Kids can be great, but at the same time, they can be awful, spoiled little minions who expect anything and everything to be given to them. Go anywhere and you'll see at least one kid yelling, screaming, hitting, or kicking their parents until they get what they want.
A Reddit thread recently asked people to reveal the most spoiled kid they've ever had the displeasuring of meeting, and let me tell you, they didn't hold back with these stories. They dished out on some of the worst behaved, most entitled, and least grateful children that have walked this Earth. Take a look at some of the worst of the worst. All posts have been edited for clarity.
She Resorted To Theft To Get What She Wanted

“I was a student tech at our university, so I was usually helping with repairing student’s and the occasional professor’s laptop or desktop. However, during a big sale, it was required that we help freshman and their parents with buying computers from the student store. Now, we had two options at this point for students who chose to buy our laptops with a student discount. We had Dell Latitudes and Insprions, and we had MacBooks. A girl and a father walked in and she darted right over to the MacBooks. She knew exactly which one she wanted. Her father told her that they didn’t have the cash for the laptop, and at my recommendation, we settled on a Dell Latitude Laptop. I thought it would be an easy sale.
Well, the father and I did. The daughter did not agree with our opinion. She threw a tantrum right in the middle of the store, initially with hushed reservations which escalated to her loudly calling her father out, telling him how much of a good girl she was, how much of a bad father he was because he wouldn’t buy her things like her mother always did, and how he was RUINING HER LIFE, because she would be unpopular if she didn’t have a MacBook. The father then said he was stepping out for five minutes, at which point she began asking random customers to help defend her, all of them looked at her like she was crazy, one even told her that they’d buy the Dell laptop from her for $50 minus retail, others said they’d be happy to get any laptop for free, and she should be too, that their parents never helped them through college, etc. When the father came back, they continued fighting, and he left once again, telling her she was not getting the MacBook. She left a minute or so later.
Fifteen minutes later, she came to my register and asked for a MacBook Pro. When I plopped down the box, her eyes widened. I took the card out of her hand, and examined it. It was obviously the father’s card. I asked for ID, and did the usual policy for high end purchases. Because it was not her card, I declined the sale. She gave me every excuse in the book, oh he’s outside, dad gave me the card, blah blah blah. None of it stuck and I refused the sale, explaining the situation to the store manager, who had seen the entire thing and confirmed it. The father, confident where his daughter was, came storming in a few seconds later. He asked her what happened and I told him exactly what had happened, and she gave me an extremely dirty look as I handed back the card. She had stolen the card from the backpack the father was carrying their stuff in. She turned quickly and begged for the Dell laptop, but the father refused anything, saying he had a much better punishment. We all laughed and cringed. Others in the line chuckled.
I saw her two months later and she scowled at me, blaming me for not just swiping the card, because she had to use the lab computers for everything for an entire semester as punishment. I laughed, and walked back to my desk.”
That Poor Dog…

“I used to babysit these kids. The one girl didn’t feel like doing her homework, so I told her we only had a couple problems left. I had been helping her, so it was going to go by quickly. I also told her that we could play games as soon as she was done.
In response, she told me she wished I was dead (this girl was 6 years old). She threw a bunch of crackers on the floor and when the dog ran over to eat the food, this girl kicked it in the nuts. She then said she was going to blame it all on me and get me fired. He was a big dog, and he was probably neutered, so I don’t think she hurt him that much, but still.
I grounded her when she hit the dog. Not that going to her room was much of a punishment, considering she had every toy in the world.
Of course, her parents didn’t believe I threw food on the floor and assaulted their dog, but there was absolutely no repercussions for what she did. They just turned their heads, put their hands on their hips, and were like, ‘What did we say about lying?’
And that was it.”
Who Said Brats Had To Be Kids?

“I worked in an ER during college as an EMT/tech. Some frat guy was brought in by an ambulance crew, and this guy was hammered. The paramedic winked at us and told us good luck. The whole time, he was yelling at all the male techs/nurses saying he was going to beat us up if we didn’t let him leave, then threatened to have his father sue us ‘for more than you’re even worth.’ He tried to sweet talk the females, though when you’re flushed and wasted, you don’t come off as very smooth to any sober person, no matter how pretty or rich you may be.
After maybe about 30 minutes of this lunacy, he finally broke down and started bawling about how his dad couldn’t find out about him blacking out and fainting in the middle of a bar, and I later learned the kid was underaged, too, and the police and paramedic had taken his information. This crying lasted for at least another half hour, and then my shift ended.
I’ll tell you, I never felt so smug watching a six-foot tall, skinny, rich kid cry and scream after trying and failing to threaten an entire ED staff. Nearly half the techs were around my age too, which means we all go to the same college as that moron.”
Her Mom Was A Pro At This Point

