Genuinely good people seem to always finish last. I guess the universe is kinda funny that way – but you know what’s even better? Karma (well most of the time).
Interested in reading more stories? You can find the original thread at the end of the article.
I went on a date with a guy I met through my friends (they’re married). It went great we were texting every day. A couple of weeks later, our friends invited us to hang out. After a few drinks, we started playing ‘never have I ever’. It ended up coming out during the game that I’ve never had sex (long story…).
He stopped talking and texting me after that.
I found out a few weeks later that he started sleeping with one of our friends that was over that night. They started dating soon after that and coming over to hang out…
Then my friends mentioned all of us should go bar hopping. It sounded fun so I was sold. Then they said “Actually, would you mind babysitting the kids? You’re responsible and we trust you. Besides, it’s gonna be couples going anyways.”
I learned that day that responsible doesn’t equate to fun.
At least I have a great job and a motorcycle.
I had spent a year building up the confidence of my ex-boyfriend who was extremely insecure. Consistently reinforcing him that he is attractive, smart, worthy of any women’s time, you know, saying stuff a girlfriend should say to their partner.
He left me for the girl he thought he never had a chance with because in his words, “You made me feel like I could do anything I wanted to.”
I just did not realize that involved doing other girls too.
I was voted as President of Student Council in my college and I worked with younger girls who just wanted the title on their resumes and perks.
I kept strict with them and let them know that the council’s money should be for prizes and awesome parties for the students, not expensive trips and rewards for council members. Tuition is expensive enough we should give back as much of that as possible to the students experience.
Well after almost an entire year of fighting with these selfish people, they thought I was being unfair to them and voted me off with a week of my term left, so they could go on one last student paid trip while charging the students for the last activities they put on.
It was crushing and really put bigger politics into prospective for me.
My good friend had horrible breast cancer. During her recovery her “good friend” who was a nurse hung out with and helped with her recovery.
It turns out the “good friend” was having an affair with her husband.
It was first grade and I will never forget it. Our teacher, who up until this point I viewed as a champion of goodness and justice, had to leave the room & told us to sit silently Indian style (yes I’m that old) in front of her chair to wait for her return. I was the only one who did it the entire time she was gone.
Meanwhile, about 8 little jerk boys ran around screeching like hooligans until someone shouted “teachers coming!” and those misbehaving brats lined up in front of me like little angels right before she entered the room. They ALL got lollipops for being in the front row!
I had left some space because I had remembered how the teacher had always laughingly said, “leave a little room for my feet!” Everyone else, myself included got punished. My face burned with rage and I cried but I did not tattle because I knew teacher didn’t like tattletales.
The injustice burns me to this day! And that was the day I learned ‘Life Isn’t Fair’. I was 6.
I dated someone through the end of high school and most of college. We started out completely in love and constantly together and then drifted into… well, let’s just say I thought we were always in love, but looking back, it’s clear we weren’t exactly on the same page.
This guy graduated from college a year before me and invited me to his graduation. I hauled my butt for nearly 2 hours on the subway to the other end of New York City. I didn’t know where his family was sitting and all his friends were in the ceremony so I sat alone for the whole, boring thing.
Afterwards we met up and said hi to his parents, who then went home. I was in college in another city, so I was looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with my boyfriend who I didn’t get to see that often anymore.
We went over to his dorm, where he informed me that he still had to move all his stuff out. Where were all his friends? No where to be seen. Any guy neighbors? None. Family? Gone, obviously. So who was going to help him schlep all those heavy boxes down to his car? Why, his sweet, loving girlfriend, of course.
I don’t remember how long it took, but I was glad when we were finally done. Because it meant I was finally going to enjoy some romantic time with my guy, right? Ha ha, no – silly rabbit.
No sooner did we finish shoving the last box of crap into his car than he said, “Well, thanks for your help. I’m going to go hang out with my friends now.”
“Um, I thought we would be spending some time together, just the two of us?” I spent most of the year 200 miles away, jerk.
“Uh, yeah, no, I want to go see my friends.” The ones he has been hanging out with like every single day. “But you can come too, I guess? If you want to.”
I declined and went home. The penny finally dropped, as they say. I finally understood what he felt for me, which was nothing. Then I spent the next several months solidly kicking myself for being that so naive.
I can’t say my love life has been perfect since then, but at least I know I will never allow someone to take me for granted that way ever again.
