Schools are meant to be a safe haven for children. A place where they can learn and grow without having to worry about anything else. Unfortunately, some bad people choose to do bad things at the or around the very place that is supposed to be safe, creating massive scandals for school. These are real stories of school scandals that were caused by students. Some stories have been edited for clarification purposes.
The Baseball Coach

“Last year (my sophomore year), my school’s baseball coach was charged for child abuse when coaching a game. One of his players was arguing with the umpire and it was getting physical so the coach dragged him off the field by the back of the neck, leaving a mark. The teacher was put on leave and the story made the headlines in the local news.
What was worse was the media because in the aftermath the family of the kid tried to sue and the media was all over the school, blocking exits in the school to try and get opinions from students trying to leave, and even attempting to break in to get a statement from the dean. The students also rebelled since this teacher was a great guy and everyone respected him, so many students sitting at lunch one day walked out in protest. It was all really messed up.”
Southern Charm

“Some students filmed a kid running around the parking lot with a Confederate flag. An hour after school started, everyone knew about and was super ticked off. The community was really diverse so plenty of people were angry that someone was representing such a a divisive flag. The kid was in a regional agriculture program I was in, so there were loads of threats and people saying we deserved to be beaten up and killed.
The kid was just being an idiot for most part and ended up switching schools, nothing else really happened beyond the school being tense for a few days, as well as some school-wide events to help address the issue of racism and all that. A lot of people in the program were upset about it though, because everyone viewed it as being filled with rednecks and generally looked down upon by the rest of the school.”
Bathroom Blunder

“A group of freshmen ripped a toilet out of the wall and flipped it over in the boys bathroom. Yes. A whole freaking toilet. The kid who did it was suspended and sent a $2,000 fine for repairs, and not even a week after that the friend of that kid sneaked into the girls bathroom and ripped another toilet out of the wall. Now, half the bathrooms on campus are locked and we have to sign out/sign in every single time we go to the bathroom, and since these idiots posted their wrongdoings on Snapchat, now we have to turn our phones in while we’re in the bathroom because taking our phones encourages posting destruction on social media.”
Brotherly Love

“A year after I graduated high school, a woman was stabbed 40+ times with a pair of scissors while jogging on our track on a Sunday. One of the guys in that year’s senior class wound up hanging around the track over the following days, obsessively pestering investigators with questions and theories, so naturally some suspicion fell on him. When the woman’s description of her assailant (she survived!) matched him spot-on, he was arrested, and both the scissors used and his bloody clothes were found at his house. Dude was sentenced to 10+ years in prison.
End of story, right?
Wrong. Two years after the trial, the jailed kid is ordered released after his little brother, one year younger and a dead lookalike for his big bro, is popped for violent assault on a woman, and confesses to the stabbing during questioning. Turns out the older brother took the fall for him, falsely confessing so that he could keep his younger sib out of jail. Dude never told anyone, but did admit the lie after his younger brother’s arrest and confession.
I knew both kids when I was a student there. Both brothers were definitely thought to be weirdly intense, but their behavior was attributed to their military dad’s strict style of parenting, and not anything darker.”
School Bus Bandits

“During my sophomore year, a group of seniors decided a good senior prank would be to sneak into the bus garage and slash the tires on buses in order to get out of school. They ended up causing over $40,000 in damages and did cancel school one day, and the police came to the school to do interviews all that week. Apparently, most of them got away with it because of how the buses were parked at the time (Some of them were doubled up, so they only hit the 2nd row of buses, which made camera views ‘too far away to positively identify.’ After that year, our school district and the neighboring districts changed their bus lots so that the buses were single row only and beefed up camera systems.”
Gothic Tragedy

“In my senior year, a group of friends (who were Goth before being Goth was really a thing) experienced a tragedy when one of the friends accidentally killed the other. The friend who caused the accident took his life a few weeks later. They were drag racing cars; one friend was holding the flag at the finish line in a median and the other friend was driving. The one friend lost control of his car and ran over his friend, killing him instantly. This touched off a wave of suicides at my school, 5 in total, over the next 3 months.
It was a very long time ago. It was eerie and tragic, but I didn’t know any of the people who took their lives so it didn’t affect me much. The attention from the press was the most bothersome thing, actually. It was bothersome because so many national press companies (Good Morning America, Newsweek) made it seem as if the entire community was on edge or disillusioned or something like that; we weren’t. I remember a reporter from some big newspaper (I can’t remember which) asked for a comment and I asked him for a smoke. He gave me one and lit it, and then I gave him the finger and walked off.”
Up In Smoke

