Have you ever found something out about someone you know, that you DEFINITELY weren’t supposed to know about them?
These redditors shared the secrets they found out… and they’re taking them with them to the grave.
A guy I worked with ages ago had to go “back home” frequently to meet with his “old boss.” Whatever, no big deal. Then one time when he came to the bar with us he started being weird, talking about time in prison but wouldn’t divulge why he went. (Restaurant staff don’t always have spot-free records, so nothing too out of the ordinary).
But I got curious, and the internet is my friend… Turns out that his “old boss,” was his parole officer, and he went to jail for possession of child porn and had molested his neighbor’s kids, like all of his neighbors’ kids, and served close to 20 years for it.
I’m all for giving people a second chance, but when he started trying to hang out with a couple of the underage hostesses and one of the servers mentioned he offered to babysit, I felt obligated to bring it up to our GM. He was fired…
Fast forward about 1-2 years, I randomly see him walking into a local drug store. I was on the phone with my mom, waiting to get off the phone with her before I went in. Less than 3 minutes later he comes walking out with a little black girl (he’s white). I don’t know why, but I felt icky instantly. Said I had to go, Hung up on my mom, called 911 and followed him in my car still on the phone with dispatch until an officer caught up and pulled him over.
I never found out what happened, didn’t want to know really, but a friend of mine (who he worked with at another place at the time) said he didn’t show up for work one day and never heard from him again.
Something I would never tell my ex… I always knew the exact moment she fell asleep because she would fart.
I’m in a fantasy football league at work. I was over in the fantasy football subreddit, r/ff, and saw a post that was identical to a question my work buddy asked me that day. Looked at his username and he used his real first name. Checked his user history, and yup, it was him.
Instead of spoiling it with a “Ha, gotcha buddy!” right then and there, I’ve been following his posts and giving him bad advice on drops he should make, and lopsided trades he should specifically make with me.
This all started 2 years ago, and he’s since dropped out of contention and is now a basement dwelling bottom feeder at about 9th or 10th place.
I discovered that my uncle impregnated a woman just after WWII in Germany and he got sent back to the States before the little girl was born. He then married his high school sweetheart and has never acknowledged the German woman and her baby girl, even though she sent many letters (which my grandmother kept). Now his 3 kids, my cousins, have no knowledge of their older sister over in Germany!
One of those porn sidebar ads used a picture of one of my friends.
Found out a friend of mine’s user name on Reddit. Doing some late night stalking, and stumbled upon a story on how her uncle raped her. I imagine her trust with me would be broken if she found out that I knew. She hasn’t told me for a reason.
My mom has a vibrating “toy”. But I don’t actually think she knows what it does and instead uses it on her face (I’ve seen her turn it on and use it to massage a few muscles on her face and neck.) I think if she did, it wouldn’t be sitting right on her nightstand where anyone could see it.
She’s a little old Chinese lady who probably took the words “Personal massager” as a literal translation.
I don’t have the heart to tell her what it is.
My sister’s boyfriend, while a great guy now, was a troubled youth. He grew up with his grandparents as his dad is in prison and his mom is unreliable (drugs). Once when he was a teenager, he was so angry at his grandfather for some reason so he used his toothbrush to clean the toilet.
His grandfather contracted a bacterial infection so bad that he ended up losing all of his teeth and now wears dentures.
I’ll never bring this up to him because he’s a genuinely changed person. I knew him when he was in high school, and he’s nothing like the person he used to be.
Found out a few years ago that a friend’s sister is really his mother, and that his parents are really his grandparents. His real mom was so young that they took the baby in and raised him for their own so as not to spoil her future.
Found out that one of my best friends is an illegal immigrant and is totally unaware of it. Slept over one night, went to grab a drink from the kitchen, and her parents were talking about how they might bring it up to her since she was getting older. The irony is that she frequently talks about how illegal immigrants should immigrate legally, and that it’s unfair her parents had to spend the time and money to get here the right way.
The man I call my dad isn’t really my dad, but someone my mom met shortly after I was born. My mom was raped and that’s how I was conceived. I only found out from a family friend’s son since we are the same age. My parents have never talked to me about it and I’m terrified of bringing it up to them for my mom’s sake.
Found out that my wife hates eggs because that’s basically all they ate for a few months so her parents could afford to splurge on her coming of age ceremony.
I found out my dad won the lottery. He won around $250,000 and has never told me or my brothers. It took some digging to find so I never told anyone because I figure if he hasn’t told his family then he doesn’t want anyone to know.
I discovered that an employee who claimed to be a Yale grad on his resume had never stepped foot on the campus.
He was liked by the boss and some coworkers – so confronting him on this would’ve caused quite a scene.
