If You Watch X Backwards, It’s About Y is a meme that reverses the chronology of famous films to “highlight the hilarious or ridiculous aspects of the movie or comment on traditional cinematic and narrative conventions” (KnowYourMeme). Whatever it is, it’s damn funny. Below you’ll find 13 of the very best examples.
If you watch Ghostbusters backwards, its about a group of a**holes who go around unleashing ghosts to scare the crap out of random people.
If you watch the movie `Jaws’ backwards, it’s a movie about a shark that keeps throwing up people until they have to open a beach.
If you watch Benjamin Button backwards, its the normal story of some kid that grows old.
If you watch The Dark Knight in reverse, a clown escapes jail, rebuilds Gotham, negotiates the repair of a barge, builds a hospital as a volunteer nurse, heals people with Anti-Fire, reverting villain Two-Face back into Harvey Dent, removes a pencil from someone’s eye, and thwarts a robbery using a mind control gun stolen from them.
If you watch Fight Club backwards, you see Ed Norton turn from a crazy streetperson into a successful productive member of society.
If you watch The Matrix backwards, Neo gets tired of using his super powers to fight agents, so he jacks into the ship’s computer and sucks all of the kung-fu knowledge out of his brain, and then plugs into the matrix and begins his new life as Mr. Anderson.
A group of Hobbits take a magic ring out of a volcano, and flee home. On their way, a great kingdom deteriorates and it’s king goes into exile, they are joined by several people, who leave them at the half way point. The settle back down in their homeland and go on with their business enjoying parties and waiting for wizards.
If you watch Shrek backwards, its about an insane ogre that kidnaps a mans wife, traps her in a tower, alienates his friends, and then goes to live all alone in a dirty swamp.
If you watch Godzilla backwards, it is about a giant lizard that magically repairs Japan, and moonwalks gracefully into the Pacific Ocean.
If you watch Alice in Wonderland backwards, it’s about a girl coming down off a wicked acid trip.
If you watch Jurassic Park backwards, its about a bunch of dinosaurs that go around throwing up humans. Eventually the humans put them in an amusement park and capture them in eggs.
If you watch Titanic backwards, a huge cruise ship magically comes up out of the water, repairs itself against an iceburg, and travels backwards to Southampton.
If you watch Jeopardy! backwards, it’s a show about rich people paying money for answers to stupid questions.
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