Dealing with the morning after a fling can be...awkward. These stories share the moments where they either felt a variety of emotions after a night of escapades.
They Ended Up Working With Each Other After?

“A night out on the town with a girl that I thought I’d never see again. I planned on leaving a note (My teenage and young adult go-to as to not seem like a total prick). I woke up at 3 a.m. to go to work, to find a sweet little note next to me and all my clothes hung up.
Thinking nothing of it, I went about my business, hurriedly got ready for work.
Arriving at work, I started to go through my normal prep and pep talk routine with my staff, only to be interrupted by my supervisor. ‘As with all new hires’, he says: ‘I’d like to introduce you all to my sister, our new quality control coordinator.’
Then he points to me and says: ‘You’ll be working directly with her so don’t be easy on her. Gina this is our Shipping Supervisor.’ The looks on both our faces spoke volumes!”
She Made Him Lasagna!

“I was with a beautiful girl who had an amazing personality, the playful kind who was obviously incredibly intelligent to boot.
After having some fun we tried to sleep…but…she snored horribly so I told her to take the guest room for the night. She agreed. When I woke up she was gone and she had raided my fridge.
She left a note saying something like, ‘I was up early and made dinner, it’s in the freezer.’ Turns out, she had to go to work early. She made an amazing lasagna that I only needed to put in the oven per her instructions. It was delicious. I even waited a few hours for dinner hoping she might come back to join me. No such luck.
I never got her full name and never ran into her again.
It was only a few years later that I cleaned up the guest room (as in: under the bed) and I found another note with her name and phone number on it. Looked her up and she was now happily married. She works as a medical doctor and still looks like a model.”
Taking Him To Waffle House The Next Morning…

“Basically, a day after going too hard at a certain beach music festival I woke up in a really sandy and glittery pull out couch bed in our condo (that I was sharing with my older brother, an older family friend, and their friends) with a guy I barely knew who happened to look exactly like Mac DeMarco.
He drank like half of our drinks and I remember him peeing/throwing up at the same time after us doing the deed and then falling into the bathtub.
He also threw up on the floor and on my bag next to the couch.
Of course, he woke up and didn’t remember a single thing. I honestly felt so bad for him (and ashamed that I did that in front of my fam) that I took him to Waffle House and hung out with him at the beach.
Needless to say, not my proudest moment (more like my worst moment).”
The Valentine’s Day Flowers!

“The previous night was Valentine’s Day. I had just been dumped by a long term boyfriend.
I had a few drinks and then headed to Walgreens, looking at the flowers and chocolates thinking about my ex. I then decided it would be a good idea to buy him a balloon and some flowers and leave it outside his house because these are the kind of brilliant ideas I get while drinking.
I got outside, let go of the balloon and it flew away, so I started crying. Some dude in his car asked me what was wrong and then I woke up next morning.
He started telling me about how he was trying to be a rapper, made me listen to some really bad stuff he had written. I had to get out. Get up to leave, tells me I have to wait until his Grandma leaves the house to play bridge with her buddies because he lives with her since he can’t afford to live on his own.
I finally get to leave after a couple hours of extremely uncomfortable and awkward feelings of regret.
As I walk out, I see his grandma had put the flowers I bought in a vase on the table.”
Escaping In The Dark Through Sweden?

“I met a girl when I was traveling alone in Sweden. She was sweet and cute and split from her friend to take me back to ‘her’ place from Cafe Opera. This was quite late in the evening and I was leaving the city the next day in the morning around 10 am on a ferry. We got into a cab and started driving back to her place…
And driving.
And driving.
For about 45 minutes. Houses became scarce and even street lights were starting to be spaced far apart. I was a university student at the time and was a bit nervous and had a fear this was some sort of elaborate scheme and I may get murdered.
We finally pull up to her place and quietly sneak in. Turns out she’s a live-in baby sitter and lives above the family.
We get in, do the deed and at around 6 am she falls asleep. Knowing I have to catch a ferry at 10 am I make plans to leave. I check my phone, find there is no service and don’t have a data plan for my travels. I open her fridge, take a sandwich out and sneak downstairs and quietly leave through a side door.
Cut to me walking down a cold road in freakin’ nowhere Sweden, walking aimlessly among dark hills and sporadic street lamps. No idea what direction I’m going or where I am. I just assume something must be around and start running at a marathon pace down the road. Literally just sprinting through the darkness for 30 minutes in sheer black down a road aimlessly until I finally find a gas station, catch a cab and make it back to my hostel. Packed my gear up and booked it to the ferry where I finally caught some sleep.
Good times, so many great stories from Sweden.”
The Psycho Girl From Tinder…

