A few pranks here and there is one thing, but it never got this crazy at my school! From scandals to food fights, there was probably never a dull day at these institutions of education. There's no way these students will ever forget the insane events from their childhood.
We found all the most unbelievable Reddit stories about the craziest things that ever happened at people's schools! Content has been edited for clarity.
A Summer Transition

“Our media specialist, Mr. Nielson, came in one Monday morning having transitioned into Ms. Davis. The adults made a big deal of it, but most of the students were pretty chill about the whole thing. Mr. Nielson had always been kind of quiet and surly, and Ms. Davis was super nice and friendly. Just goes to show you how much happier a person can be when they are living life as they want to.”
Terrifying Deception

“The girl who said her boyfriend knocked her up and got the whole school (kinda small town) to support her for being a teen mom… only for my yearbook staff to expose her pregnancy as fake after she gave birth to her ‘baby girl.’ We were skeptical because she was rail thin most of the pregnancy (until she had to leave school and go on ‘bed rest’) and her ex-bf swore he didn’t get with her. So, one day, we reverse google image searched her baby picture and it belonged to a premature baby boy from 3 years ago that some mom posted on her blog.
This girl went even as far to SOMEHOW stage pictures in a hospital or a place that looked like a hospital, holding a fake pink bundle of nothing. Once word spread that her pregnancy was fake, she freaked out and created fake Facebook profiles of her parents and started using those accounts to harass everyone that was coming at her. She eventually pulled out of school and disappeared forever. For the next two years, everyone kept speculating where she went. If I remember correctly, people searched around for her online bc she was a ‘model’ in high school and found she moved to the next state over- But by then, everyone didn’t care”
A School Shooter Distraction

“Someone called threatening to shoot up the school. The whole school was on lockdown and everyone was scared for their lives, SWAT teams even showed up. I was in my drawing and painting class at the time and honestly, the ‘It’s getting real’ moment was when the art teacher put a board over our heads as we were hiding and one of us asked ‘what about you?’ And she just gave us a look that seemed to say ‘I’m sorry.’
Turns out it was an elaborate (pretty genius in an evil way) plan to divert all police forces to the school so these random guys could rob a nearby bank.”
“My High School’s Tragedy Will Follow Me For The Rest Of My Life”

“We had three heart-wrenching, oddly connected tragedies in one year.
When I was a junior, a girl lost control of her car and crashed. The impact ended her life, but her two passengers were okay. She was a wonderfully nice girl, always smiling, participating in an ROTC drill team. The school was shaken by her sudden passing. I attended her funeral and cried my eyes out, wondering how her family managed not to cry 24/7. My brother was a pallbearer.
A month later, a senior boy crashed into another vehicle while on his way to an ROTC drill team practice early in the morning, way before school started. He was the captain of the team. A quiet leader. Gifted. Known for solving Rubik’s cubes in class. My brother. He was comatose. The pallbearer’s carnation from the girl’s funeral was still on his desk. The water had been poured out, and the white flower was drying slowly.
As if that wasn’t enough, a sophomore boy was involved in a collision just a few days later when he was leaving the school. He died instantly. Oddly enough, he involved in ROTC extracurriculars too. The news hit me like a ton of bricks as I sat in the hospital’s waiting room.
My brother died in the hospital about a week later. I was allowed to stay home for the rest of the school year. At his funeral, I understood why the family of the deceased doesn’t sob their way through the service. We had moved to a place beyond tears.
We finally took his old furniture out of his room today. I cried thinking about that pall bearer’s carnation sitting on his desk. My high school’s tragedy will follow me for the rest of my life”
Bullying Is Nothing To Joke About

