1. Location Sevices on apps. Why does Angry Birds need to know where I live?
– tea-life
2. Beauty pageants. Especially child beauty pageants. Jesus Christ those are disturbing as hell.
– hawkeye18
3. Girls pledging virginity to their fathers.
– hells_flower
– kidemkus
5. Networking mannerisms, especially in corporate contexts.
Specifically the skin-crawlingly psychopathic character that people take on, faking smiles and deploying compliments and pretending to like one another in a way that is 100% designed for self benefit.
Has always struck me as gross and creepy in its obvious insincerity.
– ibloomblaum
6. Posting every second of your child’s life on social media. Maybe they don’t want their potty training experience documented and viewable for all time.
– LemmeTasteDatWine
7. The amount of information we give to strangers, and often corporations, on the internet.
– HAWAll
8. Embalming bodies. Taking out the blood, and sealing up the body cavities to make the skin keep long enough for everyone to gawk at.
9. Everyone asking young couples when they are gonna start having unprotected sex so they can have a baby.
– Winter_kills
10. Multi-level marketing companies. They’re obviously scams and some even have this weird cultish-vibe among their members. But they’re still a multi-million dollar industry, many desperate people get into it and are tolerated by the law.
11. Animal mutilation. Ear cropping and tail docking of certain canine breeds for no reason other than to fit a standard. Declawing cats (cutting off the tip of each phalange down to the first joint). Not against other surgeries, like spay/neuter. But in the case of cropping, docking, and declawing, the animals don’t benefit in any way from these procedures and it does hurt them. Source: Veterinary Technician who used to assist these surgeries.
– HillaB
12. The pledge of allegiance in the US. It feels like a brainwashing mechanism for kids.
-PacSan300 3
13. Male nipples are ignored.
Female nipples are treated as vulgar and can’t be shown in public.
– FlatulENTz
14. The weird predatory way that a lot of men treat/perceive women.
I’m not an SJW, but as a ‘guy’s guy’, I have been exposed to a lot of bro-ish chats about women. A lot of guys think of women as this confusing separate species that has to be tricked into having sex with them.
The thing is, I think this actually comes from fears (of humiliation, not feeling accepted, etc), insecurities, and loneliness.
The trick to getting women to like you is to treat them like people.
– Pez_is_a_Dumb_Candy
15. Candidates in the USA accepting money from corporations for their campaigns.
It’s like the system is bribery coated bribery, with a bribery center.
– Caridor
16. The over medication of kids. Not every kid has ADD or ADHD. If kids are sat down to do 8 hours of tedious clerical type of work, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if they start to fidget and daydream. The vast majority of kids aren’t suffering from disorders. They’re suffering from childhood.
– kasahito
17. Filming everyone.
Jesus, I don’t care if it’s perceived social justice, a prank, someone dancing during a concert, something funny, our government, something sexy, a celebrity in a market, a social experiment: give people some privacy.
– koproller
18. The fact that we hoard and mass produce living creatures for consumption. I eat meat, but the reality is disturbing when you really consider it.
– Blu_Phoenix
19. The gap in between the wall and door on most American public restroom stalls
– wormpetrichor
20. The entire garter ritual at weddings. WTF?
– thatswhereimaviking
21. Rubbing pregnant women’s stomachs.
22. Viewing a dead body at a wake.
People gather in a room with a dead body and look at it, even children.
Always creeped me out. Never got the point. Doesn’t seem respectful, but its a cultural norm, so whatever.
– LegendNoJabroni
23. From American society, that it’s ok to place older loved ones in a home and never see them. I know not all people do this, but I’ve worked at these places and a large majority go long periods of time without being visited. It’s just bizarre to me.
– woahhman
24. Horror films: Pretending to kill people to frighten others, deliberately.
– herefromthere
25. Kids dressing up and going from house to house asking strangers for candy with a threat to the homeowner if no candy is provided.
Sitting on an strange old man’s lap and telling him your secret wish of a gift while your parents take pictures.
– vintagedaisy