Have you ever had that moment, where finally you roll around to doing something and you think, “Why the heck didn’t I start this sooner?” Well, these people have, and they’re here to share it with you.
Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you would like to read more stories like these, be sure to check out the source link at the end of this article. Comments have been edited for clarity.
Prepping my day the night before. I pick out my outfit, make sure my lunch is packed, have my breakfast ready, and make sure I take the things I need for the day, (letters to be delivered, shopping list, etc.) I am not a morning person, so I make sure I can do my mornings with as little effort as possible.
Alternatively, getting up two hours before you actually have to. It’s really nice having enough free time in the morning to play some video games, watch a few episodes of your favorite show, or go somewhere for breakfast.
It makes going to bed easier too, because you know that you’ll have some time to goof off after you get up.
The only hard part is that it requires the discipline to go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early.
Cloirr & TedTheViking
I used to have horrible skin through out most of my life, no matter the face wash I used I had painfully red pimples and like those aggrivated ones that sort of form like a mount Olympus on my cheeks and for head. So my confidence was non existent, and the majority of the day all I did was hide my face from people and try to find different ways to cover it up. All it took was, rather than using my hands, I swapped over to a wash cloth with deep cleaning facial soap. It was rough at first, and hurt, because my skin was always sensitive from the acne. But now, I literally rarely ever get break outs anymore, the extra exfoliant from the texture of the handtowel must’ve worked in the soap more. Sounds simple, but it was like a breakthrough for me.
I learned to draw in five days using a book called “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”, because it was referenced in some TedTalk, and on the first day I was copying mediaeval woodcuts in almost exact detail. It also made my friends say, “Holy crap, why didn’t you start doing this sooner?”
I was putting down over 3 pints of whiskey per day. I went to detox and I’m so glad I did. I didn’t realize just how badly it was affecting multiple aspects of my life. I haven’t had a drink in over three weeks. Lost a few pounds, too.
I was super in love with this girl from high school, but I was too shy to tell her. I always thought, “Now’s not the best time” or, “Maybe she’ll reject me” or whatever. There were a million excuses and I fed into every one of them. We got older and moved away to different cities for university, then eventually stayed in those cities for work. We talked occasionally online, and whenever we were in each others’ cities or back in our home town, we would meet up. Being with her was the most natural, comforting, exhilarating feeling I’ve ever had. I’m sure if you’ve ever met a perfect match you’ll know the feeling.
Anyway, I didn’t tell her how I felt. And one morning, I got a call from her mother to tell me that she had suddenly died in a car crash. Her mother said, “I just have to tell you one thing, and I know she was shy, but she would have wanted you to know that she was so in love with you.”
That was 10 years ago, and I still think about her every day. How it could have been different. How I regret not telling her. There are so many regrets I have around that. Now, I tell everyone how I feel. I tell my friends and family that I love them all the time. I tell people how much they mean to me, because you really never know.
Wearing contacts.
I know some folks’ eyes don’t like them, but looking around for the first time without glasses and being able to see the other side of Costco was some Bible-miracle level greatness.
Plus, no smudges. Screw you, “anti-glare coating.”
When I realized not giving a lick about what people think of you made things so, so much simpler and clearer.
Buying quality stuff, even if it hurts my thrifty heart. Quality sheets last longer, quality pots work better, quality appliances don’t muck up as much, etcetera. Important to note that quality isn’t always the most expensive option.
Also, mangos. I had a mango today. Why didn’t I have mangos sooner?!
Checking my bank account and finances regularly. I used to just avoid it like it would go away or something. Saving and spending wisely are much easier when you are on top of your finances.
My first therapy session. I’m 31, and thought therapy was for people with “serious” problems, and that I just needed to toughen up. Turns out, any problem that prevents you from feeling happy or fulfilled is a serious problem.
Going to college for the first time. I’m 45 years old.
