What This Woman Was Willing To Do For Money Horrified This Retail Employee
“I worked retail for a long time. There was a woman in the store, nicely dressed, talking on her phone. I was stocking a nearby area and I overheard her talking about a divorce she was going through. She was complaining about the amount of alimony/child support the father had offered and how it wasn’t good enough and then she dropped, ‘I swear to god if he doesn’t give me what I want, I’ll just say that he touches the kids. I’ll tell everyone he knows and I’ll cry while doing it. No one will believe him and he’ll be ruined. He better just give me my money.’
I was so shocked I had to take a break right then and there and almost cried for a stranger I’ve never met. What a heartless, thoughtless, selfish woman.”
The Response To His New Dog Was Sick
“At my current job at an animal rescue shelter, a man came to return a puppy his wife had adopted from us the day before. After complaining that she was too scared and anxious to be a good dog (not sure what he was expecting from a rescue where most dogs have experienced abuse or neglect throughout their lives), he claimed she tried to bite one of his kids and said:
‘If she had actually done it, I would have taken her out in the backyard and shot her.’
Which just blew my mind. I get it, your child’s safety is important, but by adopting this small animal, you chose to assume responsibility for its wellbeing, too.”
“I Couldn’t Believe He Was Proud Of It”
“I was living in South Korea at the time as an English teacher. I knew this guy that owned a small business there. He used to be in the US Army and was stationed there 10-15 years before. He started telling a story about how he met this attractive woman and they hooked up a lot. He was going back to the US and convinced her to come with him. He said he was going to marry her and everything.
She told her parents and they said they’d disown her if she did that. He sweet talked her into leaving and told her he’d pick her up in front of her house on a certain day. That day came and he drove by the apartment building her family lived in. She was out front and had all her belongings with her. He slowed down and rolled the windows down. He looked right at her and laughed. Then he drove away and left her there. He told the story laughing and bragging about it. I couldn’t believe he was proud of it.”
This Teacher Revealed His True Colors
“I work in alternative education with a large percentage of migrant students. At the beginning of last school year, when the Trump administration announced repealing DACA, our biology teacher told the kids he ‘was glad it was being repealed because immigrants don’t have a right to be here.’ A student came to my class weeping at break (she wasn’t even my student); her father was being deported at the time. I couldn’t fathom how someone who is supposed to take care of children could be so callous. In addition, this ‘teacher’s’ parents are Portuguese immigrants. Unbelievable.”
He Was Proud of His Gold Star Until Mom Ruined It For Him
“We had a kid at nursery with serious anger problems. Full on screaming and crying, face red with rage, swearing and physically attacking other children as well as me and my co-workers. He hit me in the face with a wooden block once and gave me a bruise on the cheekbone. The kid was 3 years old and coming out with all sorts of curse words. No prizes if you guessed that his parents were totally horrible.
I’d been doing a lot of one-on-one work with him, helping him to control his temper better and to follow rules like sharing and helping tidy up after playtime. Simple enough stuff, but he’d have a meltdown if you asked him to tidy something away because ‘YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!’ After months of working with him two days a week, it happened. I invited him to help me tidy away the building blocks, and when I turned away to pay attention to something else, he continued tidying the blocks until they were all in the basket. I was so proud and I could see the happiness and satisfaction in his face from completing the task. I spoke to my co-worker and at lunchtime, he got the coveted golden sticker, showing that he’d been extra good that day.
He was absolutely bursting with pride and throughout the day kept coming up to me and showing me the sticker, saying, ‘I been a good boy. I got the sticker, I been a good boy.’ At the end of the day, his mum came to pick him up, he showed her the sticker with a big grin on his face, ‘Look mummy! I got a sticker cause I been a good boy!’
And without any emotion in her voice or her face, she said, ‘I doubt it. Don’t lie.’
His face fell and my heart broke. I gave him an extra tight hug before he went home and told him how proud I was of him, but it was too late. I left that nursery two years ago and I still miss that kid. He had so much potential and I really hope his awful cow of a mother hasn’t managed to squash it all.”
Everyone Was Impressed By This Woman Except Him
“Objectively, my sister is a better human than I am. She’s a nurse, going back to school to become a surgeon. She spent one summer cruising the Amazon river giving out vaccinations, then spent the next summer at a refugee camp on a country’s border in Africa where there had been a malaria outbreak. I’d keep going, but suffice to say the number of lives she’s saved is getting close to five-digits, based on health organization estimates. I waste my time on Reddit and work a job that really doesn’t help anyone.
My dad, also a surgeon, said about her, ‘She’s too stupid to be a surgeon because only an idiot would decide to be a nurse first. She lacks the discipline, always jetting off around the world at a moment’s notice.'”