I had a close male friend who had a rough breakup with his girlfriend (who cheated on him multiple times). We had always been attracted to each other but timing had never been right. After awhile he asked me out and I told him it might not be a good idea, as he seemed to still be affected by his ex. He waited a few more months and asked again, claiming he was over her.
It was one of the best relationships I’ve ever had. We truly loved and cared for each other and had so much fun together for over a year. We discussed moving in together and our respective families were quite happy for us.
Then his ex moved back to town. Even though she was living with her new significant other, she decided she wanted her ex, my partner, back. And apparently he wanted her back, too. I discovered him cheating, which broke my heart. He claimed he didn’t know what to do because he loved us both, but ultimately chose to be with her.
Now they’re married but unhappy, as she got pregnant by another guy just months after their wedding.
The whole situation still makes me sad still. I can’t even feel the slightest bit of schadenfreude.
After we broke up, we did that cliched thing of missing each other and hooking up a few times in the immediate months post-breakup. He claimed he hadn’t committed to her yet as he told her he wanted to ‘take it slow’ in their reunification.
He said he really struggled with loving two very people at the same time. I know, I should have let him go. I finally put an end to it by taking a job assignment in another country.
I was heartbroken. Gutted, really, but moved on. I don’t miss him and thinking about what happened just makes me feel sad for him, not sad for myself. I’m quite happy where I ended up, as I never would’ve taken the overseas assignment had we been together.
Not-so-fun fact of this debacle: They had invited me to their wedding. What. The. Heck. And no, I didn’t attend.
I had a crush on a guy (who was also a very close friend) whom I would eventually end up dating. I wanted to ask him to prom but I had heard through the grapevine that a mutual friend wanted to ask him to prom as well.
So I called her and asked her if she was intending to ask this guy to prom. She said no and I said “cool, because I’m going to ask him to prom.”
I asked him to prom that week. He told me he had already been asked. By the girl I had spoken to.
It turned into a whole thing. It was extremely dumb and looking back I can laugh now but at the time it was complete b.s.
I told my best friend for life at the time I had feelings for a dude and she encouraged me. The guy and I were already very close but he was socially awkward. We were essentially a couple without the awkward teenager dialogue of “do you want to date?”
Anyway, so I plan this whole thing for us. I made a lunch for us and tell him a day before I was making lunch and that he should to meet me somewhere in the school. Mind you this wasn’t an abnormal gesture, I’d often made lunches for me, my BFF, and him before to share. But this was just for us and I was going to finally have the awkward conversation with him. And by the way, my BFF knew all of this.
So lunch comes, and I’m standing in the hall waiting for the entire lunch period with this nice packed lunch, home made cookies and a handmade gift – the works. He never shows. It turns out, my BFF called him a couple nights before and told him she had always had feelings for him (she didn’t) and had him help her with a project during that lunch period for the entire time.
End of lunch I threw everything away. Later that day I started having friends of hers come up to me saying nasty things about how I was trying to “make a move on her boyfriend” and I was a “ugly” and more Mean Girls type stuff. I was completely confused and just ignored them. The next day I saw them and my BFF saw me in the hall and jumped on him, with an overly expressive public display of affection. But the guy didn’t see me.
Later when I saw him alone, I told him I couldn’t handle being around them for the time being, that it hurt, and I was sorry. We ended up not talking for two years, during which time he moved to a different state and she constantly rubbed the relationship in my face. Years later I found out they broke up when he moved, but she kept me thinking they were still together the whole time. I just ignored her and most of our friend group blacklisted her even though I told them to leave the issue alone and not be mean to her.
She eventually tried to suck up to me and worm her way back into the group, and I was kind to her but kept her at a distance. I figured people already saw her for who she was and any unkindness I put towards her would be a negative reflection on myself.
Anyway, years later the guy and I started talking again, rekindled our friendship and found out we still had feelings for each other. It came out through talking that he had no idea about the things the girl (former BFF) had done and he blamed himself for splitting the group and was confused as to why the girl was always so cold to him and a terrible girlfriend. He came to visit a few times over the years and eventually offered to have me move out to a different state and room with him. I did and six years later we are married and so stupidly happy and in love it makes everyone sick.
I went out to a club with the guy I was dating and my friends (who he didn’t really know).
When it was time to leave we all walked home together and I was staying over at the guys house that night. I was pretty drunk and not feeling great so I decided to go hydrate myself and go to bed.
