1. what did a bee say to a other bee?
i love plants
2. why do thiefs want money
they want money because that is thier job and they have to do thier job.
3. How do you get a tissue to dance?
You put a little boogie in it ( DONT TRY THIS AT HOME ANYBODY)
4. what do you call a banana with no eyes
a fshhhh
5. why wolves howl?
because they have no idea what are they doing
6. crocodiles might be vegitarians because when they open their mouths, we could easily put in vegetables!
7. gess how many snakes there are
8. how does lions run faster?
metal legs
9. well well well. your JUST IN TIME
10. What do you find in the forest?
An gremlin
11. Q: who is the disgusting boy band
A: the beatles
12. why did the chiken running around screming
because it needed to use the toilot
13. if you go to the ham contest wat will the man say
you won last year you are not alowed
14. What is the secret ingrediant of a toilot?
15. who is fool in the world?
everyone is
16. what do spys eat instead of mcdonalds?
17. bob:doctor doctor i need a new but.
doctor:what is it bob.
bob:it has a crack in it
doctor:that is normal bob
18. what is funny and has eight legs
a clown
19. What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?
Shut up
20. a man goes to the doctor and said doctor I think I have something stuck in my throught
so the doctor said “lets take a x-ray
(this doctor did not no about spines)
i see the problem a bone is there
21. why do monkeys eat banana
because bananas are not afraid