These stories are full of roommates who should be living on their own because they don't understand how to respect other people that live with them.
Stolen Keys And Credit Cards

ocskaymark / Shutterstock
“I have so many crazy stories about a roommate I had around 8 years ago. One time we had people over and she ordered food and acted like she was treating everyone. She spent the whole evening smiling and relishing in all the thank you’s she got for doing such a nice thing. I later checked my bank account statement and found out that she had stolen my credit card out of my purse and charged all the food on it. When I confronted her about it, she said she was in a hurry and couldn’t find her card when the delivery guy came. Of course, she never told me about it and I only found out a couple of days later when I checked my bank account statement.
Not long after that she came home wasted, banging on the door and told me she had lost her keys, then proceeded to demand me to give her mine. I told her no and suggested that I walk with her to go find her keys because of how messed up she was and I didn’t want her to lose my keys too. She then proceeded to physically fight me to take my keys from me, resulting in her slamming the door in my face which caused me to drop my keys. Then she ran off with my keys, and just like I predicted, lost them. Luckily her friends came and helped her find the missing keys (and told me about all the other crazy things she did that night). I spent the whole night sitting awake waiting for her to come back because I wasn’t sure if she was going to try to get crazy with me again. When she got home, she threw my keys as hard as she could at my door and went to bed.
It all peaked at the end when she really tried to take advantage of me and stopped paying rent. It all worked out eventually and I got every dime back from her. Thank God.”
Forget You, Stephen

lzf / Shutterstock
“I was in a hard place. 5 days from payday and no money in my bank account. Literally no food in the cupboard. My bank offers this thing called temporary overdraft protection where you can withdraw a certain amount of cash just for a few days for a $5 fee. It’s way cheaper than a payday loan. Sometimes it’ll let you take $200, sometimes it’ll let you take $60. It all depends on some algorithm I’m not privy to. I went to an ATM and it would only give me $20. I had to make it last 5 days.
I went to the grocery store and bought a small ham (on sale hams are dirt cheap here), some potatoes, and a carton of eggs. It all came to like $19.78 or something dangerously close to all my money.
I took it home, portioned it all into daily rations, and figured ‘Okay, this is how I live for the next 5 days. This amount of ham, this amount of potatoes, 2 eggs on some days, 3 on others.’ My roommate was in the kitchen hanging with me WHILE I budgeted this all out, completely aware of where I was at financially.
On day two I came home, looked in the fridge – all ham is gone. Eggs are gone. I look in the sack of potatoes, literally 10lb of potatoes – they’re all gone. He also stole $1200 in tip money from our other roommate who was a server.
Forget you, Stephen. You literally saw me at my weakest, you were aware of everything I was doing to keep from going hungry, and you still took advantage of me.”
Still Angry After 18 Years

apops / Shutterstock
“This was maybe 18 years ago and it still angers me whenever I think about it.
I agreed to let a friend of a friend move into my apartment. When I first met her, we talked about the importance of keeping the place clean. She agreed and told me she was a neat freak. Maybe a month later, I get home from work, and the kitchen is a disaster. She and a couple friends decided to make a huge breakfast feast, including eggs, pancakes, fresh orange juice, bacon and sausage, etc… and they didn’t clean up anything. The sink and every countertop was covered in dirty dishes and food. I was pissed and I let her have it. I may have yelled more than I should have, but she had promised when I let her move in that she would keep the place clean.
Fast forward to the next day. I get home from work around 8:00 pm and the apartment has been vandalized. The entire refrigerator had been emptied, and the contents were strewn all over every room. A dozen eggs covered the walls. Ketchup and mustard were used to write obscenities on the floor and doors. Literally all the food that had been in the fridge and cabinets now covered the walls and floors of the apartment. She was nowhere to be found.
Luckily I had met her parents about a week ago and called them immediately. They came over and helped me clean for a few hours. This is when I learned she was bipolar. I also called a locksmith, who changed the locks the same day. Our landlord was also notified of what had happened. My roommate was not answering calls from anyone, but her parents talked to the landlord about what to do next.
Well, she apparently tried to enter the apartment in the middle of the night and discovered her key no longer worked. She called the landlord, who agreed to meet her and let her in. But when she arrived, her parents were there with the police, who escorted her to a mental hospital (not her first time).
You would think the story ends there, but it does not. A few days later, I wake up to discover I’ve been robbed. As soon as this girl gained phone privileges at the hospital, she called her friends and had them break in while I was sleeping. They broke the window on the back door to get in and stole my computer, DVD player, and over 2000 DVD’s (I was a collector and had worked at a video store for 8 years before they went out of business). Police were called again, but the video cameras in the building didn’t work, and I couldn’t prove it was her.”
That’s One Way To Scare People Off

