A Real Player

“Found out husband was cheating a couple of weeks after getting home from having our second son. He became really secretive about his phone.
I checked it when he eventually left it alone and found messages from a work colleague saying she wished she could introduce him as her boyfriend. The night they had hooked up, he wasn’t home when our newborn had a choking episode that scared the life out of me, while he was off banging her.
We went on our first holiday, my first holiday ever. We arrived at hotel, connected to WiFi to let my parents know we’d got there safe and had a message from a girl he’d slept with the weekend before. I looked at his phone and found another 4 women, one was engaged, another was married with a child. It was going on the entire year we’d been together. I got a plane home as soon as I could.”
The Telling Hickey

Africa Studio/Shutterstock
“I was dating this girl off and on when I was around 19. She said we were exclusive but didn’t spend much time together and that was fine cause I was enlisted in the Army and usually busy with work. Well, I ended up becoming friends with this guy and we never really talked about relationships or whatever.
He knew I was seeing someone and I knew he was too but we’d usually just shoot the bull about other stuff. One week he shows up to PT with a semi-visible hickey so everyone gives him trouble and we move on. The day after is Friday so we decide we’re gonna go get wasted. I messaged the girl I was seeing and she said she was down to go out too, so I went over to get her and things got a little steamy before we left, so I ended up with a hickey.
When we got to the party and went inside, as soon as we rounded the corner my date and my friend made eye contact. Then he looked at me. Then I looked at her.
It all came together with pretty much nothing said out loud. We both had hickeys in the exact same spot.
All my friend said was, ‘Oh my God, you’re a freaking floozy.’
She left and we remained good buds. It’s a funny story and both of us were more amused than salty about it.”
The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Him

“My somewhat newlywed (less than a year) wife says she’s not happy and she wants to leave to find herself. This comes completely out of the blue. We take a vacation with my family that we had planned for months. It was horribly awkward and shouldn’t have even happened. She wouldn’t even share the bed with me. We come home and she hits me with a point-blank, ‘I’m leaving you.’ No desire to work on it or anything. 7+ year relationship, but it’s not worth fighting for, according to her. Whatever. So she moves out that night.
A week or so later, I decided to check on our shared wireless account to see how much data remained. I saw she had sent a ton of texts. I downloaded all the text logs for the previous few months, as far back as I could go. In a 2.5 month span, she exchanged 12,500 texts (and 1000 pic messages as well) with some number that I didn’t recognize. I did some research and determined that it was the number of the guy she cheated on her last boyfriend with, 8 years back. I never saw the content of the texts, never cared to. Sorta made it easier, as at least I had some kind of answer. I wrote a letter and confronted her about it. She was engaged to this guy before our divorce was finalized, and married him 2 months after we were officially divorced.
Interestingly, my life has been great since then, once I got over the initial heartbreak. I lost 40 lbs, and I’m in great shape. I stopped playing life safe and started taking risks again. That resulted in me achieving an awesome job at a renowned aerospace company. I just bought a house and I’m moving in next week. I’ve learned how to be happy on my own, and soon I’ll start looking for a partner to start my new life with, someone who’s worth my time. In a way, its one of the best things that has happened to me.”
Getting A Call They Never Wanted

“Her best friend called me while my ex was getting it on with some other guy in the background, to tell me she thought it was best that we broke up.
Yes. I heard it all, and yes, her friend was in the same room as my ex at the time. Basically, my ex had her friend call me to break up with me for her because my she was otherwise ‘preoccupied.’
I was upset, I hung up the phone, moved her stuff onto the curb to get thrown away and never spoke to either of them again. I tried my best to brush it off, but it was tough.
Another bonus breakup: I had a different girlfriend over at my house with a few friends. I was making everyone food in the kitchen. I went to my bedroom to tell my girlfriend dinner was ready and found her hooking up with a guy in my bed! I dumped her on the spot.”
DJ Home Wrecker

