Every day, people are exposed to insane behavior, but very few have seen things quite as shocking as these people have been unfortunate enough to have witnessed.
(Contents edited for clarity)
Security Nightmares

“I was working as a security officer at Six Flags in 2008, around the time I was 18 years old.
I would always find people in areas they were not allowed to be. Usually some teenagers messing around or people trying to get it on at the time, so I got used to watching the pathways to these areas because I could catch people before they got into the place. Once I saw this young looking couple starting to sneak back into an area all smiling and laughing. I started to make my way to follow them, I eventually got into the pathway and couldn’t seem to find them. I started to hear muffled sounds from around a corner. This is usual for people who are trying to get it on. I walked around the corner to find the guy with a pocket knife plunged into this 21-year-old girl’s stomach. I ran over and tackled the guy and secured the knife. It turns out they were a couple, and the guy was mad at how she looked at some other guy in the park. I will never forget the scumbag’s face. Luckily the girl survived that attack since it was a small knife and he only got one stab in. Also, she didn’t want to press charges either, seemed to me she was one of those girls stuck in an abusive relationship.
Another time, I caught a guy trying to take a lost kid out of the park. I was the last line of defense for when we were looking for lost children. I saw the child and started walking over to the guy. Once he saw me, he started running while dragging the kid behind him. I never ran so fast in my life to catch someone once I saw the kid screaming and crying while getting dragged along the pavement. The kid turned out fine; the guy got arrested. Also somehow his eye socket and jaw both got broken when I tackled him.”
A Scene No One Needs To See

“My old college roommate had a sister. We were passing through his hometown on the way back to LSU after a weekend at my home so we stopped to see her. During casual conversation, standing there holding her 1-year-old son, she showed us her scar from getting her tubes tied, and said, ‘My mom is pissed, but I had a good reason.’ Neither of us asked her to elaborate, and the conversation continued, but she kept working back around to ‘I had a good reason.’
Finally, when it became apparent that we weren’t going to ask, she said, ‘See, the thing is Bill and I are swingers, and for a while, we were afraid that he wasn’t the father.’ My jaw dropped. I’d met this girl exactly once before this day, and she dropped this bomb right in front of me. So, by unspoken agreement, I never mentioned this to my roommate again, and he, of course, didn’t either.
Cut to two years later, the two of us and another friend were in his hometown for the night, leaving for the airport in the morning for Mexico. We all went out drinking with them and had a good time, but the three of us left them at the bar since we have a flight in the morning. I woke up at 3 a.m. and needed to urinate; I walked through the living room, where I encountered the couple, plus a camera on a tripod and another couple I recognized from the bar going to town right in the living room. My friend’s sister was getting it from both guys while the other woman cheered them on from the couch. The woman on the couch assumed I had been watching them from the shadows and freaked out since they didn’t know anyone else was in the house. Accusations started flying, and before I knew it, there was a four-way, coed, all nude, knockdown, drag-out fistfight – all still being caught on the camcorder. I was standing there with my jaw dropped when my roommate and our other friend come running to investigate the noise. My roommate made eye contact with me, and all I could think to say was ‘So where exactly is the bathroom?'”
When You Don’t Know Your Boyfriend As Well As You Thought You Did

“A guy had spent the night at my place, and I needed to leave early the next morning but said he could stay around as long as he wanted. We were messing around a little, and he said he would finish himself off after I left.
After I’d gone, I realized I’d forgotten something and went back to get it. When I got there, I noticed he’d locked the door to my bedroom inside my apartment. As I was unlocking it, he called out ‘Wait, hold on.’ We’d been dating for awhile, and I knew he was getting off, so I was confused.
I opened the door anyway and saw this super tall, hyper-masculine, not particularly open guy on all fours on my floor surrounded by my adult toys… including a hot pink piece with a suction cup at the end, as well as another toy he repurposed for his back end pleasure.
I just kind of paused in shock for a minute. This was not something that we’d discussed before. These were all expensive, really nice toys, and I had someone waiting for me in my car, so I had to sort of take in the scene and run.
I had to break up with him later.”
Chilled By More Than Weather