“I guess I’m weird because the legitimately rich kids/people I know are pretty grounded. I think the worst I’ve encountered is that one of them is a bit of a food snob, but he’ll politely eat my poor person garbage if he’s over for dinner.
No, the most spoiled kid I’ve ever seen was the daughter of a woman with an EBT card.
I worked at a gas station in high school, and there was a woman who came in to treat her daughter to a snack. Like, a little snack that she could pay for with pocket change (think a candy bar or a can of soda or something). She leaves the kid unattended for a second to go get something out of her car, and the little monster uses those couple of minutes to grab as much candy as she can. And a Slushie. And a Snapple. If it was sweet and delicious and could fit in her arms, she was snagging it.
Well, her mom came back in and looked horrified. She quietly pulled the kid aside toward the register and explained that she would like to be able to buy her everything she wanted, but she needed to pick one thing.
The kid’s response was, ‘Just use your food stamps.’
The mom told her, no, they couldn’t do that. Food stamps were for actual food. She couldn’t afford to spend her food stamps on snacks and still have money leftover for groceries. Especially not for the pile of food she’s accumulated.
The kid argued back. The mom tried to reason with her. Kid started screaming. Mom was getting angry.
‘No. That’s final. Go put all of this back!’ yelled the mom at long last.
So the kid threw her Slushie at her mom, shrieking, and dropped everything on the ground and stormed out. Her mom, apparently used to having stuff chucked at her, dodged effortlessly and chased her outside.”
She Just Kept Getting Worse The Older She Got

“My mom’s cousin’s kid was the worst. She was like something out of a TV show, stamping her foot and getting her own way whilst her parents scrambled to ensure she got everything she wanted.
Once, when my grandpa was very sick, she had to be driven home by my uncle. She point blank refused to get in the car, and when asked why she said, ‘My daddy drives a Ferrari. I’m not getting in that thing!’
It was just a basic Ford Fiesta. She sat on the floor and screamed. We told her to get in the car, but when she still wouldn’t, my uncle called her dad who drove all the way back from the hospital and got her like it was no big deal. She was 6 years old.
I heard all sorts of horror stories after that. She would spit in her granny’s face if she didn’t give her money, and tell her dementia-ridden grandpa that she couldn’t wait for him to die. She asked for a dog for Christmas and they got her one, only to demand they get rid of it after two months, so they did. They went to Disney World for two weeks, and when it was over, she refused to leave, so her dad stayed an extra week with her whilst her mom flew home to the UK. I remember him saying, ‘She screamed the whole night, scratched and bit us until we agreed to an extra week,’ and laughing like it was a funny anecdote and not the most insane thing ever.
She used to smash and break things as a way of ‘punishing’ her parents when she didn’t get her own way. She got a brand new car when she was 15, despite not even being able to learn to drive until you’re 17 here. Just because she wanted it. I heard recently that she told her dad she would accuse him of violating her if he didn’t pay for her to go on vacation with her friends.”
He Found Someone Worse Than Dirt

“Through the Spanish program at my school, I got to take a trip to Peru with my class. I made a deal with my dad that I would pay for half and he would pay for half. I spent the savings of two summers’ worth of job earnings.
This one guy though, his mom had clearly paid for the whole thing. Not too unusual, but his parents paid for everything, including paying the school to let him stay when he was caught smoking pot in the bathroom in the eighth grade.
At the info meeting, his mom asked what would happen if there was a ‘picky child.’ My dad leaned over and whispered, ‘Then he starves,’ which helped improve my mood.
When we arrived, he ate nothing but Pringles. I think he ate one or two meals, but he survived on Pringles. He also basically just spent the rest of the time ruining everyone else’s trip. I spent the trip trying not to get in his way and actually enjoy it.
That last two days were the worst because there was no longer the threat of literally getting sent back home early. He took this opportunity to kick it up to an 11, which included shouting on the bus when he didn’t get what he wanted.
I’ve moved a few times for my dad’s job, and across all the places I’ve been there’s like five people I actually hate, and he’s one of them. I literally value the dirt outside more that his opinion because something good can come out of the dirt.”
He Won’t Be Having Kids After Dealing With This Spoiled Brat

