knows you know.
7. Pheromosa

Lucky number seven we have Pheromosa who is honestly just a runway model turned bug-type Pokemon. Once again this girl is serving. We love the boots and her waist is snatched. Go off, queen.
6. Honedge

Coming in at number six…literally just a sword. Honedge is a pretty weird concept for a Pokemon. He’s just a blade with an eyeball. According to online resources, “Honedge is said to have been born from a person’s soul after they were killed by the sword that resides in it.” Okay…
5. Toucannon

Toucannon gets an honorable mention for being the most uninspired Pokemon design. This is just an angry Toucan Sam.
4. Hippopotas

Not going to try and prop this guy up but he just looks like a massive dork and that’s why I love him. Plus his name sounds just like somebody trying and failing to spell the word “hippopotamus.” An effort was made and the result is Hippopotas. Big nostril king.
3. Bruxish

Bruxish? More like Bad Bish am I right. I think it’s safe to say that this girl devoured. I’m a big fan of this lady fish’s eyelashes. She ate.
2. Palossand

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Palossand which also sounds an awful lot like “piles of sand.” Once again Bulbapedia takes a dark turn describing this creature; “It enjoys the life force of Pokémon and captures small Pokémon by creating a sandy vortex. The bones of its victims are kept beneath it and traces of its victims’ ill will are left wherever Palossand passes.” So what we have here is a carnivorous sentient sandcastle.
1. Charjabug

At the top of the list, we have the guy that everybody loves to hate, Charjabug! I’m going to level with ya’ll the weirder the design the higher they chart on this deranged list of mine and Charjabug just takes the cake. I mean…this guy is seriously just a bus. And he likes to eat humus. Yes, that is humus with one ‘m’ not two, so no, he does not eat Sabra red chili pepper spread (sorry). Unfortunately, I’m talking about the stuff in the ground. But just think about this statement a little bit; a dirt-eating Pokemon that’s shaped like a metro city bus. I honestly see no cons with giving the top spot to Charjabug. Cope.