Parents often have a hard time controlling their kids in restaurants, but these parents didn't even try. Instead, they egged on their progeny's bad behavior, which caused the staff untold headaches and drama. These parents ought to be put in time out for what they let their kids do!
(Content has been edited for clarity)
“Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes”
I froze. I saw it all happen. I was at this family’s table. And the dad, this crazy sucker…he was in the middle of asking me a question about the food in my hands when the kid bashed in his face. The dad looked over at him, then back at me, then he jumped up and got in my face to yell at me, ‘WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY KID!?’ It was absolutely insane. After that, it’s all a bit of a blur. One of the adults stayed behind to settle the bill. I’m sure he was ok, and to my knowledge, nothing ever came of it, lawsuits and the like. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
These Soccer Moms Couldn’t Give Two Craps About Their Daughters’ Rudeness
“So a bunch of stupid soccer moms and their stupid soccer daughters from some stupid soccer team came in around lunchtime. There were around 10 girls, between 10-12 years old, and their moms (so 20 total). The moms and girls got separate tables. And let me tell you, these girls acted like a bunch of 3-year-olds. Screaming, swearing, getting fingerprints on the glass, spilling drinks and not cleaning them up, leaving chips all over the table… just being a mess in general. The moms, of course, were just minding their own business, not giving a crap about their daughters’ rude behavior. It took like 15 minutes and three of us to clean up their booth when they left.”
The Baby Was Fine Half The Time, But The Other Half Was A Different Story
“Way back when I waited tables, I had a family of regulars that came in every Sunday after church. About half the time, there were no problems, but the other half, their toddler would throw a tantrum in her high chair and turn into a tornado of eggs, oatmeal, and anything else she could grab.
I honestly couldn’t believe the parents.
They didn’t take the kid outside and just ignored the kicking and screaming, and they didn’t stop the kid from chucking food all over the place. It took a good ten minutes to scrape all the gunk up off the floor after they left, it looked like a bomb went off and you could see the debris circle around the high chair.
I always wanted to strangle the little turd, but eventually, she grew out of it.”
No One Tried To Stop The Baby With A Knife
“A family came in and they had a baby with them, I’m guessing she was a 1-year-old. I had to stop this baby from putting a knife in her mouth, TWICE. The second time I went over, I just took it away. The mom didn’t stop her, the dad didn’t, none of the siblings did. They didn’t say anything when I took the knife away either. I should’ve taken the whole dang baby away.”