I am currently working on getting my AA in medical laboratory science, with my later goal as getting a master’s. Right now, I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa (honors society for 2 year colleges), and just made the Dean’s list.
If you’re wondering, the reason it took me so long is I had some problems in high school. I was bright, and I could have passed easily, but I had anxiety and social issues which would manifest themselves as physical, and missed a lot of school because of it, which means I failed a lot. Right out of high school I got involved with (and later married), an emotionally abusive man who didn’t want me to exceed at anything, just work so I could support him. Every time I mentioned going to school, it became a big fat “no”. One divorce 9 years later, and another boyfriend who could never get his act together, which means I was the main breadwinner, and I was still stuck. Then, I met and married my current husband, and he was the support I needed to be able to finally continue on to college.
Living on my own. I’ve always been one of those people that has gone from one serious relationship to another. Then I got my own flat and a lot of things fell into place for me.
Sometimes I wake up, make breakfast and find myself smiling at how calm I feel. There’s just something so freeing to not having to deal with anyone but yourself, after an adulthood of running after other people’s needs.
I want to live on my own for a few more years, now, before deciding if I want to move in with someone. This is huge for me, as I’m normally engaged and codependent.
It feels good.
Taking college seriously.
Wearing earplugs to concerts and raves.
Biking to school. I now use this time to listen to music and wake up.
Counting calories. It was amazing to see how many absentminded calories I consumed on things I didn’t even really like, and how easy it was to piece together tasty, simple meals that were under my goal. In a strange way, it felt kind of like learning to read.
I came home from a hard days work in the hot summer outdoors. Said to brother/roommate, “I’m gonna go take a shower,” and he said, “Cool,” and handed me an ice cold beer from the fridge.
I looked at him like, “What?”
He said, “Go on, now.”
“In the shower?” I said.
He nodded.
Changed. My. Life.
Saving for retirement/investment.
Using make up/cosmetics. I’m a guy with a pretty bad skin, but I always thought I would be judged hard, so I was afraid to even ask my mom for help. Until a few weeks ago, she said that just something as simple as tonic and a BB/CC cream could help a lot. So I started using them, and my skin has been getting much better.
I just wish I started doing it like 5 years ago, when my skin started getting bad with all the puberty stuff. I was extremely self conscious because of it in high school.
Now, I don’t care what people think. It’s not fair that most people think it’s only acceptable for women to use cosmetics.
Drinking more water during the day. It’s amazing how much of difference staying hydrated makes.
I always thought it was a hocus pocus hippie thing, then I read some science about it and started trying it. It changed my whole outlook on life.
Now I’ve noticed I can focus way better on my academic studies for long periods of time, negative thoughts bother me less, and my existential fear of dying has almost disappeared.
I just wish I’d started doing it years ago instead of skeptically dismissing the entire practice.
Ending unfulfilling friendships.
Honestly, I hate that I waited so long to start putting chocolate chips on my pancakes. They’re just better that way.
As a lady, switching to men’s razors.
I am never, ever, going back.
Note: Some men seem to have had the opposite experience prefer women’s razors. And many people say safety razors are even better. However, it’s silly that we all can’t just try out the different types of razors and find the one that suits our hair / skin type the best. Instead, we’re fed these lies about “men” and “women”‘s razors.
Not procrastinating.
My life changed for the better in so many ways when I made the decision to stop putting things off and grab the bull by the horns.
The dentist always asked me how often I flossed, and I would lie. Then, my gums would bleed from him vigorously flossing them for me. I soon learned how to properly floss, and how to remove any gunk in my teeth. To this day, my teeth always look perfect!
Saving money. If you just have a separate account where you can dump a little bit of money out of each paycheck, it’s pretty easy to save.
I quit smoking cigarettes 2 years ago and I’ve honestly never felt better about myself.
No more feeling like death in the morning. No more standing in the cold or rain to have a smoke. Plus, I have so much extra money to spend on beer now.