Everyone's wedding day should be the happiest day of their life. Well sadly, things didn't quite work out that way for these couples, and the guest and wedding staff had to cringe and watch the trainwreck.
(Content has been edited for clarity.)
And The Award For Most Awkward Best Man’s Speech Goes To This Guy

“I was a wedding DJ for seven years. DJ’d several hundred weddings. I’ve seen a lot of stuff.
One horrible thing I’ve witnessed: I introduce the best man to give his speech and hand him the mic. He starts out by saying, ‘Well, there were a lot of things I didn’t agree with in this relationship when it first started, and I still don’t agree with because it’s messed up and unbalanced, and the dynamic is too one-sided, but that’s not why we’re here today. We’re here to celebrate the marriage between Jack and Ingrid, so I just want to say congratulations, best of luck to you guys.’
Everyone in the whole place was just looking around, glancing nervously at one another.
Afterwards the father of the groom or bride (can’t remember which one) comes up to me and says, ‘Thank you for not cutting the mic. I saw you looking at the head table and at us for direction and when you didn’t get it, you didn’t act. I appreciate that because I think it would have been even more awkward if he had just been cut off and didn’t get the chance to at least come back to congratulate them.’
It was the most awkward compliment I’ve ever received.”
Everyone Felt Faint During This Wedding Ceremony

Rainer Fuhrmann/Shutterstock
“The pastor officiating my wedding had a heart attack, and my (now) wife and I caught him as he fell. We have a video of my wife, in her wedding dress, consoling the pastor’s wife, who was in tears behind the podium. One of my groomsmen is an ER doctor and handled the situation well, and the pastor finally came back around. He was stubborn and insisted on finishing the ceremony (through the sound of sirens of the ambulance coming for him). Then my brother (best man) passed out minutes later. Apparently, he had put on the wrong collared shirt, and it was too tight around the neck. At least the EMTs had something to do while the pastor finished up.
My brother spun and handed the rings off to ER doctor groomsman as he fell, and my wife and I just busted up laughing at that point.”
You See A Lot Of Craziness Through A Camera Lens

“I’ve worked in weddings for the last 20 years. I got this.
-Groom’s mother has a heart attack on the dance floor and dies before the ambulance gets there.
-Guest dies in his soup right after the videographer tapes his table. The cameraman pans to the left, then snaps back, and the guy is out, face in his soup.
-Bride and groom are fighting with each other in front of the cake during the cake cutting. It got physical.
-During the formals: we’re outside taking a group shot of the bridal party and friends. Most of them are wasted. A man comes over and asks if they could move because he needs to get to his car, they ask him to be patient, he isn’t and gets vocal. Six of the guys kick the snot out of him.
-The bride and groom’s families hated each other/did not approve of the wedding. Everyone was wasted from hour one and the photographer and I were just waiting for the fight to start; you could FEEL the hatred in the air. About halfway through the reception one guest says something nasty to another and everything broke loose. We ducked behind the DJ booth with the DJ and MC and some of the staff as they destroyed the hall.
-In the late ’90s/early 2000s we had a problem with guys walking into wedding halls and stealing photographer/videographer equipment. One of my friends was held by a weapon at his head while setting up at a hall; they took $20,000 worth of photography equipment. Two of my videographer friends had cameras taken from them during jobs; one was beaten in a park on the way to video bride and groom formals. Aside from the robbery, the worst part is they lost all the stills/video of the wedding when the cameras are stolen, so the bride and groom have nothing from that day.
-And, finally, the groom’s mother also wore a white dress with a train. We were asked to ignore her/remove her from the video as much as possible. Almost as bad as watching that one bride in eight-inch heels totter down the aisle wasted, with her father holding her up.”
It Was Definitely The Wrong Time To Deliver This Piece Of Bad News

“I’ve only been to one wedding, and it was my dad’s cousin’s wedding.
My dad’s uncle (the groom’s father) made a toast when the groom and bride were at the altar (is this normal? Everyone around me seemed confused), and he said, ‘I’m glad I made it out here today. I just want you guys to know that I have cancer and I’m going to die soon. I just want to say congratulations to my son and his beautiful bride. Enjoy your time!’
Everyone was in complete silence. It was the most awkward thing I’ve ever witnessed.
For what it’s worth, this was in 2008, and the groom’s father is still alive.”
Welcome The Most Obnoxious Priest The World Will Ever Know

