If given the opportunity to switch genders for the day, would you? These women sure would, if only to experience what they think is the best part about being a man.
Here are 35 things about the male experience these women are dying to try.
1. Pocket Full Of Sunshine
OH MY GOD POCKETS!! All the clothing has so many functional and practical pockets!
2. Squatter
Peeing outdoors. Squatting in a bush is terrible.
3. Doctor, Doctor
Doctors give you the best treatment instead of “what will be most compatible with pregnancy.” I recently found out my doctor has been giving me a lesser epilepsy medicine “because it’s less likely to cause birth defects” even though I’ve told her dozens of times I will never have children. Her response? “You’re too young to know that.” I’m almost 30.
4. Time Of The Month
No period. Period.
5. I Have To Pee!
Way easier to pee as a guy. Unzip, release, shake twice, return, and zip.
For a woman, the line is always super long, so you go from having the feeling to pee to your eyeballs are floating by the time you reach the front of the line. Then you have to straddle the toilet just to close the door because the contractor thinks that just clearing the toilet rim with the edge of the door is “plenty of space.” Then if you have not peed your pants yet, you have to then simultaneously pull your pants down while holding the door shut because they NEVER lock. While simultaneously hovering over the piss covered seat while having the Niagara Falls flow from between your legs and begging that gravity does not take over. Oh, and toilet paper? Ha! Forget about that!
6. Aging Gracefully
Aging for for a guy tends to be much better of a process than a woman, socially speaking. They are allowed to age gracefully more so than women. Also, men don’t have to answer to a biological clock like women do. I’m 30 and still haven’t found the “calling” to have a child, but to know that I have a pretty small window to plan for it kinda sucks, especially when I consider myself a late bloomer and just started figuring my life out.
7. Judge Me
Being able to make dirty jokes without people judging as much.
8. Lack Of Shaving
Got hairy armpits? fine. Hairy legs? fine. Hairy face? Fine. Yet women have to constantly to keep bodily hair at bay.
9. Discreet But Effective
Being able to pee in public discreetly.
10. PMS
No one says, “You must be PMSing,” when you disagree with them.
11. On The Level
Your hormones are on a pretty even level all month long, once puberty ends. not having to go through menopause. Those hot flashes are annoying.
12. Sprung A Leak
You’re not constantly leaking wet stuff into your underwear, of various colors, every day for the rest of your life.
13. Mr. Dress Up
Guys can outfit-repeat and no one will notice!
Guys: Have a suit/nice dress clothes for a Vegas trip/interview? Switch out 1 item: tie, dress shirt, pants = NEW OUTFIT.
Girls: Gotta buy a new dress and new shoes, or borrow a dress/shoes from a friend who’s the exact same size as you, or wear something from 3 years ago because hopefully no one remembers you wore it (if it’s still in style)!
14. Knowledge Is Power
Being given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to knowledge on technical things (like math and science).
Several studies show that both women and men have an unconscious bias, assuming that men are more qualified and knowledgeable in these areas.
15. Safe Haven
Feeling basically safe in places like parking lots/garages, on trains/buses, and generally walking down city streets.
16. A Quick Suggestion
Not being yelled at from across the street suggestive things when you’re just trying to walk to work.
17. Sanitation Nation
Not having to spend tons of money on bras and sanitary products.
18. Just A Little Bit
Not peeing-a-little when they laugh or sneeze really hard. There’s a lot more muscle and distance between a mans bladder and the opening of the urethra, apparently, so it’s not a problem for them.
19. Just A Girl
People disregarding your opinions just because you’re a girl.
I do robotics, and the team is so awesome and they don’t care about gender. When we go and compete, people are walking around and asking about the robots. Whenever they would come to our table, they would always try and direct their attention to the guys. Even when I try to jump in, it’s like they make it a point to disregard me. I wish I could just say say “Hey, I spent more time than anyone on this!”
20. Marital Status
Not having to declare your marital status in your name. I’m working in a country where every time I introduce myself in a professional capacity I get a “MADAME OU MADEMOISELLE??” with an accompanying eyebrow wiggle. What the fuck, guys. What does being married have to do with anything? And if I reply mademoiselle, I’m automatically treated differently. I’ve just started saying I’m married, thinking that will shut people up, but then the next question I get is about kids… ugh.
21. No More Drama
Bromances. I have a feeling guys’ friendship is more straight forward than women’s.
22. Bearded Lady
Beards. If I were a dude I’d grow a beard. I’d grow as many styles as I could. I’d grow it long and braid it like a Viking.
23. Show Me A Smile
They don’t have to smile all the time. If a guy is not smiling he is mysterious, broody, or deep. If a girl doesn’t smile all the time she’s mean.
24. Cup Size
25. Take A Chance On Me
Employers don’t avoid hiring you because you’re young and “might have children.”
26. What Are You Wearing?
No one asks what you were wearing if you get physically assaulted.
27. Birth Defect
That whole thing about not having to squeeze a watermelon sized, screaming little human out sounds pretty nice actually.
28. Too Many Choices
Not having to choose between a family and a career, and not having to explain your choice to anyone who asks.
29. It’s Raining… Babies
Guys don’t have to go to baby showers.
30. No Shoes, No Shirt
Being able to go in public without a shirt and being socially acceptable while doing so. Even where it is legal for women to be topless, they’re gawked at as being sexual because the nips are exposed. Unfair.
31. Training Day
Upper body strength. I’ve done two years of weight training to do what lots of guys can do with no training.
32. Gossip Folks
Not having to care about every aspect of the personal lives of every other woman you interact with.
33. If The Shoe Fits
You guys have dang nice shoes! I drool over men shoes more than ladies footwear. Practical-looking, simple yet detailed and the soles look like I can walk one round around Earth and not ache/worn out.
34. One Size Fits All
Being able to walk into a store and buy a shirt in a medium, and know that it’s definitely the right size “medium” no matter where you are. Girl sizes make no sense…
35. That’s Not My Name
Being the default. Too often I hear someone say “people” when they’re really referring to men and save the use of “women” for when a group is exclusively women. Women still stand out and are representations of their gender to an extend that it seems like women can’t be people – we’re women first. This is changing, but I wish I could just blend in. Think about movies – think how few women are anything but damsels in distress, mothers, or love interests. We’re hardly ever heroes or play roles unrelated to our gender. We can’t be people because we have to be women first while men ARE people.
The other thing that bugs me is the use of the word, “girl” to mean anyone from age 5 to 50. We don’t have the equivalent to “guy” for the female gender. I understand it may be too formal feeling to call that 25 year old a woman, but she’s not really a girl either. You wouldn’t call a 25 year old man a boy, would you? So, don’t call her a girl.