“I was at an airport in my hometown, chilling at the gate with my girlfriend. There was this kid, maybe 4 or 5 years old, who was running around everywhere from our gate to the next one over to the Starbucks nearby. That in itself was annoying but, whatever. Kids are hyper, I’d rather have him do this here than on the plane. His dad was sitting in front of us and while jumping onto his dad’s lap, he took a big step on my girlfriend’s foot. She loudly said, ‘Ouch,’ and glared at the kid expecting a sorry or something. But instead, the kid made a disgusted face and said, ‘What.’ And my girlfriend looked at the dad and he just shrugged.
Not 10 minutes later, my girlfriend left to go to the bathroom and the kid was speeding around again and he fell over my duffel bag and knocked over her coffee. I shouted, ‘HEY, kid. Be careful, watch where you’re running,’ and AGAIN he made the same face and said, ‘NO.’
The kid’s dad came to pick him up and said, ‘What did I say before, we need to be nice to people.’ He didn’t acknowledge the spilled coffee or tell the kid to apologize, he just walked back to his seat. The coffee was almost empty but it still spilled on the ground. The dad didn’t even look at or say anything to me.
Finally, we were about to board the plane but I needed to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands and leaving, the same kid was running around inside the restroom. The most appalling thing was when he ran up to a stroller with a baby in it and started staring at the baby. I thought they knew each other or something but the baby’s dad came to get the stroller and the kid would NOT let go of it. It was so bizarre. The baby’s dad said, ‘Let go, please,’ very gently, and when the kid just wouldn’t let go, he YANKED the stroller out of the kid’s hands and the kid started to cry and yelled at the baby’s dad.
I’ve since delayed having my own child for a couple of years after witnessing this.”
His Elderly Father Has To Work Two Jobs To Sustain This Lifestyle

“I know a couple who couldn’t have children. They finally got approved for adoption when they were older, and they finally got their first child in their mid to late 50s.
They were just so happy with finally having a child that they spoiled him rotten. Anything he wanted, they gave him. He grew up demanding things and throwing tantrums. They let him eat what he wanted so he ballooned in size. Eventually, he dropped out of school because he didn’t want to go, and his parents were fine with this until the state told them they weren’t allowed to do this, so they got his butt back into school, which he failed miserably in because he didn’t care.
He was eating away at all of their savings. He would randomly pick up new hobbies and needed top-of-the-line things for those hobbies, which he gave up on after a few months. His parents received an inheritance, and he blew through that entire amount within a few months, spending it on stupid stuff.
Eventually, his mother passed away, and his elderly dad, who is in his 70s, is having to work two full jobs while his son, now in his 20s, does nothing all day except drive around in his vehicle, live streaming himself talking while driving. He’s already had two accidents from filming himself doing this.
His extended family tried to have a family meeting with the dad, telling him that he’s got to put his foot down because his son is going to kill someone, and when the dad finally had a talk with the son, the son attacked him, knocking him down a flight of stairs.
He didn’t want to press charges. After he got well again, he went back to working his two jobs, and started drinking heavily during his non-work hours, letting his son run all over him because he is terrified of telling him ‘No.’
The worst part is that the dad has spent his entire retirement fund on this ‘kid.’ He is going to have to work until he dies because he has a parasitic son who refuses to do anything except spend spend spend.”
All It Takes Is For A Bad Kid To Ruin A Friendship

“My husband and I moved to a new city and spent a lot of time with his gal pal from high school. She had a toddler son who was absolutely atrocious and without mental disability. She threatened him with punishment all of the time for his behavior but never followed through. We would often meet her for dinner where he would throw a tantrum, and she’d say, ‘If you keep acting like that, we’re leaving.’ He kept acting up but she never left with him.
She had him with a Cuban live-in partner who grew up with a ‘Cuban boys should be treated like gods’ mentality. One time, we saw her get upset with the kid for throwing a toy at her head, only to see the kid’s dad yell at her, ‘No! You shouldn’t have given him that toy! Now YOU apologize to HIM!’ The kid was in a stroller until he was 5 because he couldn’t be trusted not to run off into traffic when they were out in public.
The last time we hung out with them, we went mini-golfing. Each time one of us hit our ball, he would snatch it and throw it across the course. I caught on to this and immediately went to pick up my ball for safekeeping after I hit it. As I was picking it up, he tried to grab it out of my hand and fell over lightly. He laid on the ground, pounding his fists and crying. His parents looked at me like I was the bad guy. We ended up limiting our time with them as a result of the kid’s bad behavior.”
This Kid Gives “Picky Eater” A Whole New Meaning