“My fire crew and I got called to an accident. A car flipped over on an icy road and landed upside down in the ditch next to the road. The man was crumbled up behind the steering wheel. We get to work, trying to get him out. Cutting his seatbelt, he fell down. At this point, I was next to him checking for vitals and got nothing, but he was bleeding from his mouth and a head wound, so this was reason enough for me to think that he was still alive and his heart was still pumping blood.
We cracked the car open like an oyster with our hydraulic tools to get a better hold on him. I was still laying face to face with this man who was on his way to work as I saw a small plastic bag with a sandwich and a banana. Then the bleeding stopped and his face turned ash. I just looked at a 52-year-old man, father of two, husband, a longtime worker at local factory die in a ditch because of a small slippery stretch of road which got icy, all because the wind made that patch of road a little bit closer. He could not have known. He lost control of his small car, started to slip, crashed into a light post, flipped over a couple of times and landed in a ditch. I am a firefighter; death is part of my work, so that is why I celebrate life as much as I can, life can end because of the wind. I saw the life seep away from that man and it chilled me to the bones.”
Surviving A Lighting Blast

“I saw a friend I had made at summer camp get hit by lightning.
We were getting back to the cabins after coming out of the lake swimming because the weather was getting nasty.
As we got our stuff and were walking back, we heard the loudest sound/boom ever (still remember it to this day, I still have a phobia of lightning/thunder) and a white flash.
We saw it hit a huge tree next to us and we all bolted to the cabin as fast as possible. The staff did a head count, and my camp-buddy Jonathan was missing. The head staff girl ran out to look for him.
Sure enough, he was lying on the ground next to the tree which was missing a few branches and smoldering. Girl brings him back to the cabin, does CPR, but most of us were still in shock/crying. I was frozen in fear and amazement at the same time. The guy survived, and now has a hardcore scar going from his shoulder to his feet.”
A Wild Ride

“I lived in Vegas for years and saw some crazy stuff. I used to ride public transit to my job on the Strip. One day, while riding the bus to work, I saw this dirty looking tweaker shove his hand down a boy’s (maybe 5 years old) pants, in front of the kid’s mother. She started screaming, and the guy was restrained by fellow passengers on the bus. A few stops later, four cops boarded the bus, dragged the guy out and planted him, face down, on the hot pavement, very roughly. It was a pretty shocking incident, even for Vegas.
I’ve also seen people openly pleasuring themselves on these buses, shoot up, puke, feces; you name it; I even saw a knife fight take place not ten feet in front of me. Forget the Vegas floor shows, ride the buses!”
Bloodied Bikers

“Driving to visit family around Memorial Day weekend, a huge line of bikers were taking up the left lane on the highway. There were probably about 50 to 60 of them. I was driving my little Mazda 3 when I saw the biker next to me get bumped by his buddy from his left. Suddenly, the scene slowed down into a grotesque domino effect of people being thrown into ditches and onto the road. As I started to pull onto the shoulder, I watched a large biker get thrown off of his bike. He slid face down onto the pavement for quite some time. There was a large growing puddle of blood surrounding his head. I watched as his exposed skin turned ashen grey. We got out of the car and offered blankets, water, and first aid supplies to the nearest bikers. Looking around the highway, the entire scene seemed as though it was almost apocalyptic with the crumbled bikes and screaming bloodied bikers strewn about. To this day, I’m terrified of driving anywhere near a biker.”
Not The New Normal, Not Normal At All

