Once He Got The Hush Money, He Realized What Was Going On

He tipped me $100 in cash, and told me next time I serve him to never say what I did again, just a simple ‘have a great day.’ I was like, ‘…ok?’ Apparently the second time he dined in, he was actually with his wife and the woman from the previous day was someone else. I guess I didn’t pay too much attention to detail. Then he came back AGAIN the next day with a really young girl. It was then that I realized he was dating women he hired off the internet. He still left me a very generous tip to keep my mouth shut.'”
He Was Astounded At The Amount Of Prejudice He Regularly Encountered

“I’m an American-born Hispanic waiter, and I often encounter overt racism. One time a couple had just got sat when the woman turned to the man and said, ‘Let’s ask him if he can take a picture of us,’ and pointed at me while I was walking through, making sure my section was clean. He replied, ‘He probably doesn’t speak English.’
I finished wiping a table and then walked over and said, in the king’s English, say ‘Hi, my name is xyz and I will be your server tonight. I can start you off with one of our signature drinks, and if you would like I would be more than happy to take your picture for you.’ He did not look happy in the picture.
Another time it wasn’t my section, but I was passing through and this older lady turned to her idiot husband and said, ‘It’s cold in here, ask him if he can turn the heat up,’ to which he replied, ‘He probably doesn’t speak English.’ Sigh.
So I went and got two glasses of water, walked over to them, and placed the glasses on the table slowly while looking at them with a dumb innocent smile. Then before I departed, I stood up straight and in the king’s English said, ‘Hello, my name is xyz, and although I will not be your server tonight, I have brought some water for you and I will request that the management adjust the temperature as well.’ As I was walking away I heard him say, ‘What, how was I supposed to know? He didn’t say anything.’ Wow, am I supposed to wear a shirt that says, ‘I assure you I speak English’ while serving?”
She Was Trapped In A Brutal Situation, But Then Her Server Intervened

About a year ago I was waiting on a couple at Applebees. They were young, probably between 18-20. After interacting with them and walking by a few more times to get to other tables, I got the vibe they were on their first date.
The table across from them was an older gay couple, and they left shortly after the young couple arrived. Then for the rest of the evening, the guy was talking crap on them about how gay people have zero rights, and that they are unnatural and going to be in the underworld for the rest of eternity.
The girl was very visibly uncomfortable and didn’t say much after that. We exchanged looks a few time when I was at the table, so I rushed things along so she could leave. She was very thankful when he went to the bathroom, and she promptly left. That guy was a huge bigot.”
He Couldn’t Make Up His Mind About Dish Temperature, So He Decided To Lose it

“I was waiting tables when a nice family of four came in. The parents ordered a sizzling fajita plate for two. When I bring out the fajitas on the iron skillet plate they were sizzling like they are supposed to be, but apparently, that wasn’t hot enough.
They asked me to go back and make them hotter, so I took them back to the kitchen where the kitchen manager decided to pull out a blow torch (why we needed or had that thing was beyond me). He proceeded to heat the iron skillet up to burning red, then threw the fajitas back on the skillet and sent me back out to the table with them.