A Daycare Worker That Didn’t Do The Dirty Work

Mat Hayward/Shutterstock
She seems surprised and goes:
‘Oh, I don’t change diapers, honey.’
Yep, this lady refused to change diapers. She took a job caring for babies…
She was fired maybe an hour later.”
Maybe He Should Have Read The Job Description A Little Closer

“I let some poor kid go after 30 minutes. He didn’t want to quit because it was his first job, and he bought scrubs entirely for this occasion- but he was clearly in over his head the second he started his orientation (to my own credit, he interviewed like a CHAMP, and some people are just really good at saying all the right things).
I asked if he would feel better if he was fired (my intention being to remind him the ‘fired’ is a bad thing, so if he doesn’t think he can hang- he should quit on his own terms). He said, ‘yes,’ so I fired him. He shook my hand and told me I had nice eyebrows and left. The next day he emailed me to let me know he was quitting. I told him there were no hard feelings since he was already fired. I have now learned to ask every PHLEBOTOMIST (people that draw blood) applicant if they are comfortable being exposed to blood. Thanks Connor.”
She Seemed To Not Understand What “On Time” Meant

“They lasted about 63 minutes of on the clock time. It was the manager at a vegan spot in NYC. The girl was so nice and motivated during the interview, she gave me great vibes and I was excited to bring her on. The very first day she’s 4 hours late to her 5-hour training shift. She said she overslept… her shift started at 5 PM ON A TUESDAY. Lots of red flags but I’m a nice guy and she said she needed the money and it’d never happen again.
LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY she comes in 2 hours late and wasted. The first words out of her mouth were not an excuse or an apology or anything. She asks me, ‘Can I get $100 upfront from my first check after my shift so I can go out with my girl tonight, it’s her birthday.’
I didn’t even fire her. I just banned her from ever coming back.”
A Compromised Condition

“I managed a gas station for a while. I hired this guy who seemed completely normal, which was hard to come by so I had him start the next day. After about 30 mins of working, he says he needs a break. No big deal, something must have come up. Maybe 10 minutes later a customer came in saying a man was passed out in the men’s restroom. I send another guy working into the restroom and the dude I just hired was naked and completely unresponsive. Paramedics come and turns out he overdosed. He survived but I still never got an answer on why he was naked.”
Corporate Espionage?

“I worked for a major 3 lettered computer company. A new service tech was hired. Once he logged in, he pulled out a portable hard drive from his backpack, connected it to his machine, and started to copy everything he had access to. Within 3 hours security was escorting him out the door.”
No, No, Peanut Allergies Are Very Real

“She didn’t even make it through the office tour.
We hire a lot of seasonal workers, and last year we had a girl with one of the LEGIT ‘small particles of peanut dust will absolutely kill her dead’ peanut allergies. So we put up a few reminder signs, had some peanut-free dishes and forks in the kitchen, that kind of stuff. The new girl started a few weeks after most of the rest of the group, and when I was showing her around she pointed to the signs, she made such a rude comment!