“My freshman year of college, I met up with a girl from Tinder.
Once I met her she told me she was on probation for punching her ex-boyfriend in the face and breaking his nose. My young-self didn’t care and just wanted to get it on. The next morning after I left her place, she texted me saying she was not sober. That was completely untrue because neither of us had anything to drink and there was consent. She was furious with my response and threatened to call the police and charge me with slander. I was confused so I just thought she was crazy and brushed it off.
The next night I went to a party with my friends and she was there.
She was completely belligerent and came up to me asking me to get with her. I said no and she tried to punch me, I backed away and walked out the door. She followed and threw a bottle of Seagrams which hit a cop car. She was arrested that night and went to jail.
Moral of the story: Think with your brain next time!”
She Left Her Hair Extensions…

“I woke up at 7 am after a snow day at college on a Wednesday. I didn’t even know the guy’s name, realized my clothes were nowhere, along with the hair extensions I had taken out the night before (they were clip ins), so I dug through his drawers for ANYTHING to walk back home in. Ended up in a lace crop top, boys basketball shorts, a hat (to cover my face- because of shame), and had the ultimate decision of ‘which shoes am I supposed to wear?’
Not such a hard question, right? Wrong. It was a choice between 5-inch stiletto heels or a guys size 20 (I don’t know, is that how men’s sizes work? They were gigantic), sandals that were so big on me it looked like I was going skiing when I took a step. Ended up fitting with the theme, as it was the middle of winter and still violently snowing outside. Oh, yea, I also couldn’t find my winter coat so I shrugged and reminded myself that ‘us girls’ never get cold. That motto repeated in my head like a freakin’ Carly Rae Jepson song all the way back to my house.
On with the story, I snuck out, the guy was still asleep, roommates also asleep. Easy. Imagine my surprise when I finally got out of the house and realized I was in a part of downtown I had never seen before. Imagine my subsequent surprise when I saw a different college’s sign on a banner. Fine, I put my address into google maps and it was only…a 40-minute walk. Whatever, still kind of out of it, the cold wasn’t bothering me. The third surprise nearly gave me a heart attack; “Alumni day,” on the bottom of the banner. It’s a really good thing I saw that sign the second a group of 60-year-old alumni repping their old stomping grounds with sweatshirts and hats turned a corner and saw me. Flashback 2 paragraphs ago to what I chose to wear out of the house. Ok, well. Maybe they hadn’t seen me. That was the party monster from last night talking and trying to justify my life decisions to me and I agreed with that monster until Siri from Google maps shouted, ‘TURN RIGHT ON XAVIER AVE.’ If I thought they hadn’t seen me before, that just about cleared it up!
Fast forward a few hours after compiling my life back together and remembering the hair extensions I had left were SUPER expensive. Lucky me, the party monster had saved his number as ‘bar kid with brown hair’ which I only knew because my contacts app was still on the page. I can only assume I was mid- realizing I had put his cell number into ‘fax number’ and opted out of fixing the problem because as I mentioned before, I’m a party monster.
So, to conclude this story of THE worst one night encounter ever, my text to him was as follows: ‘Hey I left my hair at your house can I come get it? Also, where do you live, again?'”
He Washed Her Clothes For Her?

Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock
“This was a Craigslist hookup when I was 22 just starting to cross dress.
Went over to this guy’s house after texting him for a few days, nice house on the north end of town, he’s 30 and he got with me.
I did not plan on falling asleep there at all. I wake up at 10 in the morning, I’m still wearing my white thigh highs from the night before and my white crop top, no panties. I’m in his bed and he’s not anywhere to be found. I find my belongings and I put my sneakers on and I’m just walking around this dudes house looking for my boy clothes. It’s a 2 bedroom so it’s not like it’s a mansion. He lives alone so the house was really clean which was somehow more frustrating cause it was so much quicker to search every room multiple times for my clothes and wallet.
Around 11 o’clock I notice that my phone is about to die. I start texting my roommate, I’m just gonna come clean to my best friend about my whole lifestyle and all of this stuff and as I’m typing out this confession of me being a sissy and needing a ride home from a hookup, my phone dies. I start crying and I’m just like wandering the house and suddenly I bump into this sliding door I hadn’t noticed before. It’s a freaking laundry room.
My clothes are folded on the dryer. My wallet and keys are placed neatly next to them. I swear I have never felt such sudden and gratifying relief in all of my life.”
Avoiding The Walk Of Shame!