“My fiancée went on a series of business trips to the same city. After the first one she told me she met this really cool DJ at a bar that I had a lot in common with him and would love his music. I grew suspicious with how much she learned about him in a short time. Several trips later she told me she’d be staying with a girlfriend of hers down there and tagged herself at a restaurant with her friend. The friend was real and had an open FB profile so I clicked on it to explore. The girl had tagged herself with my fiancée AND that DJ.
When my fiancée got back from her trip after an exchange of standard pleasantries, I asked her how many times she had slept with the DJ that week. Without surprise or skipping a beat she told me she had absolutely no idea.
They got married on our wedding day. Yep, my fiancée got married to the DJ at our already reserved wedding appointment. She just changed my name on the schedule to his. I found that out when the chapel called me to ask if I had paid for it. I said that I thought there were no refunds for cancelled appointments. The lady on the other end said there weren’t…then paused… then said that she was still getting married and based on my confusion I probably didn’t already know that. She felt horrible. Especially after I told her that I technically had paid for half but we had a joint account that we used to pay for it so there was no way to prove whose money was whose, so I was stuck paying for half their wedding.
They’re divorced now.”
In The End, He Was The Winner

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“We had been married for 6 years and had a 2-year-old daughter. My wife didn’t need to work, but she wanted to work, so we figured out how to make it work and she got a job as a server at a low-end chain restaurant. She started coming home later and later, I started getting curious and having suspicions.
A woman called me one day and said, ‘Hi, you don’t know me, but my boyfriend has been sleeping with your wife for a couple months now…’
We talked for a bit… times… places… evidence. She had put it together before I did. I went and dug into credit card slips and phone records which corroborated what I had just been told. The girl on the phone was sweet, told me she was sorry, she knew this was tough and if I wanted to talk, let me know (she was less upset, boyfriend of a few months, not years of wife and a child together).
Confronted wife, fought a lot, kicked her out, won full custody of daughter. Things got lonely fast, just me and a 2 year-old. We had recently moved to town (to get my ex away from bad influences) and I worked from home. I knew nobody, I couldn’t go out in the evenings, and my co-workers were in other cities working from home, so I called the nice girl who had called me before and we chatted. Texted a lot. She was a single mom with a baby, babydaddy not in the picture. We met, she was stunning and smart, going to nursing school, and I was attracted right away, but didn’t really say anything, mostly we just hung out.
At some point I mentioned my attraction and that I’d like to look at maybe changing the nature of our relationship. She said, ‘I don’t have time to be a girlfriend, I can’t live up to everything that requires, but I can be an occasional toy.’ And so it was, for 6 or 8 months, and it was awesome. She’d come over and spend the night every now and then (my kid had just outgrown her crib, I had all the baby stuff, she’d come over late so there weren’t questions about who that was from my daughter). If one of us had to cancel for a kid-related thing there was no ill-will, it was just part of being a single parent. It worked great, she was beautiful, fun… until I messed up and caught feelings. And then I started not wanting her to leave, and the visits turned into a couple days a week, and I started wanting to tell her about my day and ask her about hers, and then I started wanting her advice on challenging parenting situations.
We finally talked about exclusivity, because that seemed like an important conversation, and we realized we were exclusive, and we were dating, so… we just started using different words and introducing each other to friends, and it was that way for 4 more years. No pressure, no discussion of anything, when I talked to my daughter (who was 7 now) she was ‘daddy’s girlfriend for now.’ Then it just got silly. She was spending 5 nights a week at my house, most of her stuff was there, and we looked at a 7-year-old and her 5-year-old that had grown up with each other and pondered what they were seeing and what they were learning. I realized that she wasn’t a part of my life I wanted to be without, I missed her when she was gone. She supported me emotionally when my Dad died, I helped her through the stress of starting a career as a nurse. So.. we talked for frickin’ HOURS about expectations and reality and what we wanted and what we needed. We went to a counselor for months to see if there were challenges we might not be thinking of or planning for, and then one day we finally just decided to do it. Quick wedding, just our parents and our kids, and… it’s been great.
Her ex just left town and we didn’t bother to keep track. Mine left town, had 4 babies with 4 different men in the next 5 years, lost all 4 of them, strung together 4 felonies in the same state and was in and out of rehab. Now she’s in prison and my daughter doesn’t remember her at all.”
Her Boss Didn’t Know Either

