‘I’ve been a very bad girl,’ she said, biting her lip. ‘I need to be punished.”Very well,’ he said and installed Windows 10 on her laptop.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
She writhed on the floor, squealing at the extreme pain he had inflicted on her. ‘I thought you said you’d put all your Lego bricks away!’
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
She said she was turned on by men who took risks. So he took the plastic off his iPhone screen.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 14, 2015
‘Remove your clothes,’ she said in a calm, clear voice. ‘Now bend over the table.’He silently obeyed. There was no point arguing with Siri.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
‘Come over,’ she begged. ‘I need you right now!”Just turn it off and on again,’ he sighed. He hated these late night rebooty calls.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
He was very careful during bondage sessions. He always used a safe word that contained upper and lower case letters and at least one number.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
‘So,’ she said, entering his bedroom, ‘This is where the magic happens.”Oh yes,’ he smiled, putting on his Harry Potter glasses and cloak.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
She stared down at him. He was on his hands and knees, panting hard, with his bottom in the air. ‘Still not found your glasses?’ she asked.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 17, 2015
‘So,’ she sighed, panting heavily, ‘Did the earth move for you too?”Of course,’ he said. ‘At 0.2771638 recurring kilometres per second.’
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
Her eyes widened as he placed his Bunsen burner on her dressing table and lit the flame. She loved a man who was experimental in the bedroom
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsOfGray) September 13, 2015
He had a secret foot fetish. He preferred imperial measurements to metric.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 24, 2015
‘Fancy some role play?’ she said, in her nurse’s uniform.’OK’ he said. ‘You see a three-headed dragon. Do you run or use your magic sword?’
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 24, 2015
‘My tastes are very singular,’ he said, stroking her neck and staring deep into her eyes. ‘I’m lactose intolerant and I can’t eat peas.’
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 7, 2015
He was heavily into BDSM – Batman, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek and Mathematics.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 6, 2015
‘Yes!’ he screamed, rigid with pleasure, ‘Oh yes . . that’s it . . right there . . YES!!!’He couldn’t believe NASA had found water on Mars.
50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 28, 2015