“This happened while I was asleep.
He invited friends over to get high. Ok, whatever, nothing unusual there…but he then decided that he wasn’t interested in hanging out with these people anymore, so he snuck into the kitchen, pooped into a cup he’d fashioned out of aluminum foil, filled the remaining space in the cup with Bacardi 101, lit it on fire, and came back out to where his guests were sitting to scare them off with it. They, of course, fled our apartment instantly and he just left this smoldering poop smoothie in our sink.
The smell was awful and I woke up to the sight and smell of burnt black tarry crap coating our kitchen sink.
He also used my good chef’s knife to stir this concoction…
When he moved out shortly after I blocked him on Facebook, and he called me to say that I’m not allowed to ‘block friends and acquaintances.’ I told him we’re no longer friends or acquaintances.”
Family Feud

creativa / Shutterstock
“I moved to a very expensive city at the request of my parents. My nephew was coming to America for college and they asked me to room with him so I could show him around America and watch over him. He ended up being the worst roommate I’ve ever had.
I hadn’t met him prior to his arrival to America so I knew nothing about him. He ended up being a super spoiled brat. Before he even arrived, he demanded the private room (it was a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom so I ended up sleeping in the living room). His parents decked him out with totally new cookware and my mom took him to Costco and let him buy bulk amounts of whatever he wanted for cooking. He ended up not using any of it.
The second day I lived with him, I took him to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and told him it’d be my treat. He immediately orders $60 worth of food.
I was working at a Chinese restaurant part time while I did schooling and my nephew would frequently order food for delivery. I even offered to bring him home food if he wanted but he always declined then 5 minutes after I get him, the delivery driver would show up and he’d be like ‘I wasn’t hungry then.’ When he did go to the restaurant to eat, he’d go with his friends and they would never tip. I had to confront him one night about it because my boss told me he never tipped and he tried to play it off as a cultural thing. He said people never tipped in Taiwan which I knew was a load of crap because all my coworkers were from Taiwan and I asked them about it. His food bill for the first month of him living here was over $1000.
He also never threw any of his food away. We have our refrigerator separated and he would constantly buy mountains of food and just let it rot. I have ADHD and maybe I’m just an idiot, but I have a difficult time noticing messes so it took me months to figure out he left a pot full of food in the kitchen. By the time I noticed it, the entire pot was full of what looked like spider eggs. Everything was covered in silk and cocoons. His fridge started leaking this brown liquid that got everywhere and of course, I had to clean it up. He never washed his dishes either – if he ran out of dishes, he’d just buy disposable ones instead of cleaning the mountain of dishes on his side of the sink. I counted 3 months of him not washing a single dish. He was about to go on vacation to Taiwan and the day before, I told him to wash his dishes. He still didn’t wash them so I ended up having to do it.
And of course, he had to have the best things. He was super into branding. He wouldn’t even ask his parents, he’d just whip out their credit card and buy hundred dollar shoes and clothing. Everything had to be his way or the highway.
Since he moved here, he’s been begging his parents for a car and they eventually agreed. But oh no, it can’t be just any new car. He had to get a Mercedes Benz. His logic was that ‘95% of the students here drive those so I can’t be left out’ which is a total lie. (Admittedly, the only international students who can afford to come here are either millionaire students or in major debt).
But I think his biggest offense was how he left. He signed a lease when he got here for a year. But about 9 months into the lease, he texted me while I was at work one day and told me he was moving out and he wasn’t going to pay rent anymore. He was like ‘I’m not going to be living there anymore why should I pay anything?’ Since I was working my first full-time job into my career, I couldn’t even respond until he was long gone. I ended up texting him that he had signed a lease and I would take legal action if he tried to run. He ended up calling my mom to tell her I was bullying him. My mom ended up begging me not to cause drama because she didn’t want to fight with her family. In the end, my nephew’s mom is sending money to me in secret to pay for rent so my nephew still thinks he got away with it.”
Quite Alarming

