If you ever find yourself in the position of second-guessing anything you are about to do you probably shouldn't do it. Why? Because as cliche as it sounds, whatever you do can really change someone's life forever.
(Content has been edited for clarity).
A Slip Of The Tongue
“I was complaining to a buddy about this girl that had a stalker-ish crush on me. She would wait for me outside my dorm room and come in unannounced when the door was unlocked. So my friend sat and listened to me talk for a while about how this girl was obsessed with me and how I just had no interest in her. I later found out that my friend was secretly in love with this girl and desperately trying to get her attention.
I started dating someone else and she lost interest in me. The friend never hooked up with her; he was socially awkward and not good looking, and all around a mess up with women. He ended up dating this odd girl who kept him on a tight leash, and we drifted apart because of her.”
‘They Never Came Back’
“I was playing a show with my band, opening up for another band who was on the verge of breaking and was gracious enough to let us on their bill. They had a few notable people from record labels come out to the venue that night, who were seated right by the stage.
As I was setting my guitar rig up for our set, I accidentally knocked over a mic stand from the stage that fell onto the table that the record executives were sitting at, which led to their drinks being knocked over and spilled all over them. I wanted to apologize and buy them drinks, but right as that happened, the lead singer of our band began to play the first song. From the corner of my eye, I could see them getting up to leave and they never came back.”
‘Just Press CTRL-G’
“We had an employee whose entire job was to manage a spreadsheet. To help her out, I wrote a massive Excel macro that did her eight hours of work in 30 seconds. By ‘entire job’ I mean every day. I replaced all of her responsibilities with the push of the keys ‘ctrl-G.’
Instead of finding something for her to do, the boss fired her, and I got employee of the month honors and a $750 award for saving the company money by eliminating her position.”
‘I Was Tired Driving On Night’
“I was young. My wife was home pregnant with our first child, and I was out late one evening getting her a drink from Sonic. I should say at the time, I was working a full-time job and going to school at night, so I was tired. It was after 10 p.m., and I was waiting on traffic in a median to pull into the fast food place. I thought all of the traffic had gone past so I started to make my turn, but I ended up making a terrible, fatal decision.