Don't you sometimes wish your pet(s) could communicate with you verbally? Yes, so do I. But just because they can't speak human language, doesn't mean they're not affectionate gift-givers!
In order to communicate their sense of kinship and pride with their humans, both canines and felines present them with all sorts of objects from their hunting expedition. Sure, you may be horrified by a dead mouse your sweet kitty just dropped in front of your feet, but that's just fluffy's way of showing love.
Here are the weirdest, funniest and most horrifying gifts that people's pets have presented to them.
Flower power

This cutie brought its human a flower! There must be a picnic spread and a bottle of wine somewhere around …
A tale of love and jealousy

His brother has some amazing hunting skills. Jealous, this little fluffy went outside and caught a leaf for his human.
Smile of the millennium

Dentures! Apparently an elderly couple owned the house before the, and he found their most treasured item. Suits him well!
Genius retriever

This genius retriever knows exactly what to retrieve for her human. Actual food! What a good girl.
The sausage thief

Time to feed the human! this little cutie actually stole the sausage from unknown neighbor’s BBQ. No sign of shame or regret.
The dirt giver

This guy brought his human some dirt. Maybe as a little hint to start a fruitful garden? Let’s stay optimistic here.
Henry the night hunter

This is Henry. He presents his human with a toy mouse every morning to claim an eventful night hunt. How sweet!
Gift the guests ASAP!

This golden has the tendency to gift anyone who comes through the door. She will either bring them her toys, her whole bed, or pick up the guest’s shoes and give it back to them.
A fascination with sponges

This fluffy won’t stop bringing home sponges! She may have a fascination with them. After all, they’re soft and squishy and a useful kitchen item. This kitty sure cares about cleanliness.
A new friend or a gift?

This kitty is not even a year old and has started bringing human strange gifts. What’s next, kitty? a crocodile?
The look in puppy’s face says it all

This happy pup brought his human a baby rabbit in the morning. “Can we keep my new friend?”
The cutest gift ever!
Two beetles are always better than one

The dead frog gift

That memorable night when Paisley decided that human needs more protein, and thus, brought this dead frog right onto human’s bed. What a caring fur baby!
That look of love

This kitty needs attention and approval at any given time. His tactic to win human’s heart is to gift them with as many socks as possible. Or maybe he’s being helpful and returning the missing matches?