Shutterstock/ Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com
“A 13-year-old girl was chased and attacked daily in school by a mob of 16-year-old boys. It happened every single day.
Our school was very, very overcrowded and there was one day after the bell went, everyone was trying to leave through a single doorway. The crush was so bad that a guy who had his arm resting on the other doors glass to stop himself getting crushed ended up cracking the glass because of the pressure. Eventually, someone got the other door open and we escaped. I was trapped against a wall at the side so it wasn’t so bad for me.
Kids stole sewing needles from the tech styles room and started stabbing a girl in the back. She ended up with little bloodstains on the back of her shirt.
We accidentally set fire to a wall in science class. It was a complete accident, the girls working at the side put the burner against the wall like we had been taught, but they forgot about the cell display that was 3D. They set the display on fire and it just went straight up. We all stood and laughed until we realised the fire was blocking our escape route because the door into the corridor was always locked and not even the teacher had a key. The teacher ran at the wall with a fireproof blanket and put the fire out as we escaped the room. The PE teachers saw us all running out and started screaming at us to get back inside as smoke was coming out of the open doorway, we had interrupted her class playing netball on the playground. I ended up yelling at her that we weren’t going back into a burning room until the fire was out. She investigated and I didn’t get in trouble somehow. We went back to class ten minutes later once the room had aired out a little.
Also, to go along with the last story, all the fire alarms were disabled in the school because kids kept setting them off constantly. There were days it went off every single class, sometimes multiple times so the school disabled all the alarms. So when the classroom wall set on fire, there was no way to alert the rest of the block, luckily the fire went out and we could have got everyone out ourselves but it was dangerous.
When I was in year 11, I watched 100+ kids chase one kid across a busy street to his car and surrounded it. I couldn’t get close to help the poor kid, his older brother was picking him up from school because of the bullying.”
She Always Fell Asleep In Class

“I sat by this girl in history class in 7th grade; she was really nice but always a bit quiet. She slept a lot–the teacher would always come and wake her up. There was a span of a week where she didn’t show up to school and there were a couple rumors about what happened. Our English teacher broke down and told us that she’s been abused by her mother and stepfather and the pair had murdered her. I’m not sure the extent of the abuse–I remember my mother mentioning that the stepfather dragged her around the house by her hair–but it was surreal that someone who sat next to me in class and let me borrow a pencil every now and again was gone”
Food Fight!

“At my high school, we had a full-on riot at our school. We were planning the senior prank, which we had to get approved by the school (stupid) so we got them to agree to a water balloon fight in the parking lot after school. Little do they know that was just to let us store the water balloons in the school until the end of the day. Some of the cool teachers let us store coolers full of water balloons all over the second floor of the main hall. The real goal was to rain down upon the underclassmen downstairs during passing period. Our school was huge. Easily thousand or two in the main hall between classes. Unfortunately, word got out like wildfire and half of the students knew not to be downstairs during the passing period we chose. Several minutes before class let out, most of us were let out early to go to our prank so we got in position. Once the first water balloon was thrown the entire school was mayhem for the rest of the school year. It was the last week of school so we went out big. Kids were using the soaked tile as a slip n slide and the principal himself got tagged several times. It was all in good fun of course. But then lunch came.
If you were like me, you probably wondered, ‘why does my school never have a full on legit food fight?’ And then that day finally came. There were rumors of a food fight circulating the school for hours since the morning water balloon fight (which continued EVERY passing period until the end of the day) I still remember when the first shots were fired as a freshly fried taco salad soared through the air in slow motion, shredded cheese and ground beef falling in its wake. The moment that first plate made contact, it was on. Tables were flipped and used as sandbags. Screams. Oh, the screams… Terror struck as full burritos and slices of pizza forever stained the clothes of the unfortunate souls who weren’t quick enough to evade the hailstorm of food. It did not matter whose food it was if you were within reach of a plate, you threw it. I had never seen a more horrifying scene than the cafeteria after the battle. Disgusting cottage cheese rained from the 25ft tall dining hall. There wasn’t an inch of the room that hadn’t seen war. Most of us were surrounding the battlefield by the end of it, some were completely covered in 6 different entrees. They had to actually stop selling food to us because people were reloading a la carte. But this day did not end there.
The security guards golf cart was stolen and taken for a brief joyride before the brave hijacker was taken down by a 300+ lbs Samoan security guard. Road rash covered his face where he was grounded. The second lunch period began, those of us from the first were not back in class, a lot of kids just ditched at this point and stayed for the second lunch hour. Another food fight traumatized the kitchen staff. They were quicker to shut down the lines this time.
By the end of the day, 2 and a half hours left or so, we were under what felt like military lockdown. Actual police officers (not the rent a cop we had) were brought in to keep order. We were funneled outside the main hall after classes in single file. We could not speak, we could not deviate. Security guards and police patrolled the halls the rest of the school year. Our senior class president, as punishment for the senior prank which admittedly got way out of hand (people were throwing Gatorade and water bottles after the balloons ran out), was not allowed to speak at graduation. Some kid got expelled and another couldn’t graduate. All in all, I’d say it was honestly surreal. We couldn’t believe it was actually happening but when a few thousand kids band together to fight the establishment, stuff gets real. Kids were being suspended just for using the floor as a slip n slide! They honestly suspended underclassmen even though it was the end of the year. They set their suspension at the beginning of the next year!”
The Preacher’s Daughter