One of my good friends is HIV positive. I found out through the grape-vine, and immediately understood that I shouldn’t know that about him. I’ve never said anything about it to him, but I’ve made a distinct effort to be more available to him as a friend. I figure if he ever wants to tell me, he will. If not, he could still use some kindness in his life.
My roommate punched himself in the eye and faked being jumped, because his girlfriend was about to break up with him. They are now married.
I found out my grandpa used to sew big pockets into the inside of his jackets so he could more effectively shoplift.
I found out a coworker of mine doesn’t wash her face. Like, ever. She wears makeup every day, but just goes to sleep in it and then touches it up in the morning.
Strange guy started at my job… he told us he was famous from the state he was from, radio show host, this and that. I decided to do some googling… turns out he was taking upskirt photos of underage girls at walmart and got arrested and sentenced to prison. He was fired from the radio show, wife left him and took his millions… and all that happened January 2016… figured he moved to my tiny town to escape all that from his home town.
I’ll never tell my family I know I was a twin. One of my grandmothers got drunk at Christmas and started to talk about it one year when I was a kid. Part of me wants to say she was wrong but the look of horror in some family’s faces before they had me leave to play with cousins always made it stick out. It would explain the lack of baby pictures and why I was baptized really early, like few days old. I don’t know what happened to my twin.
My friend hasn’t told his wife of two years that he and his high school gf had a kid and gave it up for adoption. Immediate family and friends know and his parents told him to tell her before they got married but we don’t think it happened. He has no connections to the kid but it’s the thought that his wife, who I love and have been close with since they’ve been dating, doesn’t know and when she does find out she’s going to feel like a fool because we all knew and didn’t say anything. I’m waiting for it to explode in his face either when they have kids and he tells her, the bio kid looks into his bio parents or its blurted out at a drunken family party.
My friend digs his fingers into American cheese and then tells himself it’s Swiss.
I know one of my friends is in love with me. Or should I say obsessed. I came across a folder in her computer with a bunch of photos and video from us labeled with really romantic words. It explains why she’s always nice to me. I don’t want to tell her because I like the attention and I really have no one that would look at me the way she does.
I saw one of my best friends eating pizza somebody had thrown in a garbage can. I found out a bit later that his dad had lost his job, and his dad, his 2 sisters, and his mom were living on the streets. But he would have died from shame had I told him that I know. But my mom found out from me, and she bought him and his sisters lunch cards for the year, and breakfast cards. The school lunch lady told them that “they won them in a raffle”.
My husband (of 5 years now) used to keep an external hard drive for his computer when we first got together. I wasn’t allowed to have the password to it, but I didn’t mind since he didn’t seem like he hid anything.
Fast forward to a year after our marriage. We’re living in this quiet apartment and in bliss. He was at work (DM for a cleaning company) and asked me to send the schedules for his employees to his email. He kept all of his work stuff on his external so he had to give me his password. He walked me through the files and along the way I spotted several odd files titled something like “how to date,” “how to talk to women,” “get your dream girl,” etc. Weird, right?
Well, after I sent off the email I decided to dig into the files to see what they were. I was pretty shocked to find that they were all old and from around the time we first met. He actually PAID for how to guides to meet women. They were rather in depth explanations of how to behave when you like a woman.
He used EVERY trick in his books to date me and I felt like a complete idiot for not realizing this. I can’t help but laugh about it now, but at the time it was weird! He’s a great man and has a wonderful personality, but I probably would have left if I had known about it while dating. I’m glad I didn’t because he’s the kind of man you don’t meet very often; handsome, sturdy, caring, generous, and faithful.
Had a colleague in my office who was stealing stuff from co-workers. Also stole from me an iPod. I suspected it was him at first because he was seated beside me in office and reacted very suspiciously (overly surprised, overly concerned etc when I told him I lost my ipod).
A few weeks later he stole some shared stationary from the office as well. A few colleagues seated around me reported their stuff being stolen too. My suspicions came to past when I saw him using one of the items reported missing (a unique coloured watch).
Didn’t want to confront him as it would ruin our friendship. So I stole his iPad.
A girl from work and I have the same shift, so we start hanging out. We’re both in relationships, so we become pretty good friends, no sexual tension, more akin to bros.
One night, I decide to do a search for her steam name, and a reddit account comes up. I find out that only recently she transitioned from Male to Female, including pictures.
I think the thing that shocked me the most was putting all of the conversations we’d had in the proper context. I would never tell her I know, because she has not deemed to share that info, and who am I to make that decision for her?
Found out my mom had a lot of abortions. So basically after I was born my mom was like “Screw this.” Believe she had about 5-6 abortions? Being a only child, it sucks that I could have had siblings.
Comments may have been edited for clarity.