“Two girls burnt down our snack shack by the football field. Me and a friend were in P.E. running the track when two girls went into the bathroom of the snack shack. At the time, I had been running backwards and had seen their faces, while my friend had only seen the back of their heads. A few moments later, they exit and smoke begins to emerge from the bathrooms. Apparently they were smoking J’s and threw the still lit blunts into the garbage, filled with paper towels. The funny thing was that the football field was our evacuation point in the case of an emergency, but that was where the emergency was happening. The entire snack shack, which is basically a small kitchen, was soon in flames and it was all put out about 20 minutes later.
Walking back to class, me and my friend were discussing the possibility of those two girls starting the fire, and sure enough, not even 5 minutes into our next class, we are pulled into the office with a police officer, asking us for a description of the two girls. Apparently after checking the cameras around the school, they were able to identify me and my friend on the track, because I ran backwards for a few feet.
They tried to get me to sign a paper saying that I would testify in court about seeing the two girls, but I didn’t want to be incorporated into all this anymore than I was already, so I refused. My friend said he would.
In the end, girls were identified, expelled, sent to Juvie for a little. The snack shack was destroyed, open and shut case of arson.
Funny thing though was that when the police went to detain one of the girls, their mom had her leg broken by police and she sued the city, and was awarded like $2 million. I guess things happen for a reason.”
Faux Facebook

“When I was in high school, someone created a fake Facebook profile for our school principal – let’s call him Mr. K. The person started adding teachers and students from around the school and then was commenting realistically on teacher’s pages but the context never lined up. It was saying things like, ‘Nice to see you last weekend, Ms. Brown,’ and other completely random things like that.
Then once he had everyone added as friends, he started low key roasting kids on their Facebooks and then on his own page. It started with little things but then he started being ultra petty towards everyone and it was hilarious. The whole time the student body and teachers all thought it was really him!
The principal didn’t actually find out until a couple of teachers confronted him. The whole time, it was my friend’s brother. He would sneak in to the computer lab at school and log in on a public computer and post so there was no link to him.”
And The Teacher Of The Year Award Goes To…

“When I was a junior in high school, a freshman girl came into school before first bell, wielding steak knives and then proceeded to stab 10 kids before a teacher finally tackled her and apprehended her. Everyone was in shock and it was out of nowhere. The best part was that there was a whole case afterwards of angry parents trying to get that particular teacher fired for putting his hands on a student. I guess just the fact that a grown man physically restrained a young girl? Doesn’t quite make sense to me either. He LITERALLY saved our lives and they were trying to get him fired.
Afterwards, when she was in a mental institution, her Tumblr was exposed. Apparently after this all went down, people started looking into her and there were posts where she said she wished she had a semi-auto weapon to just kill as many people as possible. Thank God for Canadian carry control laws.”
Gossip Page

“Someone started a ‘my school gossip girl’ page on Facebook and just started effing roasting people. Really sticking it to them with some properly nasty stuff. It was great for me, as I love drama and am a totally immaculate person (or just so unimportant I was skipped completely). They never found out who ran it, but I can say that it was vicious, and split the school into factions. War is heck and all that.
See, when I was in high school, Facebook was first introduced. And the thing about it was that there was almost no moderation, like, at ALL. Schools weren’t watching pages, online bullying wasn’t ‘real’ yet and you could do anything. Our school’s page got shut down because a bunch of dudes just kept posting adult film content, a 10 year reunion page got bombarded by trolls, and kids would get ruthlessly attacked.
Today, there are laws and steps you can take if that kinda stuff happened. But then, nobody knew – it was constant and never ending. And because it was online and faceless, EVERYONE was involved in one way or another. One guy went to bed and woke up to 2.8 THOUSAND posts on his wall, all just random crap. A girl made a Facebook post advertising a party to her friends, and it ended up with 2.1 million people clicking attend.”
Mega Dump