“The preacher’s daughter (13? 14?) got pregnant by her older brother. It was a whole huge scandal. A lot of people stopped going to his church. My mom tried to convince her mom to let her have an abortion (the suggestion did not go over well). She had a little (noticeable) bump and was still attending class. She said the brother forced her, and then that the brother and some of his friends all took their turns with her. He said they’d been fooling around a while and denied it was forceful. She ended up miscarrying. The preacher/father ‘retired.'”
Another School Shooter Scare

“So I went to a self-paced high school several years ago. Friday was the slacker day. The farmers market across the street was open, and a lot of people went there for lunch and didn’t come back to the end of the day. Since it was a self-passed learning, there was no class to skip.
Anyway, it’s about an hour and before the end of the day in the middle of winter. Not too cold yet, thanks to some warm weather that was passing through, but a snowstorm was due to come in later in the afternoon. I’m doing some work when the school gets the lockdown order. Teachers close the doors, lights off, and everyone is told to back up against the walls.
I figured this was a drill that was just taking a long time. I heard the dismissal bell ring and knew then that we were in for the long haul. I sat there in the dark room waiting for this to end. At some point, I heard someone bang on the doors, but they left quickly.
So the room I’m sitting is really half of a giant room. The other half is separated by windows and a set of double doors. After what had to be four or five hours we see the lights go on in the other room. Then the double doors open and about five to six city strapped police officers storm into the room from the adjacent one and tell everyone to put their hands on their heads and stand up. The funnel everyone out with hands on their heads down the side stairwell to the gym, where they frisked search everyone. After a little while longer they said that this was not a drill, but a real threat, yadda, yadda.
What I know from the rumor chain is that there was a girl from my high school who started dating a boy from another school. They broke up and he started death threats, I think his father owned a weapon (but again this is all rumors). The school knew about the threats, and the front office saw the kid enter the school and locked it all down. The police then were called and cleared the hallways, and then cleared the schoolroom, by room.
The original plan was to move everyone to the next door school, but because of the storm, they moved people to the gym instead. Anyone coming from the farmers market had to sit in the neighboring school instead. I laughed knowing the VP, who was well known to be very strict, probably talked to them all about not being in the school during ‘prime time.'”
“Terrible In Every Sense Of The Word”

“A girl in our high school hid her pregnancy pretty well. She was a bigger girl that didn’t really show so nobody knew. She gave birth in a school bathroom alone, killed the baby, and put it in the trash can. The janitor found it later. It turned out that she was abused by her father. The baby was his and she was terrified about what would happen to her if he found out. She was scared for her life and did not know where to turn. It was terrible in every sense of the word. The only good to come from it was that her dad went to jail.”
Dropping Through The Drop Ceiling

