“Women are from Venus and men are from Mars” is a common saying depicts just how much the opposite sex truly understand one another. We are all guilty of making misconceptions. Women generally see men as simple beings incapable of understanding them, and men view women as sensitive and too emotionally complex to fully comprehend. But where to we break this cycle of misconception with communication? Women of Twitter came together with the hashtag #thingsmendontknowaboutwomen to shed light on some of the most common misunderstandings from dress code, rape culture, and sexism to more lighthearted topics like natural bodily functions, pet peeves, and desires. Here’s a look at some of the best tweets we’ve seen!
— Widget & Gizmo 🌈 (@WidgetGizmo) September 14, 2019
Domestic duties aren't a hobby & females aren't born with a burning desire wash undies
You aren't "helping" when you contribute to household duties, you're being an adult
No one should have to choose between cleaning up after a slob or living in filth
“No” does NOT = “yes”
— Elizabeth Joy (@Lyzlydubs) September 16, 2019
“No” does NOT = “convince me”#WhatMenDontKnowAboutWomen
A Women should not have to fix you.
— LUPE⁷ 🌙☀️ (@hobimysuncx) September 7, 2019
A women is not responsible for how YOU handle the breakup.
A Women doesn't owe you shit if you buy her a drink or flowers that was your decision
when a women tells you NO it means no. Not keep trying #WhatMenDontKnowAboutWomen
— TONI TONE (@t0nit0ne) September 7, 2019
Whatever you think about our investigative skills probably doesn’t do our skills justice. A woman can find your ex-girlfriends photo, your current address, the name of your mother, and your blood type, if you give her enough time.
We women take dumps just like y’all. GOOD ones, too. #WhatMenDontKnowAboutWomen pic.twitter.com/Xr6t3XZhDo
— Ish with a Brit (@ishwithabrit) September 14, 2019
When we are mad and are talking about how pissed off we are we do not want you to fix it. We want you to be as annoyed as we are as a form of support. #WhatMenDontKnowAboutWomen pic.twitter.com/xlhzPC8utA
— Dinges (@call_me_dinges) September 7, 2019
Sometimes love, support, and understanding can go a long way! However, some men felt the need to clap back with the hashtag #thingswomendontunderstandaboutmen. Let’s just say I have a feeling that their list is substantially shorter! Check it out and tell us what you think in the comments!