“Her boss, who she was sleeping with, called me to tell me to stop bothering his girlfriend, and that he was going to beat the snot out of me if I kept calling and stalking her.
I told him that I wasn’t bothering or stalking her. I was dating her. I would call and text like most boyfriends and wait outside the building to go to lunch with her from time to time.
When I was able to provide enough proof that I wasn’t some psycho (as she explained to him) we realized we both were dating her with no knowledge of the other for over a year. He apologized and invited me out to dinner. He had me meet him at the office. The look on her face when he and I walked passed her cubicle was priceless.
We said nothing. He took me out for an expensive dinner for threatening to have my butt kicked. We sent simultaneous texts breaking up with her, and pics of us cheersing a couple cold ones.
By the way, I was 23, she was 29, he was 57!”
She Was A Monster

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“We were in the car talking about if it’s ok to be in a relationship and still find other people attractive. She agreed that it’s ok so I asked who she found attractive, and she brings up a guy she works with who, in the past, we’ve had small arguments about her acting inappropriate towards. I tell her it’s very odd that she would tell me something like that about literally the only person we’ve ever had an argument over.
After some further questions, because the way she was acting just didn’t feel right, I found out she cheated on me. It was literally a week after getting back from our honeymoon, with this piece of human dog doo she worked with and that she invited to our wedding.
I found out a week after it happened, literally 5 weeks after we got married. So yes, literally the first time after getting married that she was alone with this guy she cheated. Absolutely the most heartless monster I’ve ever met, and she wouldn’t even tell me why.
The awesome thing? She went around lying to her friends and family about what happened to try and make me look like the bad guy. She accused me of going after her for money. When actually, I knew she owed me money because the house we bought lost value. The only reason I went after her for it was because she came after me for her half of the equity in the house. When she found out it dropped in value she didn’t think she should have to pay for her half of the loss even though both of our names were on the mortgage. Seriously, just a total monster. At least she hadn’t gotten pregnant yet like we planned, so I consider that lucky!
I mean, she did this even after my parents paid for the entire wedding! Not really that much more but it’s just the cherry on the horrible monster cake.”
His Wii Helps Him With More Than Games

“I knew my wife was cheating for months. She denied it. I begged her to admit it so we could just move on. We had just moved back to my hometown, and my parents were awesome enough to let us move into their basement. Laying in bed one night I remembered she had logged onto Facebook once a long time ago through our Nintendo Wii. I dug it out, opened it up and it had the password saved, so I went into her Facebook.
3500 direct messages that month alone between her and the dude. Trash talking me even!
It was not a fun feeling – it was a mixed emotion moment. For one, I knew I was not crazy. I was also angry at myself for letting it go on so long and not trusting my feelings. I was embarrassed. I was jealous. But mostly, I was sick to my stomach/sad that I knew it had to be over. I really wanted to be wrong and just try and make everything better. Plus, this all happened in the room I grew up in.
I didn’t handle it well. Years of depression, drinking and substance abuse, many different jobs, lots of nights in jail, 3rd floor at the hospital a couple times and so on contributed to that.
Due to crazy living conditions in my town (boom town with super high rent at the time) we lived together on and off for a couple years. It was really insane times. I’m so thankful we worked out all our stuff while our son was still fairly young though. He doesn’t remember that phase too much except mostly the good memories.
Happy to report I’m about 2.5 years into the healthiest I’ve ever been. Steady job, good relationships, staying out of trouble. My ex and I became great friends the past few years. We talk every day and are sharing the raising of a very decent young man, who is now 14. For anyone out there with fresh wounds, stay strong, move on, it will heal with time and effort.”
Her Own Mother Disowned Her

Christy Thompson/Shutterstock
“Ex wife:
We had finally closed a month of long distance due to our job contracts not matching up. She went to go get a shower after a day of travel and her phone started going off. She asked me to grab it thinking it was her mom or best friend checking to see if she made it in okay since she forgot to text them when she got off the plane. (I should note before I get to the circus that commenced, we spent over a year in counseling talking about a variety of marital problems).
Nope! It was her ex-coworker telling her he got a transfer to our new state on the opposite end of the country and couldn’t wait to sleep with her again when he got out there in a few weeks. I filed papers in a week and put her on a plane to her mothers, but not before I sent her mother (who had also been cheated on by her dad) a full transcript of their conversations. Last I heard her mother disowned her and she married some deadbeat out of Texas.”
Two Timin’ And Back Firin’

