Parents of Reddit were asked: "What's something your kid(s) have admitted to you, that you wish they never would have told you?" These are some of the best answers.
Too Much Information!

“What are all those dark spots on the wall by your bed?” “Boogers.”
I shouldn’t have asked.
Some things are better not knowing!

I wish they hadn’t told me about the old man my wife was having over on weekends while I was out of town.
“Daddy, look at my smile!”

I told my blind son when he lost his first tooth at age 6 that he looks like a jack-o-lantern. He immediately ran over to the full length mirror and twisted his head every way he could to try to see his mouth (he has a little peripheral vision). When he couldn’t see himself he climbed back in bed with me and said, “Daddy, I wish I could see my smile.” Broke my heart.
“How fast did you go, son?”

That he got my new car to 143mph. Yes, I know it’s fast, but don’t tell me you took my less than 2 month old car out and drove it that fast.
An Uncomfortable Conversation

When my daughter told me she wanted to start taking birth control. It’s just really uncomfortable when your child (who is now an adult) tells you she’s having sex. But I didn’t express that of course, and talked to her again about birth control, condoms, emotional stuff with relationships, etc.
“To Have or Not to Have”

My daughter agonized over her decision to finally choose to have an abortion. We talked about it endlessly.
An Extreme Decision

He told me he was a huge Nickelback fan. I have not talked to him since.
When A Daughter Needs Help

My daughter went into a serious downward spiral around age 15 to the point where she was institutionalized. I was visiting her, and she told me one part of her story which was she was assaulted in her school bathroom. That hurt like hell to hear.
When Poo Gets in The Way!

My elder son was, at the time 2. He walks up to me with this disgusted look on his face, grabs my hand, pulls it towards his mouth and spits out a chewed up turd. He then says “Daddy, I bite poo.”
I wish to god I hadn’t seen, known of, or been nearby for that.
This Broke My Heart.

My son told me he was tired of living in his body. He is 14 years old and has Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Even though he always has a smile on his face, I always questioned in my mind whether or not he was in pain. He is developmentally and mentally age appropriate, speech is normal, and his disability is mainly physical. He walks with a walker, wears leg braces, and is constantly fighting his muscle tone.
The sentence that he spoke killed me. I wasn’t ready. We cried together, and because he’s such an awesome kid, he ended up wiping my tears and telling me it was ok. Most days are great, but the ones that aren’t are really sad. I love him, and I wish I could take away his pain.
Upsetting news!

My son has just started speaking complete sentences. Sometimes he doesn’t know how to convey his feelings. He hugged me the other day and told me he was sad. I asked him why and he said, “Because you can’t put me to bed tonight.” His mom and I are separated and I was dropping him off. I wanted to cry right then.
Oh no!

My son admitted to me that he got it on with 2 girls while I was in the kitchen baking him a cake for his 16th birthday. One was keeping watch at the door while the other was in bed with him, then they switched. I remember them shyly leaving the house after I yelled down the hall to tell him his cake was finished. We have always had open dialogue about everything, but this was one piece I could have gone without knowing.
A Bold Statement

My son was 8. He looks up at me from an app game he’s playing and says with a completely serious face and tone, “Daddy if you were a zombie I’d hit you in the face with a pie, then stab the pie. I’d be sad, but I’d have to man up.”
“We Love You”

After a rough day of me being cranky because his behaviour was driving me nuts, I went into my 7 year olds room while he was in the shower and found a picture he had drawn, of a stick figure in the middle of two rows of stick man heads, the speech bubble for the heads said ‘ha ha ha ha ha ha’ and there was an arrow pointing to the middle stickman with a comment that read ‘(his name) the worst boy in the whole world’.
This broke my heart. I ended up crossing out the ‘hahahaha’ bits and replacing them with ‘we love you’ and ‘your the best’ and crossed out ‘worst boy’ and replaced it with ‘most wonderful boy’ and left it on his desk for him to find. When he found it and came in to see me, the happy smile on his face made it all better again.

My 6 year old son told me that we couldn’t leave my mom’s house to make the long drive home until her 15 year old foster son woke up. I asked him why. He said “He promised me candy after he touched my private parts last night”. Absolutely everything came to a screeching halt. I don’t remember much from the rest of that day.
Not Santa Clause?

Even though I knew it was coming, I wish I hadn’t heard my daughter say she knew Santa wasn’t real. It was very much a reminder that my once little baby wasn’t a little girl anymore.
It’s not as serious as the rest of the things here, but with Christmas coming it’s been weighing on my mind a lot.
Not Something One Wants to Hear

“It feels goodly weird when I stretch my privates out like this.”
Interesting news!

My son recently told me that his step mom is his mom. Hands down, that has been the hardest thing I have ever heard to date.