Syda Productions/Shutterstock
“Time to shine on my own embarrassing story.
Went out one night with my friends, and it was a rough one…warp-speed to blackout.
Next morning I wake up with a POUNDING headache and the spins (yes, the next morning…). I realized the ceiling fan wasn’t mine, got scared and looked around, and there was this woman. I kind of recognized her, but couldn’t place where.
She asks me if I remember anything and I’m honest, I don’t, but because I know I know her from somewhere, I don’t ask her name or go too far into the lie. I tell her that I need to get out to take care of my puppy, and she offers me a ride (Score! No walk of shame).
She asks me if I want to shower with her, I say yes, and this is where it all goes downhill.
Enter super dehydrated and low blood sugar me into a sauna, and I am not feeling well. After about 30s I pass out and headbutt her on the way down. She pulls me out so I don’t drown, and I wake up on her living room carpet. She’s feeding me watermelon and trying to help me out. I ask her to take me home immediately…
On the way home, maybe 5 miles from my house, I scream, ‘Pull over!!!’ She luckily listened and I exploded every bit of watermelon goodness on the highway.
Took a bit for me to wrap up, she took me home. I’m still confused how she knows so much about me. Get home she says, ‘Can’t wait for our date tomorrow night!’
That’s where it all floods back in. This was my tinder date from the night before… I texted her while drinking and she obliged.
So I’m the worst thing that happened the night after.”
Running Three Miles Afterwards?

“OK a long one and it happened a long time ago, like mid-Eighties
When I was based at York in the early days of my army career we went to Scarborough (a nearby seaside town) to do our annual tests (Basic fitness Test, First Aid, NBC). We were going to spend three days at the Territorial Army base.
The first night that we were there we were allowed off base, it was out of the summer season and we hadn’t expected to be allowed out. Between me and my mate Ian we had a fever. So out on the town, we went.
We were out late, after 9 pm, and we went down the hill to the town centre. We went to a bar and met some girls, told how we were there on exercise and basically ended up having a good night, including them paying for us to go to the nightclub.
So, we got back to their place, a B&B somewhere in Scarborough pretty out of it. We listened to some music paired off and went to bed, I wasn’t picky sober, but after a few drinks, I was worse. I woke in the morning looked over and saw, well her makeup had spread from her eyes so she looked like a panda. I tried really really carefully to move my arm from under her head without waking her as Ian bowled in the room and shouted: ‘Morning BFT in half an hour!’ He then left the room laughing, laughing a lot.
So I dressed came down the stairs and we left. It was then we realized we had no idea where we were.
So, thinking…….ah the sea is on our right and when we went into town it was on the left so we ran down the hill found the middle of town and ran back up the other side. It is a huge steep hill both ways.
As we ran into the barrack people were coming out in PT kit ready for the run. So we dashed in got changed and came out pretty much as our names came up for roll call. We then had our BFT. Which is a 1.5 mile squatted run followed by a 1.5 mile run in best time but a max of 10 minutes 30 seconds. I think I took 10:29.5.”
Couldn’t Make It To The Bathroom?

Beyond Time/Shutterstock
“It was after a Halloween party one night in college.
I went home with a girl back to her place, my buddy who was with was completely out of it, so he came with to pass out on her couch. I woke up at about 5 in the morning to him at the foot of the bed peeing on it and on our feet. I said ‘Uhhh…what the heck?’ and kicked him in the leg, to which he just sort of turned and continued to pee on the floor. He then crawls into bed on the other side of her.
She was still passed out, so I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t get him to wake up so I thought I’d try to just fall back asleep and if she woke up, I’d act just as surprised as she was.
I tried curling up into a ball to fall back asleep, but with the foot of the bed covered in pee, him sleeping on the other side of her and me being tall, it didn’t happen. I pretty much laid there for a good hour or two. The other guy was my ride so I couldn’t just get up and leave either.
He eventually woke up. After peeing himself again in her bed, he looked at me and said, ‘What happened?’ I was like dude you peed everywhere.
He got up and went back to the couch, and she woke up pretty much right after. I was pretending to be asleep, and she felt the wetness around her, and ‘woke me up’ confused as ever… I played dumb as best as I could. She was putting her nose into it and everything trying to smell what it was, and since my friend had a lot to drink. it didn’t have really any odor. She was questioning if her cat peed or what had happened, and I just acted as confused as could be as well.
I felt bad, but couldn’t tell her the truth as we kind of knew each other and had some mutual friends. My friend and I left pretty quickly after. He was super embarrassed around me for awhile after.”
The Whole Hotel Knew About It