“A few guys did a yearly ‘prank.’ Sophomore year, the daredevil of the group jumped out a window at the school, down a little over 2 stories and basically escaped the grounds like a prison movie.
Junior year, they decided they wanted to jump out of the ceiling of a classroom. They apparently gain access to the drop ceiling via the boy’s bathroom. Two guys went up into the ceiling, to my understanding guy 1 was jumping and guy 2 would film from that perspective.
So meanwhile, in English class. I’m sitting at the front-left part of the room, next to the teacher’s desk. I know what’s about to happen but wasn’t involved. Three other people in the class of 20 or so know its happening, and they’re trying to film it. Importantly, this was in 2004, cell phones didn’t take great video. These guys had full-size cameras, the kind you see skaters filming each other with.
The class is watching an insanely boring film that had some kind of significance to the material, I forget, it’s been awhile and this was ridiculously dull. So the class is kind of zoning out, and the teacher is at a desk in the back row by the projector (that’s how old this movie was). Pretty easy to conceal the cameras when no one’s paying attention, but I’m still impressed.
Back in the ceiling, guy 1 trips, loses his footing, and his foot bursts through the ceiling above the teacher’s desk (it was that cheap drop ceiling stuff, no structural integrity at all). This comes out of nowhere and is also basically about 5 feet from me.
So the class kinda flips out. The guy in the ceiling figures it’s now or never, jumps, and falls through the ceiling. Unfortunately for him, he did not plan this very well, and his thigh slammed into an upper corner of a metal filing cabinet. He then lands awkwardly on the teacher’s chair. Also, he’s wearing a mask and all black, like Scream.
His legs all kinds of messed up and people are freaking out. Our teacher was kind of a walking stereotype of high school English teachers. Ex-hippie, super positive, all that…she’s yelling at expletives. Guy gets up, and runs as best he can out of the classroom. Another random kid in the class has no idea what is going on and chases him. Teacher chases him too. I think he managed to escape but I’m not certain. He totally got suspended later. It was very worth it.
Incidentally, guy 2 up in the ceiling apparently gets lost on the way back and instead of descending back into the boy’s room, he climbs into the adjoining girl’s room. Apparently, a girl was entering the restroom and saw him climbing out. He was also suspended, no idea how he managed to explain that.”
An Ill-Advised Idea

“A policeman came to talk to us about illegal substance usage and he had a board with baggies of different substances attached to it. I think they were under that assumption that we should know how to identify them.
Someone stole the board from under his nose and the whole school went into lockdown as they searched every locker and bag for the board. They never found it.”
A Bomb Threat And A Murder

“We had a bomb threat at my school. Some idiot slid a note under the door of the assistant principal’s office. So instead of setting off an alarm or something, they send an email out to all of the teachers. As luck would have I was in Spanish II and since our regular teacher was on maternity leave we were left with an old dinosaur for a substitute. I don’t hate people, but she was the black belt of mean. Anyway, we were in class when we all notice everyone vacating the school. So we asked her why we weren’t going with everyone else and this witch tells us we have Spanish to work on. So we ask her what was going on and why is everyone leaving and she just nonchalantly says there was bomb threat and that everyone is supposed to go to the soccer field. She didn’t think it was that serious. So we all said forget that and left her in there while she proceeded to yell at everyone walking out. Then we sat on the soccer field for three hours in the middle of a heat wave while they inspected the school. There was no bomb. Stupid moron got sent to an alternative school.
Also at my previous school, we had a girl hide her pregnancy, gave birth, and drowned the baby in a toilet. She was sent to prison for 18 years (I found this ironic). I didn’t realize this until I was watching Investigation Discovery and her story was featured. She was a couple years older than me, but she is in one of my yearbooks.”
Nuns Don’t Play

“I went to a Catholic all-girls school. A girl got pregnant. She was first kicked out, then one of the nuns yelled at the principal who then ‘agreed’ to let her come back if it meant after school hours and being taught her lessons in an old classroom in the basement by said principal.
Girls in each class had abortions by the time they graduated, but because you could see the pregnancy my friend wasn’t allowed to be taught properly and wasn’t allowed to walk at graduation”
A Swimming Pool And A Car

“In my sophomore year of high school, the senior class pulled what was at the time the greatest prank ever. Remember that episode of Drake and Josh where a student put a car in the classroom? Yeah, that’s basically what they did. They disassembled a car and moved it piece by piece into a plaza on campus (it is essentially an outdoor amphitheater. It’s a two meter-deep pit, so it was pretty much impossible to get the car in there any other way), all in the dead of night.
My junior year of high school, the senior class somehow one-upped the prank from the year before. One morning as we all showed up, everyone discovered a giant sign made from blue tape on the front of the building (we’re talking about 10 meters across and 3 meters high) that just said ‘POOL’ with an arrow pointing around back, so I walked around to the amphitheater plaza on the way to class. They had completely filled it with water and were doing cannonballs into it, and moreover, they had bought a lifeguard’s chair (the kind that’s raised a meter or two off the ground) and had hired an honest to god lifeguard. All of this was accompanied by a DJ who was blasting techno (at 7 am, no less). And to top it all off, the ‘pool’ had been stocked with fish…and several ducks. It took the school four days to drain all the water out. And, mind you, this happened in the middle of February. In Colorado.”
A Visit From Royalty Is Almost Thwarted By A Carrot

