It should be no surprise that people are more susceptible to lose their cool when they're hungry. While this happens to just about everyone, some people are more likely than others to throw major temper tantrums when they haven't had a meal in a few hours. Anger and hunger are two things that should never be combined, but the duo makes an appearance more times than not. As is the case in the following stories.
A Reddit thread recently asked people to share the most ridiculous temper tantrums they have seen at a restaurant. No matter if its the waiter, the bartender, or even a customer, the following stories are full of irrational people finding themselves in tense situations just because someone was hungry and angry. All posts have been edited for clarity.
This Was By Far The Worst Thing They Had Experienced On The Job

She started telling me that I was an agent of Satan, that the theatre itself was a satanic temple, and that Jesus Christ was going to strike me down.
And then something about money lenders and Jews. By then, I had called security because she was starting to try to tip over our standees.
I had some weird stuff go down during my years in the retail mines, but that was easily the craziest thing I’d ever had to deal with.”
There’s Only One Way To Handle Disruptive Customers

“I used to work in a bar and on certain nights outside the bar, we’d hand out cards for a free shot as an incentive to get customers in. The building had three bars and only one of them accepted the shot cards.
A woman came up to my bar and asked for the free shot and handed me the card. I explained to her that the free shot card is only for the bar downstairs and cannot be redeemed at this bar.
She went on to scream that it did not mention that on the card. I apologized for the inconvenience and directed her to the bar which was at most a 20-second walk down some stairs, she screamed again that it didn’t say that on the card. I calmly told her that I was trying to explain it to her and that what I said was more important than what was written on the card.
She asked to speak to a manager, I told her she was speaking to a manager. She screamed that she wouldn’t move from the spot she was in until she had been given a free shot. I told the rest of my staff on the bar not to serve the woman as she was rude.
I started serving other customers and I could see her starting to seeth. She crumpled up the cards and started throwing them at me. I turned around and grabbed a soda dispenser and sprayed her full of lemonade, ruining her makeup and her dress. She stormed off screaming. A few surrounding people got hit by the lemonade but they all saw what was happening and were understanding, I gave a few free shots to anyone hit by it and we all toasted to that terrible woman.”
He Should Use That Cup Of Water To Cool Down

“I worked for Chick-fil-A and the county where we were located was in the middle of a terrible drought. In response, the county asked us and other restaurants to refrain from giving out large waters (keep in mind, we CAN give out mediums and smalls).
A man came through the drive-thru one day and I took his order like I normally would. However, he asked for a large water. I calmly and politely told him that I could not give him a large water and asked if he would like a medium instead.
The man then proceeded to curse at me for a good two to three minutes, yelling about how this was bogus and what not. And being a Chick-fil-A employee, we must be nice, so there I was being yelled at by a belligerent man wanting a large water that I could not give him.”
He Had Never Been So Ashamed Of His Family

“I don’t understand yelling at the wait staff. My stepfather once LOST it on a waitress because his food took longer than he thought it should. He was so awful to her, my mother and I just sat there in shame. She agreed with him and was nodding along. I just sat there in silent disbelief.
When they left, I went back to the waitress, apologized for his behavior, and gave her a 100% tip. No one deserves to be treated like that over something that small. I know that means nothing in the end, but still, I wanted her to know my whole family wasn’t full of losers.”