What Her Ex Revealed Shocked Her
“About six years ago, I was in a relationship with one of the men who had previously assaulted me. I was in deep denial of what had happened, and I was probably also torturing myself. He emotionally and physically abused me for about a year until I finally had enough and got out.
Other than the abuse, what really sticks in my mind is a conversation we had one night. He was telling me about how great he was at getting women to sleep with him. Then he started explaining ‘consensual assault’ where he would basically corner and badger women until they ‘just let it happen.’
He said, ‘I have consensually assaulted so many girls.’
Perhaps just to spite him, I finished my Bachelor’s with honors, completed therapy for PTSD, flourished in my career, and met an amazing, wonderful man who is now my fiancé. We can’t choose what life throws at us, but we can choose to be resilient.
He is a footnote, not a chapter.”
Why Can’t This Boss Let People Enjoy Things?
“Last week, my boss said to me, ‘Part of growing up is learning to hate everything you once loved. You might LOVE Star Wars now, but one day you are gonna wake up and regret ever wasting a moment on that stuff, on any of the stuff you like, and then you will be a successful young lady. I guarantee it, by thirty you will hate all that crap and be an adult like everyone else or you’ll be dead and none of it will matter anyway.’
She also got all up in my face and told me Star Wars is the reason Carrie Fisher died, ‘If she’d just been a proper actor and not done stupid kiddy stuff, she wouldn’t have left her daughter an orphan.'”
When Mom Passes On Negative Body Image
“My mom was and still is nitpicky about everything pertaining to my body/face/image. It was particularly bad in high school where I was super insecure about everything. One night, my mom came in, sat me down, and flat out said, ‘You need to lose weight. Skinny is beautiful and if you’re not beautiful, no one will ever fall in love with you.’ I was absolutely crushed. I was only 130lbs, but I looked at myself after that with so much hatred and insecurity. I kept thinking to myself if my own mother didn’t think I was beautiful, who would? I was about 14 then and I’m turning 23 this year. Still gets to me sometimes.”
Family Does Not Come First For These Parents
“I heard my husband’s dad say to his face, ‘I will now die a happy man. You are dead to me, I only have one son now.’ All because I had a medically necessary termination of pregnancy because my life was in danger.
His parents are extremely conservative. He stuck up for me when they made it clear that they didn’t think what we were doing was right. His dad did not like that and felt like we were going against God and a whole slew of other things. My husband didn’t back down, so his dad said what we did was wrong, and he decided to disown him rather than have a son who is okay with terminating a pregnancy.”
This Grandma’s Idea Of Fun Is Not OK
“That would be what my mother-in-law said to my daughter when she was little and way underweight and needed to gain at least six kilos: ‘You look fat, you need to lose weight.’ When we asked her why she would say that, she said, ‘Oh, it was just for fun.’ (My daughter has Aspergers, so when you tell her something she believes it, and you can not change her mind. Grandma knows this.)
Thanks, Grandma for giving your grandkid fear of food and anorexia. Thanks, we had lots of fun with it EVERYDAY for the last six years at dinner. You are so fun.”
Mommy Dearest Was Always Cruel
“I got in a fight with my mom when I was a middle schooler about homework or something like that. I went to apologize to her before we went to sleep and tell her I didn’t mean anything I said. She told me, ‘You’re a weirdo, which is why you don’t have any friends.’
I countered with, ‘I do have friends!’
She said, ‘Name one.’ I stormed out.
I’m messy. Many times she has said, ‘No one is going to want to be around a slob like you. That’s why you’re single.’
I tried to kill myself when I was 14. She made me go to school the next day and pretend like nothing ever happened.
She often tells me I have it easy, that my anxiety doesn’t exist, that everyone gets anxious and I just want to be the victim of something.
I brought up the fact that I’m still struggling with the fact that I was abused and had an adult film made of me by a stranger when I was 14, and that it was one of the reasons I see a therapist now, 11 years later. She asked me, ‘You’re still not over that?'”
An Actual Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
“My vile ex was extremely jealous, extremely manipulative, and abusive. She didn’t like me talking to any girls at all.
My best friend (who lived in NY while I lived in CA) was a girl and we had never met in person. We just texted and whatnot about school and stuff. We tried dating for a week or so but it didn’t work out. Honestly just having her there helped me through a lot of my bad parts of depression, and I tried my hardest to do the same for her. Both of us had attempted suicide once before and we were really each others’ crutch for the bad times.
