Melted chocolate, broken down VW vans, and cemetery plots. People have sure gotten some sad gifts over the years and here they are to tell the story of the worst they ever received.
(Content has been edited for clarity.)
Dumping Someone Is A Terrible Birthday Present

Comaniciu Dan/Shutterstock
“My ex-fiancée came clean that she was cheating on me for a pretty long stretch of time on my birthday. She told me an hour before we were supposed to leave to head to my birthday dinner.
Reservations were already made at a pretty fancy restaurant that was part of the huge country club where our wedding reception was going to be. I went alone and had to cancel the wedding reception and eat dinner alone.”
A Terrible Gift That Is Broken Immediately

“The only present I got for Christmas one year was a little light-up ball. You put your finger on the two metal tabs and the ball lights up.
It was underwhelming, but I figured maybe money was tight. After I had figured out what it was, how it worked and had tried it with a few people, Dad asked me if he could have a try. I said sure. I passed him the ball and he immediately threw it on the ground, hard enough to break it.
‘I thought it was a bouncy ball!’
He knew it wasn’t.”
They Forgot The Most Important Thing

“Being Forgotten.
I was in Japan, my co-workers were going to take me out to my favorite Sushi place for my Birthday. I was younger, didn’t drive at the time; not a problem! A co-worker was going to pick me up!
4:00 p.m. arrives, no one shows up. 4:45 p.m. I call the friend: ‘Is anyone going to pick me up?’
‘Oh sorry, I’ll be there in a few!’
Thought she was just running late, we were busy at work lately (my day off), didn’t pay any mind to it.
6:30 p.m. arrived, call her back… ‘Oh, hey! We were wondering where you were!’
YOU WERE MY RIDE, how could you forget?!
They were all there, enjoying my favorite restaurant, one of them even brought a cake.”
Grandma Has Some VERY Traditional Views

“My Japanese grandma bought my mom a scale after she gave birth to me. She also gave my older brother a big screen tv for his 10th birthday. On my 10th birthday, I got a box of underwear that was about 5 sizes too big and a lollipop that expired a decade before that. She also started a college fund for all my male cousins, I’m one of the only female grandchildren, so instead of a college fund, I got a plastic surgery fund to fix the scar on my face that she thinks ruins my chance of marrying a nice Asian boy. I said I didn’t want the plastic surgery so she divided my fund up into everyone else’s college fund while I took out loans…”
Old, Melted, Re-Gifted Chocolate!

“I got expired chocolate, on Christmas, from an aunt who was a chronic re-gifter, yet always expected expensive, top-notch gifts for her children on Christmas and their birthdays.
Not only was the chocolate expired, but it was also evident that it had melted completely and resolidified. When I noticed, I went up to her with, ‘This chocolate is soooo good, you have to try it!’ in front of the whole family. I watched her unwrap a piece of chocolate and when she noticed how it looked, she was hesitant to eat it. When she looked at me, I just had a smile on my face. ‘It’s the best chocolate ever!’ And then I watched her slowly bring it to her mouth and try to eat it. She quickly walked to the kitchen immediately afterward.
I think I’ve only seen her once since that moment almost nine years ago.”
It Wasn’t The Gift, But The Message Behind It

Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
“This happened at Christmas at my dad’s house back when I was a sophomore in high school. My dad had just got together with my stepmom within the few years beforehand, and she hated (and still hates) me because she wants her daughter to be the only one who grasps his attention.
They asked me what I wanted. I grew up really poor so I was used to asking for just one gift (so that my mom, dad, and stepdad could split the cost, sometimes wouldn’t even get the one gift). I asked for an iPod touch, second generation I believe. It probably would’ve cost $250 so I didn’t get my hopes high but I also didn’t request anything else.
Now come Christmas time, I didn’t get the iPod but instead a $100 gift card. I wasn’t upset that I didn’t get what I wanted, I was upset that my eight-year-old stepsister got one instead. Along with a Wii, a bunch of Wii games, a pair of Uggs, and at least 500 dollars worth more of gifts. When I tentatively told them I was a little hurt and I will never forget my stepmom’s cruel response.