1/26. Every morning, my wife of 18 years gets up before me and makes coffee. She doesn’t drink coffee.
2/26. She’s extremely ticklish and giggles when I kiss her neck. But she never backs away.
3/26. Before we were married, while riding in the car, my husband had this epiphany moment where he turned to me and said, “I f***ing love you.” with such conviction that I cracked up. It’s now become a thing with us.
4/26. When he wakes up in the middle of the night and kisses me while still half asleep. That makes me feel like even when he’s semi-conscious he wants to show me he loves me.
5/26. When he sneaks up behind me while I’m cooking or cleaning and kisses my neck.
6/26. How some nights he wakes up in the middle of the night and pulls me closer to him because I’ve moved too far away or even when he pulls me closer in all situations.
7/26. My wife loves pickles. They are her favorite food in the world. When she buys pickles, she buys two jars so that there is never the possibility of running out. If we run out of pickles, it is a BFD.
When we first started dating, back before I learned about her pickle obsession, I stole the last slice of pickle from her plate. I pulled the “HEY, Whats that over there?” and pointed wildly. YOINK. Pickle gone. She was LIVID. Absolutely furious that I had eaten the last pickle in the house. For WEEKS, every day she mentioned the pickle. Years passed, and she’d still make comments along the lines of “Well atleast you didn’t eat the last pickle. OH WAIT.” etc.
It’s been 9 years since the pickle debacle . My wife, being 9 months pregnant has been having insane pickle cravings. Yesterday, she gave me the last slice of pickle in the house and said “I love you this much”.
8/26. When I’m stressed out and miserable because of my job, he always says Just quit. We’ll be okay,” when he knows full well that we need the money my job brings in. He’d rather have to scrape and scratch to pay the bills than see me unhappy.
And because I love him, I keep working.
Continued on the next page!
9/26. He always tries to give me the last bite of whatever we’re sharing, even if it’s insanely delicious. We also have tickle fights (I usually lose) and when I’m finally done giggling, he looks at me with this adoring face that makes me feel so loved.
10/26. I am a night owl and my bf usually goes to bed before me, but no matter how asleep he is, even if he was just snoring a second ago, no matter how quietly I say I love you, he always says I love you too. The way he rushes home from work, that he never leaves the house without giving me a kiss. That he tells people how even after 5 yrs, 3 of which we didn’t work and lived in the middle of nowhere (to write books) and saw each other & no one else sometimes for a week or more, that I’m still the most interesting person he has ever known.
11/26. When I’m in the tub and he just sits on the floor and hangs out with me because he wants to talk.
12/26. My girlfriend of three years complains whenever I rub my eyes. She tells me it’s going to make my eyelids really wrinkly when I’m older and she won’t like that. It sounds silly but hearing her speak about us that far ahead makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside even if she is complaining about something as silly as me rubbing my eyes.
13/26. I know this is a thread for couples, but f**k it. I have a story about why I know my dog loves me.Whenever I’m upset, she magically appears next to me and demands to play. If I’m sitting there sobbing, she’ll pull in my hair or pant leg and make me run to her toy bin and play a rousing game of tug o war.
She doesn’t have to do this, but she always makes my day better, and let’s me know when the world is against me, she’s still going to be there.
14/26. When he warms the sheets in the dryer and tucks me in when I’ve had an awful day.
15/26. Well I have PTSD and am 80% disabled, walk with a cane, and also have hearing aids now. I never used to be like this, but after two deployments this is my body. She still takes care of me, tells me she loves me, prepares my medicines, cooks my meals, and takes me to all of my appointments. Even though I’m not the exact same man she married she is still here, and its all these small things that amaze me everyday.
16/26. I work fourteen hours on Saturday and Sunday. I hate the work, but it pays all of our bills, and there’s no way I’ll be able to find another job that pays me $250 for two days of work. I tend to complain about it to my husband at length, and he sympathizes. But I forget sometimes that it sucks for him too. He’s basically a single man for two days every week, I leave before he wakes up and come home when he’s going to bed.
On the days when he’s missed me a lot I’ll get home we’ll have dinner and watch tv and go to bed like it’s a normal night. But as soon as we get in bed it all sort of comes out. He’ll curl up around me in bed like a little kid and hold on so tight I almost can’t breath. He’ll stay there for twenty minutes sometimes, his head nestled into me, just holding on like I’m the best thing to ever wander into that apartment.
Continued on the next page!
17/26. He’s a bit of a crazy driver, but if we ever have to make a hard stop, he immediately throws out his arm to keep me in my seat. I’m a fairly small person, and he’s a fairly tall one, and as a result he’s very protective of me, in little and big ways. Seeing that, and seeing him worrying about my safety makes me feel more loved than anything else in the world.
18/26. We’ve been dating for five years and we have always gotten Cherry Coke as a drink if we are sharing. A few months ago we went to the movies and he came back, as per usual, with Cherry Coke. I said I was glad that we both loved that soda the most and he replied “I actually don’t really like Cherry Coke but I get it because it’s your favorite and you like to share.”
I can’t wait to call this man my husband next September.
19/26. I suffer from a variety of mental health issues, one of which is severe anxiety. My boyfriend will hold me in bed while iI’m shaking and hyperventilating. He’ll sit there, sometimes for over an hour, and rub my hair and tell me that I’m doing amazing at working through it even when I know I’m not. I know how hard it is for him to see me like that, but he never lets it show and he never lets me go through this alone.
20/26. He is forever trying to take worse and worse pictures of me. While I’m eating, when I’ve just woken up, if I’m sick, if I’ve done something really stupid… the worse I look the more pictures he takes. Then he uses these (and only these) pictures as his backgrounds on everything… computer, phone, iPod, whatever. It is ungodly annoying, but I love that that’s how he likes to be reminded of me, how I actually am and not at my best.
22/26. When I fart and she farts back at me to try and get payback for how smelly my a** breath was. True love.
23/26. The other day I was having a really bad day. Just sad and upset and generally horrible. So we’re laying in bed watching TV and during a break he goes to the kitchen for whatever reason. When he gets back he hands me a burnt marshmallow on a stick. Because he knows how much I love burnt marshmallows and that it would make me happy. Needless to say, my day was instantly better and I love that guy a lot.
24/26. Recently I went to Europe for two weeks, and he wrote me this. “I may not know what love means exactly, but the one thing that I am absolutely sure of in my life is that I want you to be the one to show me what love is; not with a dictionary entry, but with a look into my soul, a comforting embrace connecting the scared boy inside of me to the beautiful world that brought you to me. I might not know what love is, but I know you’re the reason the word exists. I love you, ma cherie, in ways that I can’t even put into words.
25/26. The way we argue. He’s so considerate and thoughtful with his words, even when I know he’s incredibly frustrated. That speaks volumes about the way he respects me and loves me even when he’s angry with me. I’ve learned to argue in the same way (but I’m less awesome at it than he is). He makes me a better person.
26/26. When he cleans the gross gunk that gets stuck in the kitchen sink (because it legitimately frightens me).
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