It’s always a tragedy when someone dies, but in some very special cases we can’t help but notice the incredible circumstances that led to the inevitable conclusion.
Source at the end of the article
According to a former NYC Medical Examiner: Whats the worst way to die? is a common question. So she tells the story of Sean Doyle.
Around Christmas 2002, Doyle went out drinking with his pal Michael Wright and Wrights girlfriend. As they all walked home, Wright thought Doyle was hitting on his girlfriend, and witnesses later told cops they saw a man getting beaten. He was heard screaming, No, dont break my legs! and another witness said he saw someone throw Doyle down an open manhole.
The drop was 18 feet. At the bottom was a pool of boiling water, from a broken main. Doyle didnt die instantly — in fact, as first responders arrived, he was standing below, reaching up and screaming for help. No paramedic or firefighter could climb down to help — it was 300 degrees in the steam tunnel.
Four hours later, Sean Doyles body was finally recovered. Its temperature was 125 degrees — the medical examiners thought it was likely way higher, but thermometers dont read any higher than that. When Melinek saw the body on her autopsy table, she writes, she thought hed been steamed like a lobster. His entire outer layer of skin had peeled off, and his internal organs were literally cooked.
He otherwise had no broken bones and no head trauma, which meant he was fully conscious as he boiled to death.
Some guys were killed while training in an airplane simulator because a plane crashed into that building.
That is some strong irony right there…
A guy here in the Philippines survived to be over 100 years old and accidentally died because he took a swig from a bottle of paint thinner, mistaking it for gin.
I’ll give it to the people who were killed at the end of WW1 & 2 because news of the ceasefire and surrender hadn’t reached them yet.
A few months ago one of my neighbors was sitting on his truck ready to get out from his garage, for some reason he stopped for a second before getting out. At that exact moment another neighbor, an old lady ducked right behind the truck to pick something up or tie her shoes something like that without realizing the car was about to move. He ran over her not knowing she was there.
He was about 22 and knew her his whole life.
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After the Asiana plane crash landed in San Francisco, this one girl managed to survive the crash… only to be run over and killed by one of the rescue trucks.
William Snyder, of Cincinnati, died in 1854 at the age of just 13 having been killed by being swung around by the heels by a circus clown.
My great grandmother choked on a mint, while in her doctor’s waiting room.
My great grandma was hit by a speeding ambulance. The person inside was a teenage girl with a broken leg. There was no need for them to be speeding.
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A guy in my complex died of a stroke, he probably could have made it to the hospital but some idiot jumped in front of the ambulance as it was on it’s way. That idiot lived, however.
They say that Aeschylus the Ancient Greek Playwright died when an eagle thought his head was a big rock, and dropped a tortoise on it to try break into the shell.
A great-great something of mine was in a train accident. He survived. His mates broke a window to get him out and as he was dragged through the window, a spear of glass went into his heart and killed him.
In 1972, Vera Czermak of Prague decided to commit suicide on learning of her husband’s infidelity. She jumped from her apartment balcony, only to land on her husband who was returning home. She survived as he cushioned her fall, but he was killed by the impact.
Pretty lucky for her, unlucky for him.
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So I attended this house in response to a report of a deceased male in the bedroom. Turns out he was the ex boyfriend of this woman. After a thorough investigation it was concluded that he had planned to break in, get really drunk and overdose on pills so the woman would find him dead in her bedroom. Well he unlucky thing for him was he got so drunk he passed out on a chair with his head tilted down, blocking his airway before he swallowed any pills.
The guy literally died by accident before he could commit suicide.
Janet Parker was the last person to die of small pox. Her office was above a lab which shared an unfiltered air vent. She though she’d just gotten a flu or something but ended up admitted to hospital with the most fatal strain of small pox. The lab had previously been investigated for lack of safety/lack of staff training and the head of the lab lied to WHO about what they were doing.
The second person to successfully go down Niagara Falls which he did in a large steel barrel. Years later, he slipped on an orange peel, broke his leg, got gangrene, and then died.
A careers day talk by a person from Births, Deaths and Marriages told us of the statistic that 8 people a year in UK kill themselves getting out of bed.
We learned of one 35 yr old woman who scrambled so frantically to answer the phone she became tied up in her sheets. When she tried to rush out the bed the sheets caught and she fell hard and broke her neck instantly killing her. I think it was her mother calling too.
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I saw this a few years back on the news. These two girls survived a car crash, made it out of the wreckage and were so happy about it they hugged each other only to be hit by a car. They both died.
Heard a story of a local man who dropped his keys down a sewer grate on side of the road. When he tried to get the keys he got stuck. Happened to be a torrential downpour and he drowned.
About 20 years in Louisville, KY a lady died from a coat hanger going through her head. She was driving with her window down and passed someone mowing their lawn. They hit a coat hanger and it shot out from the lawn mower, through her open window and into her head.
During winter a guy was walking to his front door when a large icicle fell from a tree limb and pieced him through the neck and into his chest cavity.
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Mike Edwards, member of the band “Electric Light Orchestra” died when a half-ton cylindrical hay bale rolled down a hill and into the van that he was driving down the highway at the time.
Dana Brown spent his life in Florida living in a van with his elderly father. He cared for his father and took care of him until he passed away. The whole time, he would surf 6 days a week but would stay “home” on Sundays to observe the Sabbath.
His entire life, his dream was to surf the waves in Huntington Beach, California. Well after his father passed away, he decided the time was finally right and he drove across the country.
He died when he slammed into a pier surfing in Huntington Beach just a few weeks after arriving in California…
A guy with a wife that had a sore neck, refused to take her to a doctor or chiropractor and instead decided to fix her neck himself But he didnt do it with his hands, oh no, he built a wood and rope device that operated very similar to a noose He didnt want his wife to get hurt, so he tested it on himself first and wouldnt you know it? It hanged him and he died.
I hear falling snack machines and soda machines kill more people than sharks… So there’s that.