“Two different roommates turned off my alarm the night before an early final exam after I was in bed. In the first case, luckily my exam had been rescheduled to a later time/date, but my roommate didn’t know because I hadn’t changed it on my wall calendar. I set my watch alarm every night after that. I never confronted him about it because I couldn’t be 100% sure he did it.
Second case, I was in bed, but not asleep yet and I heard my roommate come in and turn off my alarm, and then leave. I turned it back on. I never confronted him, never mentioned it, but I eventually got revenge.
The lab I worked in had a big electromagnet that’s used for erasing magnetic storage media in bulk. I used it to zap his hard drive for a few minutes. This was as I was on my way out of our room for the last time ever. I had just put the magnet back in my bag and zipped it shut when my roommate walked in. I started to walk out without saying anything (we weren’t getting along obviously) and he immediately walked over to his computer to turn it on. I was gone by the time it would have started up, so I don’t know for sure what happened, but I’m ok with assuming his stuff was at least partially scrambled.
The fact that 2 different roommates, at least 2 years apart, who weren’t friends with each other did this to me made me wonder for a long time what kind of horrible roommate I must have been.”
False Accusations

cunaplus / Shutterstock
“I’d been living in the place for about 6 months at the time. My other roommates were a woman from Germany and the landlady. When the German woman moved out, the landlady decided to take in an exchange student from the local university.
She arrived while the landlady and I were home. I was in my room and came out to greet her. She had 3 massive suitcases with her, which my landlady volunteered me to carry up the stairs for her. Brought her stuff up while landlady showed her around the place then went back to my room.
Later on I was making dinner when the girl came into the kitchen for something. I asked her if she wanted any and she said okay, got food and took it to her room.
I left for work before she had to go to classes so I rarely saw her for the next few days, but heard from my landlady that she freaked out after I left because my landlady wouldn’t drive her to the university instead of taking the bus (they had orientation on which bus to take and when upon arriving). Next time I saw her was when she wanted me to fix her computer because she heard I worked with computers. I repaired it and gave it back to her. She never said thank you or anything. Whatever.
Next day I came home from work and all her suitcases are in the entryway. She’s there with this burly looking dude wearing a shirt with the university’s emblem. She saw me and cowered in the corner, the burly dude stared at me as I put away my jacket and shoes in the closet and then go to my room. After they were gone my landlady told me the university was moving her to another residence because she told them she felt unsafe because there was a male in the house with her and that I’d been harassing/stalking her.
The real reason was she didn’t like staying in that house (it was pretty far from the university, 30-45 minutes, and wasn’t a great neighborhood) so she made up some story to get a new homestay placement. What better way to get what you want than be a 19-year-old foreign girl and accuse the big bad white dude of wanting to assault her even though the only interactions she’d had with me was me carrying her bags, making her dinner, and fixing her computer.
At least my landlady knew what was up and stood up for me when the guy from the university was making accusations.”
She Lied To The Cops

kzenon / Shutterstock
“I couldn’t even comprehend my roommate’s stupidity was when she hooked up with her ex-boyfriend one night last summer. The day after, I heard them doing stuff around the apartment, but it was my day off so I was just relaxing in my room. Eventually, I heard a loud knock at our door. I figured that she will go answer the door since she was moving about. A few minutes went by and an even more aggressive knock happens, so I open the door and standing in the doorway are 4 cops. Really surprised, I asked what’s going on. They told me that there were reports of theft in the area and they are looking for information. I said I don’t know anything but I can go get my roommate. I go get her. She began talking to the cops and they started describing the suspect who fits the look of her ex-boyfriend, but I didn’t connect the dots right away. She kept telling the cop she has no idea and eventually, they left.
About 5 minutes later one of the cops came back and said to me ‘look we have this guy in the back of our cop car who is the suspect and he’s telling us he knows you guys and the people upstairs said he’s been coming in and out of your apartment.’ I told the cop I didn’t really know what was happening, but my roommate had someone over the previous night so she may know something. She came out. The cop asked her if she knows this guy after naming him, and she said ‘yes that’s my ex-boyfriend’. The cop just sighed and asked why she lied and said she didn’t know him before. She said she was nervous and doesn’t handle talking to cops very well (judging by her Facebook posts she is very anti-cop).
Turns out the ex-boyfriend was hanging around in our backyard and went into our shed and was rummaging around. The girls who live above us on the main floor saw the guy, went into the backyard, and asked him who he was and if he knew anyone in the house. He was super high and couldn’t give them a straight answer. They tried again to get him to tell them who he was. Same response, so they got nervous and called the cops. It also turns out the guy had a warrant for his arrest for bike theft. Which made me remember the one time I had met him and he tried to get me to buy an ‘exotic bike’ from him.
My roommate talked to me later and complained about how the cops showed up because ‘it was a black guy just minding his own business in the backyard.’ And I was like ‘uhh no the cops got called cause your ex-boyfriend couldn’t form a sentence to tell the people who live above us who he was. If some random person is searching around the shed in the back and then couldn’t form a coherent sentence, would you not call the cops as well?’ I’ve never put restrictions on who she can have over to the apartment but straight up told her if I see him around again she can start looking for a new place.”
Dealing In The Dorm

