We've all dreamed about getting sweet, sweet revenge on our
This is the story of Mike, who set a revenge trap for his horrible boss and the boss, like the idiot he seemed to be, fell right in it. The fall was hard and the ending is so incredibly satisfying that you might find yourself daydreaming at the office about how to do the same to your horrible boss.
Mike Turns Negative Quickly
He said, “I and several colleagues were shocked.” But they didn’t want to rock the boat too much. “We were making good money, and most people directly in contact with him were 5-10 years in (with) the company and had broad respect in the management level – so we just did our best and tried to avoid his wrath.”
Despite their best efforts, the team, and especially Mike, wouldn’t be able to avoid it forever.
Bill Takes On The Whole Department
Mike and Bill worked closely together and at first, Mike was ok with that situation. But, as he said, things really started to go wrong not too long into Bill’s tenure. Mike explained: “In the beginning it was okay, but he became more and more enraged with minor problems and issues and quickly started firing people left and right. One of our group managers was fired by email on the day after Christmas – with over 90 staff CC’d, because Bill didn’t know how to use outlook. It was crazy.”
It wasn’t long before HR took notice, of course. With Bill firing everyone left and right, they were forced to get involved. Mike described the meetings as screaming matches. “The HR department was bewildered and had weekly shouting meetings with Bill.”
As for Mike, well, Bill “cooled towards me and sent me back to my old department, which was fine.”
But others in Bill’s way didn’t fare as well.
“A few of the PM’s got stressed out and one quit, so we were very busy. I ended up running way too many projects.”
Yet instead of loosening up, Bill doubled down
Bill’s Anger Boils Over, Mike Starts His Exit Plan
Bill was relentless, demanding more and more out of Mike and the rest of the team under him. Finally, Mike had enough.
“One of our last big clashes was his unreasonable requirements for me to fly to far away places (10-15 hour flights) to attend a simple meeting that we’d usually handle over the phone. After 3 weeks of traveling, he demanded me do another 2 weeks on another continent, and I refused.”
Enough was enough.