Back to my then-girlfriend: she decided I could no longer talk to this girl and took my phone. I don’t know what she was planning but I kinda followed her and kept saying, ‘You won’t find anything,’ ‘Stop being weird,’ etc. I still remember the text she sent for the most part.
‘He’s my boyfriend now, which means you don’t need to talk to him. Why don’t you do us all a favor and end it all sweety? 🙂 kthxbai!’
Followed by her response:
‘I’m sorry for getting in the way. Have a good life. Hope you both do well. I don’t have to tell you where I’ll be. Goodbye.’
Still hurts.”
5th Grade Band Is Serious Business
“When I was in 5th grade, I was in band. I played the sax. At the end of the school year, we always had a parade and the kids in each class dressed up according to a theme…that year’s theme was ‘Circus’.
So I decided I didn’t want to march with the band, I wanted to be with my class and wear a costume (I already knew what I wanted to do, wear a satin jacket and shorts, with roller skates and be a Daredevil Stunt Skater), but my mother freaked out.
‘I didn’t spend all that money renting that saxophone for my friends NOT to see you marching with the band in the parade!’ The fact that I can still remember the look of rage on her face is one reason why I curse my too effective memory.
I think one of her friends called at that point, and of course, her voice when she answered was all sweetness and light…seeing just how two-faced and deceptive my own mother was at such a young age was a formative moment, I can tell you.
She let me do my thing in the parade, but I had to go sit at home by myself after, while she took my sister to the school carnival that followed the parade.
Please don’t come right out and tell your children that your friend’s opinion of you is vastly more important to you than your children’s happiness…unless you want your children to think you’re a shallow, social climber (mom was born white trash) jerk.”
Their Co-Worker’s Crazy Question Became A Matter For The Police
“In a factory I worked at for a while, this middle-aged man just started asking everyone on our line which of the female staff members we’d assault if we had the chance. He then started to list off who he’d assault and how he’d do it. Half of the women there were 17 to 20 years old, so needless to say that old perv got marched out of the building less than an hour later with a suspension.
When they tried to get him back in to complete the investigation and terminate his contract, he quit on the spot hoping whatever turned up in the investigation would just be ignored and there would be no trace. The company just turned over all the testimonies and evidence collected of all the thing he’s done over the years to the police and made it a criminal matter.”
She’s So Much Better Off
“I was called ‘scum’ by my friend’s mum when we were younger because my parents had drinking problems and we’re working class (fairly poor but have a good standard of living regardless) and she thought her child was too good for me
Jokes on her, he turned into a massive loser with no career and I’m doing just fine on my way to becoming an animator, and I have a little something called decency to boot.
Aight, so it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever heard but I was only about 9/10 and this woman was screaming at me how much of a horrible influence I would be on her son, but he messed himself up without me in his life, so I couldn’t have been that bad eh?”
“I’ve Never Heard Anything Nearly As Mean As That”
“My first girlfriend in high school was adopted.
One day we were hanging out at her house when her mom started yelling at her for not doing something. Her mom finished the argument by saying something like, ‘…and that’s why your real parents got rid of you.’
In the 20 years since, I’ve never heard anything nearly as mean as that.”
“You Tried And Failed Already” This Mom Was Willing To Put Her Daughter’s Life On The Line
“My mom was extremely abusive and had a drinking problem when I was growing up. I was probably around 14 years old when this happened. I didn’t want to go to a school dance because that just wasn’t my scene and I was also severely depressed. She was drinking and my dad was away for work. Apparently, me not wanting to go offended her something fierce. Anyway, my mom got extremely angry when I said I wasn’t going to the dance. ‘You disgraceful, selfish brat! You only think about yourself, you don’t want to go because you think you’re so above everybody else!’ At this point, she’s yelling from downstairs and I’m upstairs.
I said, ‘Are you serious? I don’t like school dances. How does that make me selfish?! You know, sometimes I really want to kill myself. And you’re the reason.’
And she replied with, ‘Well great, don’t we all. Why haven’t you done it yet? Oh, that’s right you tried and failed already.’ That cut really deep. It still stings when I think about it.”
Grandpa’s Racism Really Shocked This Guy
“I study Japanese language and culture. My grandfather was stationed in Japan during the occupation. People come to me with questions all if the time.
We finally got a real Japanese restaurant in our small southern town. My friend’s family wanted me to come along to explain what things were. Someone went before us and asked why they returned the tip. I explained that tipping is looked down upon in Japanese culture, as they feel they shouldn’t be paid extra to do a good job that they should already be doing.
The father of this family without any hesitation went, ‘That’s bull, they will absolutely accept a tip because they are a bunch of [slurs].’
I grew up in a segregated southern town and that’s probably one of the most racist things I have ever heard.”
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