“When I was in Cuernavaca, a suburb of Mexico City, I stayed with a host family. I stayed with another fellow classmate named Tom. Tom was good at hiding his wealth, but it was very apparent he was a preppy, wealthy boy because he was notorious for saying things that were out of touch with us middle class kids. But, he was likable enough, and usually caught himself being a rich kid.
He was also a picky eater, which is something of a problem in Mexico where a good portion of people live in poverty, and wasting food, or not eating food, is considered rude unless you are literally stuffed. Luckily for me, I love Mexican food, and my host family made excellent dishes. I usually ended up eating seconds with comments galore! I ate anything I could, often to the point of ridicule. Though I don’t have a spot for this candy made of honey, tamarind, and chile. It tastes gritty and awful and sad.
One night, our host family had us and our other classmates an American themed night. They made burgers and hot dogs. It was OK, but I was thankful, and some of the hot dogs were a bit spicy. But I never forgot how they gave him a hot dog with mustard and he told them straight up he would not eat anything with mustard, because it was disgusting, and how dare they not ask him. I was half expecting him to throw it on the ground. When the host family asked if they could remove it, he told them no it wouldn’t matter because the bun was contaminated, and he just dumped it on my plate and said I’d certainly eat it. He took another hot dog without asking. I told him to apologize, and he refused, saying they should have asked him. It was obvious there was to be no reasoning with Tom on this one.
That night I heard them through the window. They were trash-talking Tom, calling him a spoiled brat. I chuckled so hard.”
This Is Why You Tell Your Kids “No”

“A (thankfully) distant cousin would always challenge me to play Mario Kart with him. One day, he was doing so bad that I had no other choice than to be first, literally no way for me to lose or it would be obvious that I’m trying to let him win. The moment he saw that I was in lead, he threw the controller at the TV and started screaming around.
The same kid started eating something like a muffin, and the moment he realized that he didn’t like it, he threw it on the ground and walked away. I had to babysit him once, it was the absolute worst. He would tell me that if I didn’t do everything he wanted, he’d punch himself and say that it was me; he was 7 at that time.
He was the most spoiled kid ever, I’m telling you. Literally anything he did was okay because mommy and daddy didn’t have the heart to say anything to their only son. His behavior was so bad that I started crying as soon as they picked him up, and now I only babysit kids that aren’t complete and utter psychopaths.
That cousin literally gave me a mental scar, and whenever I hear that they are coming over, I lock myself in my room and don’t come out and of course our house ends up looking like a pigsty because he throws everything around and his parents don’t do a thing because, like I said, they just love their only son so much they can’t say no to him.”
Nothing Could Please This Girl

“I knew this girl whose parents weren’t exactly enabling like some spoiled parents do. But she was so ungrateful for her life.
I grew up pretty poor, so I didn’t understand why she thought she had a horrible life.
Her step-father was an officer in the army and made great money. She had a really good, stable life. Her parents were just hard on her. They wanted her to stay on the right path. She was pretty impressionable, so I see why her mom was especially this way with her. That was the only thing that I can see as a negative in her life.
I was over there all the time, and her mom would always get her what she and her sister wanted. They would ask for anything, and it was fulfilled for them. If they didn’t get it, all of a sudden their parents were the worst parents ever. They’d verbally abuse their mom. She’d just ignore them and leave the room. Their step dad would yell at them about it, but that was it.
The first time she came over to my house, she put me down. I grew up in an old farm house. My parents still live there. At the time we were friends, my parents were doing a lot of renovating, and at one point, we only had one working bathroom and the floor was being put in so it was literally just a bare floor. She complained the whole time, and asked my mom to take her home because she wasn’t comfortable. My mom told her it was too late and since we lived 10 minutes out of town, she could call to see if her mom would get her. My mom wasn’t going to take her. She couldn’t get her mom on the phone, so she called her sister’s home line and made her sister wake their mom up to get her.
She was just so spoiled and awful. I have never met anyone like her. Luckily her parents dropped her after she got to college and thought she could bad mouth her parents. Her mom actually stood up to her and told her if she wanted to continue being a spoiled brat, she’d be doing it without her financially supporting her. I was lucky enough to witness this. We went to the same college and I was hanging out across from her dorm. Her mom came up to the college, to take her car, her debit card, her phone, anything that they were providing. Her roommate told me everything. Funnily enough, I was better friends with her roommate and still talk with her every so often. Apparently, she had been posting on social media about how terrible her parents were. How they never did anything for her. How she was abused. She was also using this story to get guys to sleep with her, buy her things, and give her money. Her sister ratted her out.
It was so hilarious to see her mother at the school, yelling up two stories, and purposely making a scene. For all the times she had to be humiliated by her daughter, she finally got her back.”