“The ceremony for my cousin’s (the groom) wedding had the most obnoxious priest. I think he was related to my cousin or a long time family friend.
The whole ceremony became about him. Before every reading, he would explain what was about to be read for like five minutes, then after the passage would explain it again for another couple minutes before explaining the next reading. He gave terrible advice like, ‘If you’re having problems, don’t talk to each other, talk to me. You have my number.’ He mentioned multiple times how he had recently moved to Illinois (where the wedding was taking place). Even between the vows, he had to throw in his two cents. After my cousin said ‘I Do’ he made some comment about ‘Oh, I thought you were going to do it with more gusto like when you’re cheering for the Bears. I DO!!!’ In the end, he just had to mention himself one more time ‘And by the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, which I am now a resident of, I now pronounce you man and wife.’ What could have been a 30-45 minute ceremony ended up taking 75-90 minutes.”
This Wedding Didn’t Need A Bridezilla, It Had An In-Lawzilla

“My good friends were getting married: it was a medium-sized wedding (no more than 75 people, including the bridal party and groomsmen). The bride’s sister-in-law is ticked off something mighty. It was a wedding and reception by a lake, and everyone knew the venue, so we dressed accordingly – shirts and comfortable trousers, sundresses and sandals. However, the sister-in-law dressed like she was heading out for an evening of dinner and dancing. Sky-high heels, tight dress, rhinestones everywhere. She looked gorgeous! But it was not comfortable, and we were outside.
The ceremony was sweet except for the bugs, the pine needles, and the dirt that was being picked up from the small (yet apparently mighty) microphone up front.
Right after the ceremony, we walk over to the gazebo/picnic area where the reception will be, and the sister-in-law starts lobbing her high heels at her husband, screeching about what an awful day it is, and gashes her husband’s eyebrow open. While people are scrambling to get him napkins because facial wounds bleed like a faucet, and try to get him into a car to drive him to the hospital for stitches she decides to up the ante. She says ‘I can’t take this anymore!’ and throws herself off of the dock in a dramatic swan dive.
The problem is, the lake at that point was only four feet deep, and marshy, so instead of a suicide, she just bobs along in the water because everyone’s more concerned with her husband’s eye/face. Sister-in-law’s father just turns towards the lake, tells her to get her tail out of there and cut the crap.
They pile into two cars and drove off. It was surreal.
I asked the bride, about a week later on the way to the airport (I was dropping them off for their honeymoon) what the deal was, and she said her sister-in-law has always been needful of attention.
Apparently, the sister-in-law gave some bull answer of being the only one dressed up as she was made her feel ‘ostracized,’ and her husband wasn’t ‘supporting her feelings.’ I can only speculate she didn’t get the attention she was wanting, tried to get it in any way possible, and it spiraled out of control.”
This Bride Had To Fight For Her Wedding Day

Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock
“An ex-girlfriend of the groom showed up at the wedding…uninvited and wasted. He broke up with her 10 years earlier and has not seen her in over eight years. She was loud and saying very perverted things about what she wanted to do to the groom. The bride steps up, goes all out and punches the ex in the face, and knocks the ex out cold. The bride we know is a normally calm and peaceful person. A few of us carry the ex out of the reception and drop her at her apartment about 20 minutes away. The bride told my wife that ‘there is nothing that will ruin my wedding day.'”
He Was The One That Got Away

“At a wedding of a college friend of my husbands, we learned that the bride (his old friend) had been in love with him for over a decade. We learned this from the women at our table at the reception. We introduced ourselves while we waited for the bride and groom to arrive. They were horrified that we were there – and extremely worried. My husband had NO idea that she had feelings for him.
She bee-lined right for our table after the ‘introducing Mr & Mrs’ thing – ignoring her family and leaving her husband standing alone. She clung to my husband and sobbed – lifting her head to glare at me. She had to be pulled off of him. She repaired herself, then followed us as we tried to leave quietly – her parting shot was to stare at my chest and say, ‘Well I guess I know what I was missing all along!’ Her new husband was in shock, and my husband was horrified and embarrassed – he was completely clueless and would never have gone to the wedding if he’d know she was obsessed with him. It was bizarre.”
This Mother Figured She’d Make Her Daughter’s Special Day Into HER Special Moment