“A few years ago, I had to work at a sketchy gas station in a sketchy part of town. (We were locked behind bulletproof glass, there was a safe room behind the counter, and we occasionally had cops respond to a call and then just stay there for the rest of the overnight shift because the officer felt we needed her/him).
I was poor, and this was the only place that had called me back when I was applying for jobs. I got lucky and mostly worked the day shifts.
One day, in the middle of the day, we were slow, and I was staring out the window counting down the hours until my shift ended, and I saw a fat, crazy looking lady wearing a tiny little skirt and a ripped tank top. She grabbed a shred of newspaper off the ground, squat, urinated, rubbed the paper down there and threw it down.
We had an outside cooler of popsicles that people would grab and then pay for inside (rarely did they get paid for, I don’t know why we had them outside, we must have lost a lot of money). Anyways, she went up that cooler, grabbed a popsicle, unwrapped it, and alternative shoved it in her mouth and her private parts, cat-calling every gent who walked within a 20-foot radius.
I called the cops on her, but for a good five minutes, I stood there watching her, wondering what the heck my life was coming to and whether or not living in this city was worth it.”
A Spree Killer’s End

Marjan Apostolovic/Shutterstock
“I saw a guy blow his brains out.
I was at a gas station getting my daily fix of Diet Coca-Cola, and as I was leaving the store, I saw that a bunch of cops moving towards this van in the parking lot. The guy went behind the van, put a weapon to his head, and pulled the trigger.
It turns out the guy had gone on a killing spree killing his wife and kids and then shot up an insider trader’s office.
I had nightmares about that for months.”
Not So Innocent

“I asked politely while my friend was texting if I could borrow the phone to play Angry Birds, she said ‘Sure. Let me finish this text.’ She handed me her phone, and I just started playing Angry Birds like any other day. After some minutes, she got a text, and as I tried to hide the phone as it buzzed below my desk as this was during math class, my palm must have accidentally pressed the text pop-up. It was a guy. They were dirty texting. And it wasn’t normal dirty texting; they were freaking brutal in their texts. To everyone, she was the teacher’s pet and probably the most innocent girl there was. Holy smokes.”
What’s Going On In There?

“I would drop off/pick up a female friend from someone else’s house near mine, I thought she was buying the devil’s lettuce or something like that (I don’t smoke so I just assumed she was hiding it from me to be respectful). One time I told her, ‘You know, you don’t have to be so secretive, I don’t care what you’re doing in there.’
Well turns out the guy that lived there actually had a foot fetish and paid her to come over. He smelled her feet while laying on the floor and jacking off. Sometimes he also asked her to kick him in the face, leave her sneakers there, etc.”
This Seems Unsanitary

“My best mate’s sister used to work in a nursing home. One day, she was tending to a lady who had her hand in her dressing gown and would not answer any question or instruction. My friend’s sister noticed a horrible smell. She saw that the old lady’s gown dropped, and she had defecated herself and was using the feces as a kind of…I don’t know… and was pleasuring herself.”
A Horrifying Accident Scene

“I saw an impaled pregnant woman. On a tree.
I was driving home from work and came around a sharp curve to discover an accident that had just occurred – only one cop car had arrived. A man was driving his pregnant sister to the hospital and didn’t make the curve. Their vehicle hit the ditch, flipped, and they were both thrown out. She, unfortunately, ended up impaled on a tree branch in clear view of any passersby. I had nightmares for a while and can still see her white sock covered feet dangling.”
The Worst Of The Worst

“One woman talking to herself outside a train station got ever louder and more erratic and then dramatically wet herself through her shorts and stormed off. Another time I was walking through a crowded Piccadilly Circus in central London and saw an odd trail of liquid flowing through the middle of a crowd. I traced it back to the source, and sure enough, an old grubby homeless guy was crouching down with his junk dangling out near a phone box.
I also once saw a man in a three-piece tweed suit incoherently wasted near a park at about 10 a.m. He was beyond gone and was attracting a crowd – not for screaming or shouting, but because he was moving in such a terrifying manner – a half shuffle with his head lolling. It was like a marionette with only two strings working. He would have been very nicely attired if he had washed or shaved in the past three days. It seemed to me that when you go to AA and tell your embarrassing story of hitting rock bottom and being trashed, this is the story they tell you to make you feel better.”
A Common Street Scene?