lopolo / Shutterstock
“Apparently my friend’s roommate decided to start selling illegal substances their freshman year of college. I guess he knew about this, figured it was just weed here and there, no big deal.
During one of the holidays, my friend’s roommate was out of town when this random guy came knocking on the door. My friend didn’t recognize him so he asked who he is and the guy said he’s here for the dealer and that he should have some stuff for him. My friend told him he’s away for the holiday. After the guy left, my friend texted his out of town roommate to ask about what that was all about. He replied with something like ‘oh yeah, it’s probably one of my customers, if they come back just ask them how many packs they want and it’s under my bed, they know how much cash to give you.’ Of course, my friend is like no way, but was curious and looked under the bed anyway, to which he found a bunch of little folded up pieces of paper.
As he’s looking at this stuff trying to figure out what it is, the door unlocked and multiple police run in and put him on the ground in cuffs. He later found out that the guy looking to buy was an undercover police officer. They used some camera that could see through the peephole from the outside to make sure he wasn’t armed and just used the key the dorm manager gave them.
It all got sorted out pretty quickly when they realized he wasn’t the dealer and he showed the police the texts from his roommate. Turns out the little folded up pieces of paper was smack.. I guess his roommate made the jump from selling a little weed on the side to going straight to the hard stuff pretty fast.
Obviously nothing happened to my friend. He said he wasn’t allowed to go back into the room or get any of his stuff for a couple of days as police searched the entire room. I think he ended up staying with parents during that time. Still, it was a pretty crappy move that his roommate was selling narcotics and expected him to deal it for him while he was out of town.”
The Dishes Kept Piling

“Oh man, I could go on and on about all the stuff she has done over the past few years. Just generally an extremely messy person and preaches a lot about tolerance and respecting other people, but she is extremely self-unaware.
One incident that comes to mind is the time her and her friend clogged the sink. They were making dinner one night, which was a regular occurrence. Usually, the dude comes over, makes dinner for her, and cleans up afterward. This time they were making dinner the night before I left to go back home for Christmas. I woke up early the next morning to go to my bus, and as I was going out of the kitchen I saw both sinks full of dishes from them cooking the previous night, but both sinks were also completely full of water. I figured they were just be soaking the dishes overnight or something.
Fast forward just over a week later. My mom was driving me back to the city. I made a joke about the dishes as I was going into the apartment with something like ‘aha she actually decided to wash those dishes.’ As I walked into the apartment all I could smell was just rancid food. My mom came in right after me and smelled the exact same thing. I looked at the sink and not only all those dishes still there….but there were more piled on top of them still sitting in the standing water that was there when I left the apartment a WEEK AGO.
Turns out the sink was clogged with grease and coffee grounds (she has an obsession with pouring everything down the sink thinking it will all just wash away). So the first thing I did after driving back into the city is fix this freaking sink. I got it all fixed, did all the dishes since it smelled absolutely disgusting, and proceeded to message my roommate (who was still at home for her Christmas). I asked her what happened and why she thought it was a good idea to leave the sink like that before leaving for Christmas. Her response? She was really stressed out with school and just couldn’t handle dealing with it at that moment and was going to handle it when she got back.”
pooftaesch / Shutterstock