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“I had been with my ex for 2 years at this point. All of a sudden, I start getting harassing texts and phone calls from his ex-girlfriend, and she’s telling me that he’s sleeping with her. He tells me she’s crazy and it’s not true. Soon after that, she was threatening me, telling me she’s going to beat the everliving life out of me if I don’t stop seeing my boyfriend (her ex). Now I really do think she’s crazy because she goes into full-on harassment involving her friends and having them now threaten me too. I change my number two times, but somehow she keeps getting my new number
A few weeks later I get a text from her with pictures of her and my boyfriend getting it on. That same night I get a voicemail from her with her and my boyfriend talking (she called me knowing my voicemail would pick up cause I always ignored her calls, and secretly recorded him talking to her) and I hear HIM say that he hates me, how I won’t leave him alone, and all he wants is her and THEIR BABY.
Yup, she was pregnant to boot. Awesome.
He was playing both of us: lying to me and saying she was just some crazy woman, and telling her he broke up with me ages ago but I just wouldn’t leave him alone. After the pictures and voicemail I cut him out of my life completely because I was just disgusted and couldn’t believe someone could lie that well. He then proceeded to stalk me for a year afterwards because I wouldn’t get back with him.”
His Buddy Was Blind To It

“Years ago I had a neighbor I was friends with, really good guy. He was married. His wife started working out, losing weight, changing her look, etc. He said they weren’t getting along too well. A little bit later he says that she wanted ‘time alone’ and I told him she probably had a boyfriend. He said no, she would never do that to him and the kids. Her mom cheated on her dad and it took her years to forgive her mom, she is too good of a person, etc. I said look, she’s making herself more attractive, it’s not for you, and married people usually don’t leave a relationship to be single, I don’t know if she has a boyfriend, but I bet she does, so prepare yourself.
A couple of months later his cell bill is really high (this was before unlimited calling), their thousands of rollover minutes are gone, and they got charged for the overage. All the calls were to one number really early in the morning. The guy she was cheating on him with was also married with kids, it was someone she worked with.
So both couples end up divorced. The two cheating with each other get married, and as far as I know are still married.
My buddy remarried to a really wonderful lady. I always tell him that he traded up, so ultimately it was a good thing for him, but he went through the ringer for a few years.
I don’t know what ended up happening to the ex-wife of the guy that was cheating, but I hope she traded up too.”
What Started As A Confrontation Ended Very Differently

CandyBox Images/Shutterstock
“My boyfriend of 5 years was seen by some of our mutual friends cuddling with a female friend at a bar. My friends who saw this decided to tell me about it. Recently, he had also mysteriously disappeared a couple days at a time, which was unlike him. I confronted him about it and he claimed nothing happened, and he basically gaslighted me and told me repeatedly I was crazy.
A few weeks later I can’t get over my uneasy feeling that he’s seeing this girl behind my back, so I was feeling really depressed and angry, and my boyfriend wouldn’t admit to anything. We’re both college students and one night while he was in class, I got really hammered, alone, and decided to contact via text the girl I was pretty sure he was sleeping with.
Me: ‘Hey, 🙂 what’s it like being an ugly, gross piece of trash?’ (Admittedly, I was pretty mean)
Her: ‘Is this about me sleeping with (my then-boyfriend)?’
I was thrown off, she proceeded to be completely honest with me, she started crying, sincere and ashamed and expected no forgiveness. She promised to immediately delete his number from her phone and block him on social media. Texted me for a while. She gave me details I really didn’t ask for, and I ended up thanking her and apologizing for coming off so scary.
It was my boyfriend who had betrayed my trust, not her. She barely knows me. I suddenly didn’t feel so angry. After we talked for a while, I sent screenshots of our conversation in a text to my boyfriend.”

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