(I am a waiter in a high-class restaurant. In my section is a cute couple, and from the looks and blushing, it appears they’re on their first date. Both have several visible piercings, and from what I can see on the young woman, they both have tattoos. They’re talking quietly to each other, not disturbing anyone. I’m called over to a nearby table with a dining couple in their mid-forties.)
Me: “Yes, ma’am, how may I help you?”
Diner: “loudly-‘ “I want that disrespectful couple out!”
(The diner points to the other couple. Both look up.)
Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am. What seems to be the problem?”
Diner: “Look at them! They’re disgusting! That woman shouldn’t be seen in public!”
(I see the young woman’s head go down.)
Diner: “And that man should be ashamed! They’re ruining the entire atmosphere!”
(Now both of the couple are looking at their plates. I can barely hear the young woman mumble to her date.)
Young Woman: “Maybe we should go…”
(Both start to stand. I motion for them to sit. I turn back to the loud diner.)
Me: “Ma’am, I am going to have to ask you and your husband to leave.”
Diner: ‘scoffs’ “What for?!”
Me: “For disturbing the peace, and ‘ruining the atmosphere.’ I will escort you to the door.”
Diner: “You can’t do that!”
Me: “Alright, I’ll go get my manager and have him escort you out.”
(Sure enough, my manager agrees with me and makes the older couple leave.)
Woman: “You’ve just lost your best customers, you heathen!”
(The young couple thank me, and they get 10% off their check for their troubles. They come back every couple of months, requesting me. The last time they came in, there is a decent sized rock on the young woman’s finger.)