I was worried about leaving my friend so I asked the guy I was seeing if he could make sure she got home safely as it was late. She only lived 5 minutes up the road and I waited in his bed for over an hour for him to come back, when he eventually did, he went straight to sleep.
I found out a week later that he slept with her whilst I was waiting.
I used to (and still occasionally do) bartend at a dive bar of ill repute. The other bartenders treat the bar like their own personal cooler they: take advantage of the drugs being tossed their way by customers, frequently get too drunk to effectively work, disappear into the stock room to hook up with customers while the bar is still open and of course overcharge customers to pocket the extra cash.
I don’t do any of these things. I don’t do any of the drugs offered to me (for the most part), I stay sober so as to be able to count money and always let drunk customers know when they’ve accidentally given me a $10 bill as a tip when I’m sure they meant to hand me a $1. I have a boyfriend and let the more amorous customers know that I’m faithful and there’s no chance. I try to be a good employee.
I still get regularly blamed for stealing or drinking the liquor at the bar, I guess because everyone else always does and the owners are paranoid.
I had been telling my best friend for months about the huge crush I had on a guy in one of my classes. One day I asked if she would be there when we first hung out so I would be a little more comfortable (she had a class with him too, but neither of us talked to him much).
She brought up the topic of sex and was telling him how she’d slept with “5 1/2” guys and was asking him about his experience. I admitted I’d never kissed anyone. After, he asked if she wanted to go to the soccer game with him while I had to go home. Within the week they were doing the deed and she paraded him around me.
I broke up with my common-law partner of 10 years, gave him $10k to split our debt, and agreed to stay on the mortgage to help him out.
Five years later, I get all of his collections calls, he stopped paying the mortgage, and I have lawyer bills like crazy to go along with the impending foreclosure.
If you ghost on someone you’re a female dog.
If you don’t go ghost and politely message your date that it’s not working out, you get a never ending spew of insults, rape threats, “ur 2 ugly for me anyway” messages completed with bad spelling.
I was infatuated with this guy in my first year of college. He lived on my floor and we hung out and I really wanted to go out with him, but I was too nervous. So one day, I bake a tray of brownies. I make them from scratch, spending hours to impress him with my ‘Man-Catching Baking Skills’.
I bring the brownies to his room, wearing what amounted to a homemaker dress and knocked on the door. “Just a minute,” he shouts. There’s some clambering and rustling, but I make nothing of it, thinking he must be playing video games in his underwear or something.
Turns out, he was rushing to put clothes on because he had a sex worker in his room, and he thought I was an resident advisor coming to investigate the 30 something year old woman he had brought into our dorm.
Long story short, I ate the brownies by myself that night and he never spoke to me again, perhaps out of embarrassment at being caught paying for sex.
I got a B in my freshman year wood shop class because I wouldn’t cut in line to use the machines.
I also wouldn’t protest when anyone else cut in front of me. As a result several of my projects were literally the last ones turned in.
‘Nice’ means ‘spineless’, right?
I have to prove I’m worthy at with my work. My personality is so ‘nice-mom’ that every new frat boy manager who swings through my shop assumes I’m a token and talks down to me.
I watch them walk in and walk out. I make more than them anyway and I tried to help the last dude.
I used to feel like I was finishing last since I don’t get immediate respect like my more imposing co-workers, but after 10 years….I dry my tears with large paychecks.
I was a really supportive girlfriend for 3 years who was happy to hang out just once a week, around his busy schedule of hanging out with his friends and playing xbox. I drove everywhere because he couldn’t be bothered to learn to drive even though his parents bought him a car. I was enthusiastic and gave about 400% more oral sex than he ever reciprocated and that was the limit of it, because of some dead bedroom issue he was struggling with. In return, he never hung out with my friends or did any normal couple stuff like road trips or weekend trips away.
I was in a car crash and he didn’t bother to come over and see if I was ok, because he was busy hanging out with his best friend he hadn’t seen since the day before. I was devastated when we called it quits because I genuinely loved him with my everything and put all of myself into the relationship and he wasn’t a bit bothered by it.
I’m so glad I got out though because I have an amazing boyfriend now who loves me and loves spending time with me. I can’t believe I put up with that crap for so long. My ex is actually a nice person and we’re on friendly terms, I just hope he grows up and becomes less selfish.