“Some years ago the Headmistress was invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. Whilst there she invited Prince Charles to the school, which he accepted. So on March 31st of that year, the men in black turned up at the school to give it a security sweep. Well, they noticed that in the middle of the courtyard in the horseshoe-shaped school was a hill with a wooden sculpture of a carrot stuck in the ground – a 20-foot high carrot. When the Headmistress answered that the carrot was not set in concrete but only bedded into gravel, the visit was suddenly off on the grounds that the carrot might fall and hurt a child on the very day of the Royal visit. The visit was still possible if she could get the carrot lifted and reset in concrete within a couple of days.
The day’s security check left the Headmistress on a low. But the next morning she had rallied herself and was on the phone to crane companies and frantically ringing round for a rapid response; but all to no avail. All the companies she tried just laughed and hung up. For the second day in a row, the chance of a royal visit took a severe blow.
The next morning the Headmistress went to work despondent. She thought she’d try ringing the crane companies for one last try. Well, the very first one she rang said ‘What? You really want us to pull a 20-foot carrot out of the ground so Prince Charles can visit?!! – Well, of course, we can do it! We thought the call yesterday was an April Fool’s joke!’
Well, the carrot was set in concrete and Prince Charles came to visit. He arrived by car, had photos with all the children and staff, spent hours there and thrilled the children by leaving by helicopter.
And that carrot didn’t move an inch.”
A Shooter In The Library

“Recently at my sister’s college (I graduated there in May), a student came into the library with a weapon. Everyone in the library went into ninja hiding mode as he casually walked around the library, they hid in closets and behind whatever they could. Most just crouching under their tables and putting their hands over their mouths to quiet their crying. The rest of the campus didn’t even know it happened. A few students walked into the library, saw everyone hiding, and without even guessing just got the heck out of there. He didn’t shoot anyone because he was looking for someone who clearly wasn’t there, and only the cops came to arrest him. His response? ‘GUYS IT WASN’T A BIG DEAL!!’
This is one of my biggest fears ever, if I was in that library I would have lost my mind.”
There Are Professionals For This

“We had ‘The Critter Gitter’. My school had a family of raccoons living in the ceiling above our study hall. One of the guys in my grade who was your stereotypical redneck crawled into the ceiling via air vent to clear them out.
After 15 minutes of crawling around his weight brought down the vent holding him. This happened in the middle of a class that was in the study hall. I wish I could have been there to see Ms. Royce’s face.”
Smoking In The Boys Room

Big Pants Production/Shutterstock.com
“First, some moron was smoking in the bathroom at school and lit the garbage can on fire which resulted in the bathroom catching on fire..
Second, we had vending machines at our school. Needless to say one of the vending machine guys left it open after refilling it, everything was gone in minutes including the money.
This was just middle school!”
Pranks Galore

“I found a leftover ‘dud’ firework on the field at school and naturally picked up and tried to light it to see if it would work. It wasn’t working and a teacher was walking towards us so I drop it and step on it. The stupid thing then decides to go off, shooting out and exploding under the vice principals car.
Second, I was sitting in French class stoned out of my mind when my friend decides to throw out some garbage during quiet reading time. He gets up and trips over the garbage can and scatters stuff everywhere. As he’s trying to fix it he kicks over the recycling bin and more stuff goes everywhere. So now there’s this giant mess all over the front of the classroom, everyone is staring so he calmly just kicks everything to the side before going to sit back down. As soon as he sits down the entire class burst into laughter as my buddy goes bright red from embarrassment.
Third, as our grad prank, we got a bunch of bread and coated it with NyQuil then fed it to some seagulls. The seagulls, needless to say, fell asleep very fast and we picked them up and placed them gently in garbage cans around the school. As lunchtime came around they started to wake up. So there were about 25 seagulls running around the inside of our school being chased by teachers for a solid 2 and a half hours before they had to call pest control to get them out.”