“I was walking home from class one morning when, on the opposite side of the street, I saw a woman bent over, dress hiked up, panties around her ankles, and smoking a pipe. She was, of course, getting reamed from behind by a dilapidated looking fellow, with one hand on her behind and the other behind his head like a boss. He turned his head, we made eye contact, and then he gave me a huge smile and a ‘sup’ nod. I kept on walking. Just another day in the Tenderloin (San Francisco).”
A Horrible Tragedy

Ranta Images/Shutterstock
“I think I witnessed a woman commit suicide. To this day I’m not sure if it was on purpose, but I know I saw her die less than 20 feet from me.
We were standing on a corner waiting to cross a street. There was a bus about to turn the corner, and the signal for crossing had just turned to the red hand, saying that it wasn’t safe to cross.
I remember her looking at the bus, the sign, and then at me. She smiled at me for a brief moment, and then she started to cross the street, speed walking a bit. I don’t know if she was trying to cross quickly and beat the bus or if she was intentionally trying to get hit, but she got hit. The bus wasn’t going fast, but it knocked her a few feet. The bus immediately stopped. Somebody walked over and realized she was out and possibly going into cardiac arrest. So they started to perform CPR, and somebody called 911. I believe she was declared dead when they arrived on scene. I just stood there shocked and didn’t know what to do. My head was spinning, and I felt confused, unsure of what I had seen.
As the police were trying to clear the scene, I remember being asked if I saw what happened, and I remember lying because I was in such shock at the chain of events. I told them that I didn’t know, that I just wanted to sit down. The rest of the day I felt sick and confused.
I was registered to perform CPR, and it isn’t as if I had sat there and failed to perform as somebody else was at her side nearly immediately, but to this day I feel guilty about it. I feel guilty about not acting and not telling the truth about what I saw or being there to try to help. I was only 16 or 17 at the time, and now I’m almost 22, but it still haunts me from time to time, the smile on her face.
I hope her family and friends got closure and I hope it wasn’t on purpose, but looking back on it, I feel there was no way she could have thought that bus wouldn’t have hit her.”
Don’t Buy The Food Here

“I work in a supermarket in the UK, and we had a mentally challenged guy working for us. One day in October last year, a customer came up yelling about ‘the idiot with the trolley.’ After a quick hunt, we found him midway down the main aisle with his junk out, furiously pleasuring himself and licking his lips. He only stopped when our security guy threw a towel over him and dragged into the offices.”
A Wacky Brother

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock
“My 20-something brother is very much into cosplay. One year he met this girl at a convention that dressed as the same character, or something….. or they dressed from the same video game, something like that.
At any rate, once they met, he became obsessed with this character. He’d come to dinner wearing this ridiculous headdress he made and face paint, but not the rest of the costume. At a family function, he once disappeared into the bathroom and returned wearing his costume. It’s like I was living with my very own Juggalo. He particularly seemed to like doing this while wearing no shirt. I walked past his bedroom one day and saw him standing next to the window in his cowl/facepaint/no-shirt and he waved at me, to which I replied, ‘get a job.’
One night I pulled into the driveway. It was a long private drive and not very lit. As I got out of the car and walked into the house, I heard a noise out in the yard. As I peered into the darkness, I saw him, basked in the moonlight, wearing this mask and headgear, in his underwear like something Ed Gein would do, and when he saw me all he said was, ‘what?’
I just assumed he was pleasuring himself.
Then one day I went into his bedroom to make a phone call. It was the only quiet room in our tiny little apartment to make a call at that time, and my brother wasn’t home. So I go in, and the place is a wreck. There are old NES games scattered everywhere, SNES controllers tangled and in the corner, and papers everywhere. So I’m on the phone, kicking around, not paying attention when I look down and see a drawing under some papers on the floor. I reach down and pick it up and tell my friend on the other line that I will call her back. I was pretty shocked at first, but my older brother’s amusement soon took over.”