Interviews can be a tricky and some people are better at it than others. However, these interviews would make anyone cringe at just how awkward they truly were.
(Content has been edited for clarity.)
They Were A Bit TOO Ready To Show Off Their Strength
“I interviewed for a florist position as a teenager. I’m quite small and so the owner kept telling me I’d struggle to lift the buckets filled with water and flowers.
He then gave me a tour and showed me the storeroom, and he told me to pick up a bucket to get an idea of how heavy it was.
Since he had kept going on about it, I severely overestimated how heavy the bucket would be and basically flung it above my head and drenched us both in icy water and flowers.
I didn’t get the job. I don’t think it was because of the bucket though. He told me he would arrange a trial for me the next week but seemed super spacey. He called me the wrong name about 5 times during the interview so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just…forgot he wanted to hire someone.”
They Had A Unique Audience During Their Interview
“I interviewed at Domino’s when I was in high school.
I went in, and they said we’d do the interview at the picnic table behind the store…so we go out. Then as we start, everyone else working just came back and stood around watching the interview. There were zero pizzas attended to. It was definitely weird interviewing with an audience.
I didn’t get the job. I ended up working at the Arby’s across the street after a far more normal interview. Just me and the bearded female manager of the store. Got to eat a ton of ‘roast beef’ though so I enjoyed it.”
This Manager Didn’t Like To Play Games
“I was kept waiting for an hour because the department head was on a lunch break. The company scheduled the appointment, so this was not a good start. I was about to walk out when they called me in (nobody else was there but me).
‘Why do you want to work here?’ the hiring manager asked.
You can’t really say for the money so I said, ‘I like the work etc,’ and to close off I said, ‘I heard it was a fun place to work.’
‘Do you think this is a playground?’ she replied. ‘That you’ll be able to slack off?’ This went on for about a minute and she kept getting louder. I stood up, laughed and left. No wonder they are constantly looking for new people.”
They Treated The Interview Like An Audition
“I went in and the company had decided to try out a new group interview process where we all had to act out a few scenes that involved customer service. I was there for nearly two hours waiting on everyone to finish…
This was for an $11 an hour cashier job.”
He Played Both The Good Cop And The Bad Cop, Which Made Him Look Like A Maniac
“When I was in college, I applied at Hot Topic because it seemed like one of the best options job-wise for my personality in the small Tennessee town where I went to school. I turned in the application, got an interview slot for the next day, and when I asked the girl who took my application (but wouldn’t do the interview) what kind of attire would be appropriate for the interview, she said just to show up in whatever because they had no dress code. Cool.
Next day I show up in business casual — tailored slacks, nice blouse, kitten heels. After a quick introduction, the manager (who was maybe 25 to my 20) immediately comments on my clothes.
I couldn’t believe what she said to me!