“After the vows and the kiss, as the couple was walking together down the aisle, the mother of the bride stopped the recessional and announced that she and her husband were renewing their vows right then and there. The husband was mortified but went along with it.
After all, they paid for the wedding, and the band, and the flowers, and they didn’t want all of that to ‘go to waste.’
Once they had renewed their vows, the bride’s mother invited everyone to the ‘joint reception.’ Throughout the reception, the mother loudly and repeatedly commented on how many gifts the bride and groom had received and how no one had bothered to bring a gift for the mother and husband. Never mind the fact that none of the guests (nor the wedding party, the planners, nor anyone else) knew the bride’s parents would be exchanging vows.
Towards the end, after a whole night of drinking, the drunken and sobbing mother accused the bride of stealing the mother’s ‘special day,’ called her a whole bunch of mean things in front of her friends and family, then grabbed the wedding cake and left.
The bride and groom had another ceremony a few weeks later. The parents were not invited.”
His Job Made Him See Unbelievably Crazy Things At These People’s Weddings

Sevastsyanau Uladzimir/Shutterstock
“I was a wedding butler for two years and have worked a little over 100 weddings, and these are some of my favorite stories. My job entailed setting up/maintaining/cleaning and taking down weddings. As well as catering to peoples needs regardless of what they were, aside from food and drink, and if it was ever required (which it was a few times), I was also security.
- The most awkward wedding I ever worked started out like any other wedding. Roughly 120 people, lovely couple, the wedding was to take place outside, and the reception was to take place in a large refurbished barn. Everything goes according to plan until it was time for the speeches. At this point in the night, I usually slip away to a somewhat secluded part of the reception to eat and listen in case anything goes wrong, but still close enough that people could find me. Well, the best man comes up to give his speech, and by this point, in the evening he was already pretty hammered. It starts out normal, him talking about how he introduced the bride to the groom and the day they first met and whatnot. Everything seemed normal, granted he would go on and on about the bride at times, but hey some people are like that so I mostly ignored him till I hear him end his speech with how it should have been him and how he still loves her. As soon as he said that everyone went silent and it got awkward, someone eventually ushered him off stage.
- Unlike the first story, the worst wedding we ever had did not start out like most weddings it started out bad and just got steadily worse. So four weeks before the wedding the bride apparently fell down a flight of stairs and shattered her leg to the point she needed someone to help her walk down the aisle and stand at the altar. Before the ceremony, though, at the rehearsal dinner of the 80 people scheduled to show up about 40 did which would sort of make sense if they lived across the country, or overseas, or something but everyone at the wedding lived under five hours from the site. Add to this, the fact the catering company for the evening brought the wrong order, and there wasn’t even enough food for the people there, and to top it off the bride and groom had hired a somewhat well-known bluegrass band to play at the rehearsal dinner and they never showed up. Now that’s just the start of it, during the ceremony itself, it hailed the entire time and ended just as the ceremony did. Now it was a slightly windy and chilly day, and usually, the bride and groom spend a good one and a half hours or so taking pictures around the property because of how scenic it is but they asked me to cut it short so they could go to the tent reception and finally relax. Well, I was driving them around on this little limo golf cart thing and the bride, and groom jump in the back and the maid of honor is there with them, but no one noticed that the bride’s gown was hanging precariously close to the back wheel. So I start the cart up, throw it into reverse, make sure everyone is in and settled, and as soon as I turn around and start to drive backward, I watch as the bride gets pulled off the cart and I ended up running over her other leg. I immediately stopped the cart, jumped off and tended to her. However, before I could help her up, she shoots up and loses it at the groom and maid of honor for not helping her, and she apologized to me for what happened. I was so stunned that I had no clue what to say. I’m very used to dealing with angry people at weddings, especially inebriated ones, but almost all the time they are mad at one of the other staff or me. Anyways she calms down, and I take them all to the reception that is already going downhill and fast. So while I was away, the catering company arrived and started setting up food when they realized they brought the wrong order AGAIN and while they had enough food for everyone the only thing to eat at the wedding was grilled cheese and dessert. Not only that but a separate company was hired to bartend for the wedding and didn’t realize the event would be taking place outside, and so they didn’t bring enough water for the reception and very quickly had to start cutting people off. The reception continues, they have the speeches, the band showed up this time, and everything was going fine till this one guest got super wasted, and as she was carrying a full glass back to her table, she tripped and doses the bride. This abruptly ends the reception as the bride has the groom help her storm off and everyone slowly leaves about an hour before they were supposed to stop.”
Always Double Check The Location And Time

