@anne_theriault tweeted this amazing account of a date in progress that she overheard. Supposedly, there is someone out there for everyone. Now we have to wonder
Watching a couple on what appears to be a terrible first coffee date at the table next to me. Dude is every precious self-involved writer.
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
“I’m writing a screenplay. It’s about this guy who never really feels like he fits in. Like he’s just different”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
“People tell me I look like James Franco.”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
She keeps politely asking him questions. Not once has he asked her about herself. Wait he just asked if she’d ever dated a writer wtf
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
“Writing is really hard. People don’t know that. It involves a lot of introspection, a lot of wrestling with your own demons.”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
He’s now complaining about the “body” of the coffee, telling her he knows a place that doesn’t over-roast their beans.
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
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Girl works for a non-profit. Dude is condescendingly explaining to her why most non-profit models don’t work, he looked into making one once
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Every single thing she mentions he “did that one time, with my buddy” and is now an expert in
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Girl: I actually love cooking Dude: Oh god you should try my puttanesca sauce, my friend who’s a chef says it’s even better than his
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
“A lot of my friends are having kids but I don’t know,” *self-conscious laugh* “I can barely take care of myself let alone a baby.”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Girl has a look of mild panic.
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
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Girl just looked at her phone in feigned surprise. “Oh weird, I have a text from my mom.” I just snorted audibly, turned it into fake cough
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Dude, oblivious: “oh yeah? That’s awesome, I don’t think my mom even knows how to text”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Girl: “yeah, she’s, uh, worried she left her stove on. she’s in a meeting and can’t go home. I’d better go check for her.”
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
Dude: do you want to go and come back? Girl: It’s pretty far. Maybe we can do this again next week? I’ll text you. OUT THE DOOR LIKE A SHOT
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015
He just opened his laptop and started typing. I hope it’s a sad story about his life.
Anne Thriault (@anne_theriault) July 3, 2015