“Around 1998, someone took a dump in a toilet at my high school. This turd was (no joking) the circumference of a coke can, and the length of a size 13 shoe. It was so big that it couldn’t be flushed. This dump made it’s way around the school quickly, and there was a line out the door to that bathroom for an hour at least before the facility caught wind.
From what we heard, it took the janitor 4 flushes after breaking it down with a plunger. Fast forward a couple weeks to the real aftermath. Someone managed to take a picture of this turd and created a website dedicated to this mammoth crap. The person that made the site was dumb enough to use his name on the site and the school threatened him with expulsion if he didn’t take the site down. He said no so he had to go in front of the school board to make his case about how it’s his right to have a website dedicated to a massive poop. This made the local news and made my junior year extremely funny.
He didn’t get expelled, only suspended. I wish it was still up, but again, this was in 1998.”
Scummy Sleuth

“When I was in grade 9 there was a student in grade 12 who overdosed and died. It was very hard on a lot of people in the school. A girl who was in grade 9 decided to break into the recently deceased girl’s home and steal her clothes and personal items and posted pictures and videos of her burning these things on her Facebook.
This obviously did not go over well with the rest of the student body and for the next few days this girl had a huge target on her back. It came down to every 5 minutes a student would pull the fire alarm and force every person out of the school so that people could try to find this girl and fight her or yell at her. The student was being protected by the principal and no one could get near her. The fire alarm was pulled around 10 times that day. You would barely sit back at your desk after being inside before there was another fire alarm.
I don’t even know what her motive was. I always thought she did it to look cool or tough. But I really tried my best to not get to know her. So what would I know.
As far as I know, she was not jumped on school grounds. I am sure that someone beat her up at some point. But overall it seemed like she somewhat got off the hook. She didn’t even switch schools. This was at the end of the school year so when she came back after the summer most of the 12th graders had graduated and they were the ones that hated her the most.
But I don’t think people really forgot about it cause she definitely didn’t have many friends.”
The Green Card Incident

“Oh Lord, the ‘Green Card Incident’ was easily our school’s biggest scandal. No, there weren’t issues with students being undocumented.
Our high school soccer team was facing a team from a city over that had a largely Hispanic student population.
Our team won the game, and parts of the student section threw a bunch of cut green construction paper in the air, resembling the cards that immigrants to the US are given.
It got national news coverage. It left a huge stain on the reputation of a school that is otherwise one of the best in the state.”
Key Logger

“A kid installed key-loggers on the computers in various classrooms to gather the passwords the teachers used to enter grades into the system, then started changing them. A few minor alterations at first, removing a minus here or there, but he started telling people, who ended up asking for grade changes. The adjustments got more and more significant until the teachers realized that someone was messing with the system. An investigation started happening, suspensions hit several kids, it was a big thing.
In another school near me, a bunch of the kids formed a gang of thieves and went into a nearby mall before and after school to grab snacks and other things they would then hand out to other kids. The mall security eventually caught one of them and he ratted out every single member of that group. The mall then contacted the school. This was an expensive private school and it was a huge embarrassment to them, so those kids wound up with literal months of detention that they had to spend doing various kinds of community service. It was kind of bogus though, because the guy who got caught accused one of my friends of being part of the thieves and he wound up in detention. I know for a fact my friend wasn’t in on it, because we were huge nerds and pretty much any free time we had we would play D&D.”
A Terrible Way To Postpone A Conference

“A 7 year old kid was found dead in the school’s washroom. It was a national news for many many months during which the investigation was ongoing.
Initially it was claimed by the police that one of the bus drivers was responsible for the murder. He confessed on the same a day, later claiming that he was going to force himself upon the kid but when he resisted, the driver killed him.
But the kid’s parents were not convinced that that was the case and claimed that the school was hiding a bigger conspiracy, since many of the evidence in the crime scene were tampered with before the police were notified and arrived on the scene. They pressured the government to involve the CBI and let them investigate instead of the local policemen. Later on, giving in to the rising pressure from the whole country, including a Supreme Court ruling, the CBI was called in to investigate. The CBI are basically the Indian equivalent of the FBI. During the investigation, the CBI found out that the driver was just a scapegoat and was forced to confess, which was claimed by other drivers since the very beginning. The driver later said that he was forced under police torture to admit to killing the child.
As the investigation continued, it turned out that the murder was committed by a 15 year old kid, who apparently wanted to postpone the upcoming Parent-Teacher conference since the parents were gonna be notified of his recent bullying attitude towards his classmates. So this guy decided that the best way to get them delayed was for him to kill someone and cause a police investigation in the school. His name was never publicly announced, but the students obviously knew who the guy was. I knew him personally and I could never have guessed in a thousand years that that guy could do something like that. It’s also unbelievably scary to think that he also almost got away with the murder.”