Don’t know much about Wonder Woman? That’s okay. We’re here to catch you up to speed on the iconic superhero before you head out to the theatres.
1. Origins
The first thing you need to know about Wonder Woman is she is immortal. So, there is a lot to catch up on, but luckily the new film is an origin story. It will show Diana Prince as a child growing up on the island of Themiscyra, which was originally called Paradise Island.
2. My Name Is
Her original name was Suprema, The Wonder Woman, but it was shortened to Wonder Woman when she debuted in All Star Comics in December 1941.
3. Super Power
Wonder Woman is one of the strongest in the DC universe. Her superior strength is on par with Superman, and her other powers include, speed, and agility. She is trained in hand-to-hand combat, and has the ability to talk to animals.
4. Psychological Propaganda
There are a lot of debates around why creator William Marston created Wonder Woman. When asked Dr. Marston simply states, “Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world.”
5. Slow-Mo
The film was shot with a Phantom Red. Why is this important? Well, one of the advantages to using a Phantom Red is it has the ability to really speed up the number of frames per second, which allows for a highly-detailed slow-motion. Brace yourselves to be immersed in some awesome slow-mo fight scenes this summer.
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6. Girls Best Friend
Super fans of the Wonder Woman franchise will be delighted to see Etta Candy, Diana Prince’s best friend, as this is her first live action appearance in forty years. Her last appearance being the final first season episode “Wonder Woman in Hollywood”, of the 1970s television series.
7. Land Of Amazons
You probably already know Wonder Woman is an Amazon woman. Like why are the Amazon’s hidden from mankind? What is there relationship to Zeus and Ares? Don’t worry all this will be explained to you as it is told to a young Diana as she is told the story of the creation story of the Amazons.
8. Fish Out Of Water
Although the film is an origin story, it quickly becomes a fish out of water story as Diana, who is nave and hopeful, is brought through wartime London during 1918.
9. The Toughest Job
Costume Designer Lindy Hemming, who has worked on Harry Potter, Tomb Raider and Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, says this film is the most design-heavy jobs she’s had to do. Not only because of the different era and settings, but director Patty Jenkins insisted the Amazons not just be one race or body type.
10. A New Woman
While we were vaguely introduced to Wonder woman in Batman v Superman as a more mature woman, in her own film she will be a bit more nave and positive.
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11. A Woman’s World
When it came to designing the world of Theyscira director Patty Jenkins and costume designer Lindy Hemming asked themselves one question, “How would women want to live that’s badass?” They decided the Amazons’ would have ripped shoulders and toned legs, emphasized by wrist braces and heeled sandals. When asked about the look Jenkins explained, “As a woman, I want Wonder Woman to fight and look great at the same time. In my opinion, this means she has really long legs.”
12. WonderFu
The fighting style of Wonder Woman is a mix of multiple martial arts styles, that are so unique leading lady Gal Gadot has branded it, “WonderFu”.
13. Patiently Waiting
No doubt Wonder Woman fans have been waiting a while for the release of this film. It has been in development since 1996, when Ivan Reitman was hired to write and direct it. Then it went on to Silver Pictures in January 2001, who approached Todd Alcott to write a script. He was replaced in August 2003 with Laeta Kalogridis. Even Joss Whedon was approached to not only write but also direct the film at one point.
14. Listen To The Music
The score for the film is composed by Rupert-Gregson Williams, who has recently scored for the films The Legend of Tarzan and Hacksaw Ridge.
15. Live Action Debut
Never making an appearance during the 1970s television series, this film marks the live action debut of Wonder Woman’s two enemies, Ares and Doctor Poison.
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16. Homage
During the film, Diana goes under the guise of Steve Trevor’s secretary. This is an homage to an episode of the 1975 Wonder Woman series, where she served as a clerical officer (United States Navy Yeoman, Petty officer, first class) to Steve Trevor.
17. So Many Looks
There were over 8 different Wonder Woman costumes designer for Gal Gadot alone, and 20-30 more were made for her stunt people and stand-ins.
18. Lights, Camera, IMAX?
The film was shot in 35mm, not IMAX.
19. Have We Met?
Comic book fans will notice a minor change in this origin story between Steve Trevor and Diana. In the comics, Steve Trevor and Diana met in the Second World War, but in the film, they meet in the First World War. The reason for the change in World Wars is to highlight Wonder Woman’s immortality and the changes in history that she encounters. It is also a reference to their original origin story, as Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor were originally introduced in All-Star Comics in 1941.
20. Jet Airliner
While the invisible jet has been the target of many jokes since its debut in the early 40s, it was actually created to represent the feminine compliance at the time that women felt they had to rely on to get by in male-dominated workplaces. Why was it invisible? So it wouldnt be shot down by the guns of mans world, of course!
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21. Super Fan
With director Patty Jenkin’s claim to fame being the film Monster, many were worried with what she would bring to the film. Rest assured she has nothing but love for the franchise, siting Richard Donner‘s Superman as one of her main influences. She lists it higher than Star Wars on her list of favourite films.
22. Three’s A Crowd
There are three main antagonists in the film, two of which are humans. The rogue German general Ludendorff and the scarred scientist Dr. Maru. Of course we will have the god of war Ares’ involvement, which Diana believes is responsible for the Great War.
23. Confessions
Not only did William Marsten create Wonder Woman, he is also a trained psychologist, and the inventor of the polygraph. This was the inspiration for one of her weapons, the lasso of truth.
24. L-O-V-E
It’s not fan-fiction, Wonder Woman and Superman are currently dating in the comic books right now, sorry Batman.
25. Bare Back
Despite being large breasted, it’s actually her back that has caused more controversy. The lack of material in her costume will always cause complaints, but despite all angry letters her back will continue to remain bare.
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26. Secretary
She was The Justice Societys Secretary. In a 1942 story, the team of heroes went off to fight the Nazis, but left Wonder Woman behind to reply to their mail and answer the phones.
27. Wonder Woman To The Rescue!
She might have saved DC Comics! During the Second World War, a lot of comparisons were made with Superman and Hitler’s Aryan race. This made parents uncomfortable, so, Superman publisher M.C. Gaines turned to William Marston for assistance to create a female superhero to counter the violence that were in comic books.
28. I’m With Her
Feminists were completely destroyed when Hillary Clinton wasn’t able to secure a seat in the white house. There have been few women to actually run for that office, and did you know Wonder Woman is one of them. First in a comic book written by Marston in 1943, and then again in a cover story in Ms. magazine in 1972.
29. Embarrassing Origins
Although she is now the daughter of Zeus her original origin story has her being made out of clay, and believed to be reborn from the souls of all women who had been abused or killed.
30. She’s Got The Look
How Wonder Woman should look has been the subject of much debate, many fans insisting that Gal Gadot doesn’t have big enough bottom, and breasts to be playing the role of Wonder Woman. She snapped back at the haters by saying, “Wonder Woman is Amazonian, and historically accurate Amazonian women actually had only one breast. They cut off the other one, the better to wield a bow.” Ouch!