Africa Studio/Shutterstock
“My husband and I were invited to the wedding of a military buddy of his. We were running a little late but weren’t too worried. We got onto the base and headed for the main chapel (there are three or four chapels on base). When we got to the main chapel, it was apparent that there was no wedding going on. We looked at the invitation again. It just said ‘Post chapel’ and gave an address. This wasn’t the post chapel that the bride had intended, and I whipped out my phone to look up the address. We drove to that part of the base and found the place. It was some administration building, not a chapel.
We were confused, but we found a building with ‘Chaplain’s office’ on the directory, so we figured we’d been invited to some civil ceremony. The building was locked. Now thoroughly confused and late at this point.
As we were wondering what we should do, we see an older gentleman in a tuxedo wandering around. He was in the same boat. It turns out he was the groom’s father, and he didn’t have any more idea what’s going on than we do. After a few more minutes, a soldier arrives. He’s the chaplain’s assistant, and he was looking for lost wedding guests (namely the groom’s father). It turns out the bride put down the wrong address and the wrong chapel name on the invitation.
By the time we got to the wedding (which they had delayed because the groom’s dad was missing), the bride was in tears. I felt terrible for her.
They finally started the wedding, and the chaplain gave an awkward sermon about ‘being clothed in Jesus’ love’ and lost his place several times. Eventually, as the ceremony was over and the guests began to applaud, a bat fell out of the ceiling and died.
The craziest wedding I’d ever been to.”
They Wouldn’t Let Anything Rain Down On Their Wedding Day Parade

“My parents had a pretty disastrous wedding. I wasn’t there to witness it, but my parents and the guests tell the stories all the time.
The wedding was in July. They were expecting a hot, sunny day but it ended up being a significant downpour. My mother had a taxi scheduled to take her from her hotel to the church, due to the rain, the cab was late. As my mother was waiting, in her wedding dress, she was hit by a car. She fell to the ground, but it wasn’t hard enough to break any bones, so she just walked it off. Unfortunately, her dress picked up a lot of the mud from her fall and a big chunk of lace was torn. It turns out the car that hit her was the taxi that was supposed to pick her up.
She finally made it to the church, my father was in tears, on the verge of a nervous breakdown thinking that she wasn’t going to show. Again, because of the rain, about a third of the guests didn’t make it. The rest of the ceremony went ok.
At the reception, the hotel was understaffed due to the rain and the DJ couldn’t make it (again, due to the rain) so the reception consisted of guests sitting around in a silent room waiting for food. A plus one soon decides that she is dying of hunger, so she goes up and cuts a slice of the wedding cake for herself before my parents had taken pictures with the cake or sliced it. On the positive side, later on, they discovered that a restaurant in the hotel had a jukebox so the restaurant lets them move it into the banquet hall and they’re able to pop in some quarters to get music playing.
It was a disaster at the time, but now they look back at it and laugh.”
You Can’t Dance Without A Little Music

“I went to a wedding with my boyfriend a few years ago. His friend was marrying a woman that NO ONE liked. She was awful. During the ceremony, we could all tell that the best man was uncomfortable. As soon as the ceremony ended, the best man burst into tears for about 10 minutes and had to excuse himself. You could tell he just realized that his best friend was gone forever. We tried to cheer him up and reassure him that he and the groom would still be close and that the bride wasn’t too bad. Everyone present knew it was a lie and we were all just so depressed.
Later, the bride came and yelled at our entire group (all of her husband’s friends) because we weren’t dancing enough. We weren’t dancing because they had no DJ, just a short playlist with the couple’s favorite songs being played on repeat. I think throughout the whole night we heard playlist start and end about five times.”