She “Didn’t Want Fat Friends”
The girl came UNGLUED! How DARE we interrupt movie time. She ran upstairs and tattled to her mom, who then told us we had to put that stuff away and watch the movie because we were being disruptive.
We played truth or dare afterwards and we dared this girl to eat a third slice of pizza as a joke. She got so mad that she started crying, stomped off to her room, and locked the door. She didn’t come out for the rest of the night, but we heard her screaming and throwing things.
The mom came downstairs and unlocked her door, trying to calm her down. The rest of us just sat around, shocked at her behavior, and a few of us called our parents, asking for them to come pick us up (myself included).
I don’t think the girl ever recovered from this mishap. She eventually went on to have more problems, fried her brain, and now lives in this one-bedroom shack on the outer part of town and can barely string a sentence together.”
She Made Sure Only Her Son Had A Good Birthday

“I think I was around 8 years old when I had a joint birthday party with a friend of mine at this laser tag place. My mom paid for the laser tag for all our friends and for transport there, while the other mom volunteered to pay for the food and the cakes (one for each of us).
We had a fairly small party, so it was all of us as one team against another party as the other. The other party were some of the most vicious girls I’ve ever met: they were two or three years older than us, so they were faster and stronger than us, and they constantly pushed us around and whacked us after whenever we got within close range. One of them jammed the laser blaster into my stomach. It was a nightmare.
After that, we ate and we soon realized that a) the other mom hadn’t got enough food, and b) she didn’t get me a cake. My mom asked her where my cake was discreetly and the other mom loudly went, ‘Oh my god, you didn’t get your own daughter a cake?’ My mom had to rush out and go to the nearest supermarket to get more food and a cake for me. I never ended up getting any cake because the other mom sliced all of it up and put in the gift bags for everyone else (her defense was that she also put slices of her son’s cake in the bags, and the slices were the same size; however, since his cake was bigger, only a quarter of his went into the bags).
She later tried to make it up to us by inviting me to her son’s football club after school. It turns out, it was a private invite-only club and she denied she invited us when we showed up, so it looked like we’d just forced our way into the club. She then started a year-long campaign of making us look like entitled brats and convincing all the other parents to start excluding us from all school-related things. This progressed to all of their kids bullying me for a year straight.
We later learned this was all because she was jealous I got better grades than her son.”
A Disorganized Reception Leads To Hungry Guests

“I went to a wedding reception and dinner which was, for some reason, overbooked. Though there was plenty of food, there literally were not enough places to sit and no assigned seating. The worst part of it was: there would have been plenty of seats if only people had agreed to eat in shifts, but the people who arrived first ‘saved’ seats for their friends. We tried sitting in several places, but each time, someone spoke up and said, ‘Sorry; that seat’s saved.’
At any given time, half the seats were empty because the people who had claimed them were off talking to someone at another table. After going through the buffet line, my wife and I had to go outside and sit on the concrete steps while we ate, and while the mosquitoes ate us alive. We left as soon as we were done eating.
And my wife is a musician who played during the wedding. She had refused payment because she was a friend of the bride. At the end of the wedding, we had to pack up her sound equipment, which is why we were among the last to arrive at the reception.”
He Walked In On The Most Ridiculous “Party” He Could Imagine

“My buddy said he was throwing a Christmas Eve party and that I should bring two chickens because everything else was covered by people bringing to share. I paid my $20 for some fine stuffed chickens and got some of the most delicious (and expensive) hot sauce in the country too, because why not go out for your closest friends around the holidays right?
I showed up early and from the driveway noticed the lights were off. I figured that I must have been the first or that my dear friends had lit candles and were caroling or playing Yule-time games.
When I let myself into the living room, I was perplexed, I didn’t know what to do.