“So last summer I worked on Vancouver island in Canada in a tiny town with a population of maybe 3,000 people. I worked as a server at a resort where I had staff accommodation. The resort I worked at was next to two other resorts that had a similar layout with the staff accommodation hidden behind the hotel cabins. I had just recently moved into the staff accommodation from a different house so I guess I was adjusting to finding it.
Anyways one of my new work friends and I decide to go have fun and head into town to one of a couple of watering holes available. We have about 8 cold ones each before we go in and follow those up with another 3 shots. I guess I thought a particular guy was sort of cute at this point in the night so I tapped him on the shoulder and smiled and nothing more? I guess these were my tactics.
Anyways the last thing I remember from the bar was being stuck outside due to me having one too many drinks and the bouncers who knew me, kicking me out. I found myself sitting on the bar step and making eye contact with the guy from earlier on and I remember saying, ‘Let’s get in a cab and go on an adventure.’. For some reason, he agreed. We hadn’t even exchanged names.
So the cab driver lets us off at what I think is my staff accommodation. I remember thinking that it didn’t really look right at all but that it must be my house. The guy follows me inside and we find an empty bedroom.
At this point, I blacked out and didn’t black back in until a couple hours later when I woke up in this bed with this guy not remembering anything. I asked him if we had done it and he said we had. I was very confused. I got up to go to the bathroom which also seemed weird and then mid pee a girl – not my roommate – opened the door and screamed and I also screamed. Apparently, I was in her house and she wanted me to leave. I remember asking to stay the night and she said definitely not.
So I got my new friend and left and instead of walking next door where my house was my new friend convinced me that I didn’t know where I lived – partly true – and that we should go to where he was staying in town. So he and I walked to town which was 7 km and the most horrifically long walk ever. When we got to town I was excited about a comfy bed.
What I got was him and his two Australian friends sharing a camper van. If you think cramming 4 of us into the van was a stretch…it was.
Anywho the next morning the guys all laughed and then drove me home. Unfortunately, for me, my boss pulled me aside the next day at work and asked me why I had broken into the next resort’s staff accommodation. Apparently, the whole hotel had found out about it.
Awkward work day for me. The end!”
Mom And Dad’s Surprise Visit!

“College days – run into someone I’ve had my eye for a while, we proceed to drink half the lagar in town. We stumble back to my place – an old house in the student ghetto that five of us had rented. I had the only bedroom downstairs which means I had to occasionally answer the door.
At this point, I should mention my mother’s sister was the head librarian at my university.
Anyway, someone starts banging on the door around 9 a.m. This keeps up for a while so I get annoyed and hop out of bed, leaving my new friend waking up and asking what he eff? while I went to see what was going on. I open the door and there are Mom and Dad, who had gone to the beach for the week and had stopped in town on the way back to spend Saturday night with her sister.
So I’m standing there with no clothes on and my mouth open. Mom, trying to salvage the situation, says, ‘Oh, I’ve always wanted to see your place’ and barges right past me. Meanwhile, the woman had gotten up and gone to the bathroom to pee. She’s in there with the door ajar asking to borrow a toothbrush.
Mom comes skidding to a complete halt and as I’m trying to get the situation under control, out of the bathroom comes Susan (for that was her name, I should get points for remembering). She and Mom are standing there staring at each other with eyes wide open when Dad, aka Mr. Smooth, says, ‘We came by to take you out for breakfast, would your friend like to join us?’
And the four of us went out to breakfast. As they were leaving Mom said: ‘We’ll never speak of this again’ but Dad, after he had shut Mom’s door, smiled and said: ‘If you think I’m going to let you live this down, you’re mistaken.'”